Ordinance 2 The Officers of the University
This Ordinance was adopted by the Council on 5 December 2023
1. General
a) This Ordinance supports Statutes 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 and should be read in conjunction with them.
b) Terms defined in the Statutes will have the same meaning in these Ordinances.
c) Terms defined in Ordinance 13 shall apply to all Ordinances.
d) Appointments of Officers who are University Staff will be made in accordance with this Ordinance, the guiding principles set out in Statute 20 and any Ordinances made in accordance with that Statute.
e) All Officers are expected to uphold the University Values and adhere to the ‘Nolan’ Principles of Public Life and the University’s Behavioural Framework.
f) An Officer may be removed from their post in accordance with the University's HR policies and processes.
2. Officers - Statutory Key Posts
Chancellor | Vice-Chancellor and Warden |
University Secretary |
Chief Financial Officer | |
Function | See Statute 7 | See Statute 8 | See Statute 9 | See Statute 10 |
Role |
To confer degrees at Congregations To support the University in an ambassadorial capacity |
As set out in their role description from time to time | As set out in their role description from time to time | As set out in their role description from time to time |
Accountability | Council | Council* | Council (governance matters) and Vice-Chancellor and Warden (operational matters) | Vice-Chancellor and Warden (except where the Statutes provide for them to be accountable to Council) |
Nominated or Recommended Body | Joint nomination from Council and Senate | Recommendation from a joint committee of Council and Senate, chaired by the Chair or a vice chair of Council, and established for this purpose | Recommendation from a joint committee of Council and Senate, chaired by the Chair or a vice chair of Council, and established for this purpose | Recommendation from a committee of Council chaired by the Chair or a vice chair of Council and established for this purpose |
Appointment Body | Convocation | Council | Council | Council |
Term of Office | A term of up to 5 years | A fixed term of 5 years | No fixed term of office | No fixed term of office |
Re-appointment | No scope for re-appointment | One further term of up to 5 years | n/a | n/a |
Resignation | In writing to the University Secretary | In writing to Council | In writing to Council | In writing to Council |
Body with power to remove after following procedure laid down in these Ordinances | Convocation at the instance of Council | Council | Council | Council |
Interim Officer upon vacancy or inability to perform duties | Vice-Chancellor and Warden | Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Provost | n/a | n/a |
Power to make changes to role or title after following procedure laid down in these Ordinances | Council | Council | Council | Council |
Other |
Honorary position Cannot be held by University staff Installed at a University Congregation |
A Vice-Chancellor and Warden who is also a professor at the University may continue to be a professor when they cease to be Vice-Chancellor and Warden | Role includes acting as secretary for Council and Senate committees and to support the Chair of Council and the Vice-Chancellor and Warden in their governance roles | n/a |
*See Statute 8.2
3. Other Officer Posts agreed by Council
Under Statute 11, Council has determined and established the following other Officer posts in addition to those established under the Statutes: Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Provost, Pro-Vice-Chancellors, Executive Deans of Faculty and Chief Operating Officer.
Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Provost | Pro-Vice -Chancellors | Executive Deans of Faculty | Chief Operating Officer | |
Function |
Supports the Vice-Chancellor and Warden in delivering the University's academic strategy and acts as their deputy. Chief Academic Officer and responsible for the University's academic strategy |
The Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education) is responsible for the delivery of the University's education strategy. The Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research) is responsible for the delivery of the University's research and engagement strategy. The Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Global) is responsible for the delivery of the University's global strategy. The Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Colleges and Student Experience) is responsible for the delivery of the University's wider student experience strategy. The Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion) is responsible for the delivery of the University's equality diversity and inclusion strategy. |
Responsible for the delivery of the University's education strategy in accordance with their relevant approved Faculty plan | Supports the Vice-Chancellor and Warden in delivering the University's operational strategy |
Role | As set out in their role description from time to time | As set out in their role description from time to time | As set out in their role description from time to time | As set out in their role description from time to time |
Establishment of any new Officer Posts | Council on recommendation of or consultation with Senate | Council on recommendation of or consultation with Senate | Council on recommendation of or consultation with Senate | Council |
Ultimate Accountability | Vice-Chancellor and Warden | Vice-Chancellor and Warden | Vice-Chancellor and Warden | Vice-Chancellor and Warden |
Nominating or Recommending Body | Recommendation of joint committee of the Council and the Senate chaired by the Vice-Chancellor and Warden | Recommendation of joint committee of the Council and the Senate chaired by the Vice-Chancellor and Warden | Recommendation of joint committee of the Council and the Senate chaired by the Vice-Chancellor and Warden | Recommendation from a committee of Council chaired by the Vice-Chancellor and Warden |
Appointment Body | Council | Council | Council | Council |
Term of Office | Fixed term of 5 years | One term of up to 5 years | Fixed term of 5 years | No fixed term of office |
Re-appointment | One further term of up to 5 years | One further term of up to 3 years | One further term of up to 3 years | n/a |
Resignation | In writing to the Vice-Chancellor and Warden | In writing to the Vice-Chancellor and Warden | In writing to the Vice-Chancellor and Warden | In writing to the Vice-Chancellor and Warden |
Removing Body | Council in accordance with procedures applicable to University staff | Council in accordance with procedures applicable to University staff | Council in accordance with procedures applicable to University staff | Council in accordance with procedures applicable to University staff |
Changes to role or title | Council on the recommendation of or in consultation with the Senate | Council on the recommendation of or in consultation with the Senate | Council on the recommendation of or in consultation with the Senate | Council |
Other | Vice Chair of the Senate | n/a | n/a | n/a |