Staff profile
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Emeritus Professor in the Business School |
Geoff was Professor of Business Ethics in the Business School from 2004-2020. In his Emeritus position he continues to work on various research projects particularly related to a virtue ethics approach to business organizations. Geoff is a member of the Editorial Boards of Business Ethics Quarterly, Journal of Business Ethics, and Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility.
Geoff teaches sustainability and ethics to MBA students as well as supervising postgraduate dissertations or equivalent.
In addition to his continuing academic work, Geoff is involved in a number of academic- and business-related activities including:
Chair of the Management Committee of the William Leech Research Fund
Chair of Trustees of the JustMoney movement
Mini Biography
Geoff was Professor of Business Ethics in the Business School from 2004-2020. In his Emeritus position he continues to work on various research projects particularly related to a virtue ethics approach to business organizations.
Research interests
- corporate social responsibility
- business ethics
- sustainability
Authored book
Chapter in book
- Moore, G. Re-imagining the morality of management: a modern virtue ethics approach. In H. Harris, G. Wijesinghe, & S. McKenzie (Eds.), The heart of the good institution. Virtue ethics as a framework for responsible management (483-511). (4). Springer Verlag
- Moore, G. (2022). A MacIntyrean Virtue Ethics Perspective on Humanizing Business. In M. Dion, R. E. Freeman, & S. D. Dmytriyev (Eds.), Humanizing Business (33-42). Springer Verlag.
- Moore, G. (2021). CSR and Corporate Character. In T. Maak, N. Pless, M. Orlitzky, & S. Sandhu (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Corporate Social Responsibility (67-77). Routledge.
- Moore, G. (2018). Organizations, character, virtue and the role of professional practices. In D. Carr (Ed.), Cultivating moral character and virtue in professional practice (110-123). Routledge
- Moore, G. (2017). Organizational character and agency. In A. J. G. Sison, G. R. Beabout, & I. Ferrero (Eds.), Handbook of virtue ethics in business management (591-599). Springer Verlag.
- Moore, G. (2016). Corporate agency, character, purpose and the common good. In K. Akrivou, & A. J. G. Sison (Eds.), The challenges of capitalism for virtue ethics and the common good : interdisciplinary perspectives (150-165). Edward Elgar Publishing.
- McConway, M., & Moore, G. (2015). Local fair trade organizations and institutional logics. In L. T. Raynolds, & E. A. Bennett (Eds.), Handbook of research on fair trade (247-264). Edward Elgar Publishing
- Moore, G., & Beadle, R. (2012). MacIntyre on virtue and organization, originally in Organization Studies. In A. Crane, & D. Matten (Eds.), New Directions in Business Ethics (323-340). (3). SAGE Publications
Edited book
- Beadle, R., & Moore, G. (Eds.). (2020). Learning from MacIntyre. Wipf and Stock
- Moore, G. (Ed.). (2010). Fairness in International Trade. Springer Verlag.
Journal Article
- Moore, G. (2024). The Serious Business of Jokes: An Interview with Onno Bouwmeester. Philosophy of Management, 23, 191-196.
- Moore, G. (2022). Virtuous organizations: Desire, consumption and human flourishing in an era of climate change. Frontiers in Sociology, 7, Article 960054.
- Chu, I., & Moore, G. (2020). From Harmony to Conflict: MacIntyrean Virtue Ethics in a Confucian Tradition. Journal of Business Ethics, 165(2), 221-239.
- Moore, G., & Grandy, G. (2017). Bringing morality back in: institutional theory and MacIntyre. Journal of Management Inquiry, 26(2), 146-164.
- Fernando, M., & Moore, G. (2015). MacIntyrean virtue ethics in business : a cross-cultural comparison. Journal of Business Ethics, 132(1), 185-202.
- Moore, G. (2015). Corporate character, corporate virtues. Business ethics (Oxford. Print), 24(S2), S99-S114.
- Moore, G., Beadle, R., & Rowlands, A. (2014). Catholic Social Teaching and the Firm. Crowding in Virtue: a MacIntyrean Approach to Business Ethics. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, 88(4), 779-805.
- Moore, G. (2012). Virtue of governance: the governance of virtue. Business Ethics Quarterly, 22(2), 293-318.
- Moore, G. (2012). Virtue in business: Alliance Boots and an Empirical Exploration of MacIntyre’s conceptual framework,. Organization Studies, 33(3), 363-387.
- Moore, G. (2011). Churches as organisations: towards a virtue ecclesiology for today. International Journal for the Study of the Christian Church, 11(1), 45-65.
- Beadle, R., & Moore, G. (2011). MacIntyre: neo-Aristotelianism and organization theory. Research in the sociology of organizations, 32, 85-121.
- Crane, A., Gilbert, D., Goodpaster, K., Miceli, M., Moore, G., Reynolds, S., Schminke, M., Waddock, S., Weaver, G., & Wicks, A. (2011). Comments on BEQ’s Twentieth Anniversary Forum on New Directions for Business Ethics Research. Business Ethics Quarterly, 21(1), 157-187
- Hou, W., & Moore, G. (2010). Player and Referee Roles Held Jointly: the Effect of State Ownership on China’s Regulatory Enforcement against Fraud. Journal of Business Ethics, 95(2), 317-335.
- Moore, G., Slack, R., & Gibbon, J. (2009). Criteria for Responsible Business Practice in SMEs: An exploratory case of U.K. Fair Trade Organisations. Journal of Business Ethics, 89(2), 173-188.
- Moore, G., & Stueckelberger, C. (2009). Global and contextual values for business in a changing world: Editorial. Journal of Business Ethics, 84(Supplement 3), 279-80.
- Moore, G. (2008). Re-imagining the morality of management: a modern virtue ethics approach. Business Ethics Quarterly, 18(4), 483-511.
- Moore, G., Gibbon, J., & Slack, R. (2006). The mainstreaming of Fair Trade: a macromarketing perspective. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 14(4), 329-352.
- Moore, G. (2006). Managing ethics in higher education: implementing a code or embedding virtue?. Business ethics (Oxford. Print), 15(4), 407-418.
- Moore, G., & Beadle, R. (2006). In search of organizational virtue in business: agents, goods, practices, institutions and environments. Organization Studies, 27(3), 369-389.
- Beadle, R., & Moore, G. (2006). MacIntyre on virtue and organization. Organization Studies, 27(3), 323-340.
- Campbell, D., Moore, G., & Shrives, P. (2006). Cross-sectional effects in community disclosures. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, 19(1), 96-114.
- Moore, G. (2005). Corporate character: modern virtue ethics and the virtuous corporation. Business Ethics Quarterly, 15(4), 659-685.
- Moore, G. (2005). Humanizing business: a modern virtue ethics approach. Business Ethics Quarterly, 15(2), 237-255
- Moore, G. (2004). The Fair Trade movement: parameters, issues and future research. Journal of Business Ethics, 53(1-2), 73-86.
- Moore, G. (2004). Regulatory perspectives on business ethics in the curriculum. Journal of Business Ethics, 54(4), 349-356.
- Campbell, D., Moore, G., & Metzger, M. (2002). Corporate philanthropy in the U.K. 1985-2000: some empirical findings. Journal of Business Ethics, 39(1-2), 29-41.
- Moore, G. (2002). On the implications of the practice-institution distinction: MacIntyre and the application of modern virtue ethics to business. Business Ethics Quarterly, 12(1), 19-32.
- Moore, G. (2001). Corporate social and financial performance: an investigation in the UK supermarket industry. Journal of Business Ethics, 34(3/4), 299-315.
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