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Professor Andrew Parker

Professor in Leadership

Professor in Leadership in the Business School


Andrew Parker is Professor in Leadership at Durham University Business School. He received his PhD (2011) in Sociology from Stanford University, USA. He held posts at the University of Exeter and Grenoble Ecole de Management as well as visiting positions at the University of Kentucky and the University of Melbourne before joining Durham University Business School in 2021.

Andrew’s research uses the lens of social network theory to better understand problem solving processes, relational leadership, knowledge sharing, turnover, performance, and well-being within organizations. He has conducted social network analysis research in over 90 multinational organizations and government agencies.

He has published articles in journals such as Science, Academy of Management Journal, Organization Studies, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management Studies, Organizational Research Methods, Global Strategy Journal, Social Networks, Sloan Management Review, Organizational Dynamics, and California Management Review. He is the co-author of The Hidden Power of Social Networks and co-editor of Networks in the Knowledge Economy. He is also an Associate Editor at Decision Sciences.

He has worked as a consultant for numerous organisations including: Western Digital Corporation, Cisco Systems, Eisai, McKinsey, World Bank, Ernst & Young, Monsanto, Microsoft, Cigna, BP, American Cancer Society, Proctor & Gamble, BAE, Merck, Hewlett Packard, Accenture, Pfizer, Intel, CSC, Westmill Foods, Nexen, Noblis, Eaton, ADP, Ketchum, and Masterfoods.


Andrew Parker is a Professor in Leadership at Durham University Business School. He received his PhD (2011) in Sociology from Stanford University, USA. His research uses the lens of social network theory to better understand problem solving processes, relational leadership, knowledge sharing, turnover, performance, and well-being within organizations. 

Research interests

  • Relational leadership
  • Social networks
  • Knowledge sharing
  • Relational energy


Authored book

Journal Article

Other (Print)

Supervision students

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