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Catered Colleges

There are nine Colleges where catering is provided as a standard part of the accommodation offer. There is no self-catered option at these Colleges so this means that if you are allocated to one of these Colleges, you will need to pay for the full catering package.

  • Collingwood College
  • Hatfield College
  • Grey College
  • St Aidan's College
  • St Chad's College*
  • St John's College*
  • St Mary's College
  • Trevelyan College
  • Van Mildert College

*St Chad's College and St John's College are recognised Colleges and their charges and meal times may differ slightly from other catered Colleges.

Self-Catered Colleges

There are five Colleges where self-catering is provided as a standard part of the accommodation offer. There is no catering option at these Colleges. 

  • John Snow College
  • Josephine Butler College
  • South College
  • Stephenson College
  • College of St Hild and St Bede

Catered and Self-Catered Colleges

There are two Colleges where both catered and self-catered accommodation is available. If you are allocated to one of these Colleges you will be able to express a catering preference for the type of accommodation you want. Please be aware that there is no guarantee that your preference will be met, and you may be offered either type of accommodation.

  • St Cuthbert's Society
  • University College


Catered Colleges

There are five Colleges where catering is provided as a standard part of the accommodation offer. There is no self-catered option at these Colleges so this means that if you are allocated to one of these Colleges, you will need to pay for the full catering package.

  • Collingwood College
  • St John's College
  • Trevelyan College
  • Van Mildert College

*St John's College is a recognised College, and their charges and meal times may differ slightly from other catered Colleges.

Self-Catered Colleges

There are eight Colleges where self-catering is provided as a standard part of the accommodation offer. There is no catering option at these Colleges.

  • John Snow College
  • Josephine Butler College
  • South College
  • St Cuthbert's Society
  • Stephenson College
  • University College
  • Ustinov College
  • College of St Hild and St Bede

Catered and Self-Catered Colleges

There are four Colleges where both catered and self-catered accommodation is available. If you are allocated to one of these Colleges you will be able to express a catering preference for the type of accommodation you want. Please be aware that there is no guarantee that your preference will be met, and you may be offered either type of accommodation.

  • Grey College
  • Hatfield College
  • St Chad's College*
  • St Mary's College
  • St Aidan's College

*St Chad's College is a recognised College, and their charges and meal times may differ slightly from other catered Colleges.

Whilst College catering is not provided during undergraduate vacation periods, postgraduate students will have access to supplementary catering facilities in pantries for light meals. In addition, Durham's retail catering outlets remain open during the vacation period selling a variety of hot and cold food.