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Staff Induction

At Durham, we are proud of our history and also excited by the future; we are driven to pursue our strategic ambitions. That is why induction, training and development are so important.

Durham University is a diverse organisation and it is important that we help you to find your place and to feel at home from the start. An effective induction ensures that new staff can quickly learn the University's policies, processes and practices, feel at home in their new environment and start to contribute to the University's successes.

Getting the induction process right is the responsibility of all; Heads of Departments / Sections / Colleges, line managers and the new member of staff.

We will also support you to follow a comprehensive local induction process which is led by your home department. During your bespoke local induction, you will meet key colleagues and acquire the day-to-day knowledge needed to get you started effectively in your new role.

As a new member of the academic community, you will also have access to focussed development events and packages, which will cover the key policies, practices, protocols and areas of knowledge required by those who are new to the organisation.

In addition, during your first few months at the University, you will be appointed a mentor who can help support your transition into the University. You will also have the opportunity to be mentored through key stages of your career at Durham.

View our Staff Code of Conduct

Introduction to Durham University Events

The Introduction to Durham University events run bi-annually each academic year in September and March. As a new member of staff you will automatically receive an invitation to book your place on the date nearest to you joining the University.

The event will offer new members of staff to hear from Professor Karen O’Brien, Vice Chancellor and Warden along with members of the University Executive Committee who will discuss the exciting opportunities available and to answer questions staff may have. Alongside this there is a chance to meet and network with other new colleagues.

Benefits and wellbeing fair

In the March event a Benefits and Wellbeing Fair is hosted to highlight the excellent reward package staff members have access to. Stalls include;

  • Cycle2work
  • Employee Assistant Programme
  • Staff Networks

Making a Difference

In September all colleagues across the University are invited to the annual Making a Difference event which is an opportunity to engage in discussions with University Executive Committee (UEC) members and peers around the key areas of focus from the staff survey, and to hear about available resources, activities and benefits that can make a difference to all members of staff. As part of this event there is a university-wide exhibition showcasing the benefits available. If you are attending the welcome event in September you will be signposted on how to attend this event too.


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