Ordinance 6 Boards of Studies
This Ordinance was adopted by the Council on 10 December 2024
1. General
a) This Ordinance supports Statute 15 and should be read in conjunction with it.
b) Terms defined in the Statutes will have the same meaning in these Ordinances.
c) Terms defined in Ordinance 13 shall apply to all Ordinances.
d) The Appendix to this Ordinance forms part of the Ordinances.
2. Assignment of Boards of Studies to a Faculty
Each Board of Studies is assigned to one Faculty by the Senate. The assignments for the time being are:
Faculty | Arts and Humanities | Business | Science | Social Sciences |
Boards of Studies |
Classics and Ancient History English Studies History Modern Languages and Cultures Music Philosophy Theology and Religion |
Accounting Economics Finance Management and Marketing |
Biosciences Chemistry Computer Sciences Earth Sciences Engineering Mathematical Sciences Physics Psychology |
Anthropology Archaeology Education Geography Government and International Affairs Law Sociology Sport and Exercise Sciences |
3. Purpose
The principal purpose of each Board of Studies is to promote the academic advancement of the subject area which it represents and to foster and develop a community of scholars committed to this common endeavour.
4. Responsibilities
A Board of Studies is responsible, on behalf of Council, for:
a) developing and delivering its departmental strategy, plans and policies regarding education and research;
b) acting as an essential forum for the exchange of information between colleagues regarding department and wider University matters;
c) acting as a key stakeholder in the delivery of the overall student experience and enabling issues (i.e. estate, IT, etc.);
d) scrutinising policies developed by the Head of Department, Board of Studies’ officers, Boards of Studies’ sub-committees and others;
e) raising issues to the relevant Faculty Board to inform their strategic reports to the Senate;
f) considering any other matter relating to the teaching and administration of their own subject areas; and
g) making recommendations to the Senate and/or the Council as may be appropriate on matters relevant to its purpose.
5. Obligations
In undertaking their responsibilities a Board of Studies must:
a) comply with, and operate within, the strategies, policies and procedures of the University from time to time;
b) seek approval from the University Executive Committee for its departmental strategy and plans; and
c) determine whether to undertake their activities directly or through sub-committees for departmental level activity.
6. Chair of a Board of Studies
The Chair of a Board of Studies is responsible for:
a) ensuring that all relevant matters are discussed by the Board of Studies and associated committees;
b) ensuring that agreed actions are implemented; and
c) ensuring that the agreed interests and views of the Board of Studies are represented in the University at large, in particular through the University bodies on which the Chair of the Board of Studies is an ex-officio member.
7. Membership of the Board of Studies
Each Board of Studies has the following members:
a) The Board of Studies officers:
- a Chair of the Board of Studies, being ex officio the Head of Department/School;
- a Vice-Chair of the Board of Studies who is nominated by the Chair and approved by the Board of Studies;
- a Secretary of the Board of Studies, being ex officio the Department Manager;
- the Chairs of the Board of Studies Sub-Committees being the Department Research Committee, the Department Education Committee(s) and the Student Voice Committee ex officio; and
- Boards of Studies may choose to have other locally-defined officers on them (e.g. Director of Postgraduate Studies, Director of IT Athena SWAN SAT Chair, EDI Lead) depending on local need.
b) The other ex officio members:
- The Vice-Chancellor and Warden;
- The Executive Faculty Dean of the relevant Faculty.
- All those holding permanent (non-fixed term) Research & Education, Education, and Research Track appointments within the relevant Department / School; and
- Such other ex officio members as may be approved by the Vice-Chancellor and Warden on the nomination of the Executive Faculty Dean of the relevant Faculty.
members under a) and b) to be the ex officio Members of the Board of Studies.
c) Student Members of Boards of Studies
- At least one (and no more than two) representative(s) drawn from each of the undergraduate, taught postgraduate, and research student communities respectively and where applicable (where the Board of Studies offers relevant programmes) appointed from its Student Voice Committee(s) and Research Postgraduate Committees.
d) Appointed Members
i) Subject to paragraphs 11 f) and g) of this Ordinance, such staff as the Executive Faculty Dean of the relevant Faculty may from time to time determine on the recommendation of the Board of Studies. Boards of Studies shall ensure that the following categories of staff (as appropriate to the Department, and at Grades 6 and above) are represented through Appointed Membership:
- Teaching staff not on the Education Track;
- Fixed-term members of staff;
- Practice Track staff;
- Experimental officers (or equivalent);
- Subject to the approval of the Executive Faculty Dean, other categories of teaching/research staff as the Board of Studies may recommend.
ii) One representative from each of the four Professional Services Job Families represented within the department.
8. Requirements of Membership
a) Student Members will not receive papers or engage in discussion on appointments, promotions and matters affecting the personal role of employees of the University, or the admission and academic assessment of students.
b) The number of Appointed Members should be less than 50% of the number of Ex Officio Members of Boards of Studies. Appointed membership is for a period of 3 years with the option for renewal.
c) Boards of Studies shall ensure that recommendations for Appointed Membership are balanced and representative of the categories of staff within the Department and procedures in place support this.
9. Observers
a) The Board of Studies may invite a member (or members) of professional support staff (e.g. a HR Business Partner) to attend meetings of the Board of Studies as required and they shall be observers and not members of the Board of Studies.
b) Observers may speak at Board of Studies meetings on invitation from the Chair (but do not have the right to vote).
10. Appointment processes and rules
a) The Head of Department/Chair of Board of Studies shall be approved by the Senate under delegated authority from Council. Appointments to the Head of Department/Chair of Board of Studies role must use the process set out in the Appendix to this Ordinance.
b) All other Officer roles shall be approved by the relevant Board of Studies which must observe the other rules of appointment set out in the Appendix to this Ordinance.
11. Meetings
a) Each Board of Studies shall meet at least once each term, and as frequently as necessary to oversee appropriately education, research, and strategic university, faculty and departmental matters. The scheduling of meetings should be mindful of the dates of the Senate meetings. This is to ensure that Boards of Studies can, via their Chair of Board of Studies, provide appropriate input to the Senate deliberations. Meetings shall be scheduled to start no earlier than 10am and to finish no later than 4pm to support the attendance of colleagues with caring responsibilities.
b) An agenda and supporting papers for meetings shall be circulated 7 calendar days prior to the meeting.
c) Additional meetings may be called by the relevant Chair of Board of Studies or by written request of not less than one quarter of the Ex Officio Members of the Board of Studies. Notification of meetings should be made not less than seven days in advance. An extraordinary meeting, called at less notice, may be held if requested by at least one third of the Ex Officio Members of the Board of Studies.
d) Meetings can only proceed with a quorum of one third of the Ex Officio Members of the Board of Studies. Members can attend in person or electronically and meetings shall be deemed to take place where the Chair of the Board of Studies is.
e) The Minutes of each meeting should be circulated to all members of the Board of Studies, including the appropriate Faculty Head, once the same have been approved by the Chair of the Board of Studies.
f) Boards of Studies shall conduct their business in a fair, proper, transparent and ethical manner, having regard to the values of the University and following the seven principles of public life set down by the Nolan Committee: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/the-7-principles-of-public-life/the-7-principles-of-public-life--2 )
g) Where more frequent meetings of academic staff are necessary for the smooth running of a Department, a Head of Department may wish to hold departmental staff meetings. Such meetings, when minuted, may make recommendations to the Board of Studies for decision.
12. Recommendations to the Council and the Senate
a) Boards of Studies may make recommendations to the Council and/or the Senate through the appropriate sub-committees of the Council and the Senate regarding any academic activities that come under a Board of Studies' purpose.
Appendix 1 Appointment Processes and Rules
Heads of Department/Chair of Board of Studies
Heads of Department/Chair of Board of Studies would normally be appointed by an internal process as outlined below.
The Head of Department Governance Framework approved by Senate on 18 June 2024 provides additional guidance, including the timing of the process, and when / how external recruitment will be undertaken. The Framework should, therefore, be used in ensuring adherence to the following process.
- The Secretary to the relevant Board of Studies will invite written expressions of interest from all of the Ex Officio Members of the relevant Boards of Studies.
- Expressions of interest should include supporting evidence demonstrating how the individual meets the Head of Department key competencies approved by the Senate and the Council.
- Expressions of interest shall be shared with the Executive Faculty Dean.
- The Executive Faculty Dean shall ensure that the selection process is undertaken and the nomination agreed in light of the appropriate key competencies and that it follows guidance from HR and the University Secretary.
- The Ex Officio Members of the relevant Board of Studies must agree a nomination for consideration by the University Executive Committee.
- Following University Executive Committee comment, nominations will be circulated to the Senate for approval, under delegated authority from Council.
- The agendas of the next Senate/Council meeting will record the Senate’s approval of the nomination and any theme(s) raised in comment.
Paragraphs b-g of the process shall also normally be applied for the re-appointment of an incumbent Head of Department for a further period of time, with more detail available in the Head of Department Governance Framework.
The process for appointing a temporary Head of Department is detailed in the Head of Department Governance Framework.
Other Officers of the Board of Studies
- Appointment to all Officers of the Board of Studies must follow an open and transparent process.
- All roles should have clearly defined role descriptor and person specification with essential and desirable criteria, approved by the Board of Studies, with an open call to all eligible staff.
- Excepting the post of Chair of Board of Studies and Secretary (Department Manager), all Officers are appointed by the Chair and ratified by the Board of Studies.
- In making Officer appointments, the Chair of Board of Studies must respect the University’s commitment to developing a diverse community of staff, including ensuring an appropriate gender balance.