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Funded PhD Opportunity – Sustainable & Inclusive Space Innovation for the Cislunar Economy

Durham University Business School invites applications for a funded PhD (UK/Home fees*) opportunity to investigate sustainable and inclusive space innovation for the burgeoning cislunar economy at the Department of Management and Marketing. The studentship offers the opportunity for a motivated candidate to advance structured and rigorous research into the sustainable and inclusive expansion of cislunar activities, including both human and robotic endeavours in space exploration and commercialization.

The project seeks to advance the synthesis of both quantitative and qualitative information and methodologies to support sustainable and inclusive future innovation for the cislunar economy, with the goal to synergize observational and language-based information to strengthen peaceful and responsible space developments. As space activities expand, there are growing demands for stronger co-ordination and understanding of intentions and motivations amongst diverse space actors. The project will have a focus on enhancing effective communications of complex scientific and technical endeavours, with the objective to develop relevant modelling(s) and/or framework(s) to inform policy and impact discussions in this burgeoning domain.

The successful candidate will be supervized by Dr Nikita SW Chiu, Associate Professor in Space Innovation & Technology Governance at Durham University Business School and Durham Space Research Centre. Upon selection, the successful candidate is expected to complete relevant trainings, actively participate in research and networking events, advance and effectively communicate research excellence to ensure impact of the project. A career development plan will be prepared in consultation with the successful candidate, which will include training, potential placement(s)/experience(s) and impact activities. The successful candidate will be an active member of CN2I – Collaborative Network for Inclusive Innovation for Critical Operations, and will have the opportunity to be affiliated with other relevant research centres.

The successful candidate must meet the minimum PhD admission requirements of the Department of Management & Marketing at Durham University Business School. Further details can be found at Essential and desirable requirements for this opportunity include:

  • Strong backgrounds in both quantitative and qualitative researches and methodologies (Essential)
  • Additional language ability beyond English (Desirable)
  • Familiarity with or a willingness to gain competence in the analysis of multilateral and global governance discussions in the domain of cislunar economy, including developments in beyond the Global North. (Desirable)
  • Familiarity with machine learning models, for example, large language model (Desirable)

*This opportunity will cover UK/Home fees. Overseas students who wish to apply would need to be able to finance the balance of the tuition fees. The position will offer a stipend at UKRI rate (currently at £19,237 per year), subject to finalization.

How to Apply 

All details about the application process for PhD Programmes at Durham University Business School can be found here. Prospective applicants will need to submit the following:

(1) a University Postgraduate Application Form

(2) a Cover Letter (2 pages) indicating “SISI Studentship” at the top;

(3) A current CV – max 2 pages;  

(3) Transcripts of past qualifications;  

(4) Two references. 

The deadline for submitting applications to this studentship is 31st March 2025, for a start in Autumn 2025. In the first instance, it is expected that prospective candidates will contact Dr Nikita Chiu – Associate Professor in Space Innovation & Technology Governance ( no later than 16th March 2025 to discuss suitability with the project.

Submit required documents by the deadline stated to: 
PhD in Management and Marketing (, indicating SISI PhD Studentship in the email subject.

If you require further information about the application process, please contact the below:
PhD in Management and Marketing (

We reserve the right to modify the call, re-advertise or extend the closing date for this opportunity.