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Come Home to Hild Bede

a group of students from Hild Bede at a formal

Help Hild Bede Now

Our College is in  period of unprecedented change, challenge and opportunity. In 2025 we relocated to Rushford Court to enable work to take place to restore, refurbish and redevelop our historic home.

We have great new amenities, but not as many as we had before. We have to rent spaces for some clubs and societies and or our formals are on tour in other Colleges. We enter a period when several years of students will not have the experience of our historic home and all that does to support the College community and ethos, our history and traditions. 

We are utterly committed to ensuring all our students have the best experience we can offer. That every club, society, student leader, member of staff, continues to join and belong to a strong, present, rich community that gives them opportunities like no other. 

We need support to protect our community and invest in enhancing it. 

Come Home

People across our amazing community are mobilising to support and carry us through this period of change, unrest, and helping us to seize the opportunities it present. It is you who will help us to ensure things are amazing for students now and to hold onto to our history and traditions. We are excited to be looking to you to be part of that 'big conversation' which is picking up pace right now. We want to offer you opportunities to reconnect and support your College. I want as many of you as are able to come home' to Hild Bede in this, our most significant period of transition in 50 years.

The preservation and championing of the ethos, values and the traditions that help to reflect and embody that, is very much in our, and your hands. 

Donor Campaign

We are launching our largest campaign for support for a generation. We are asking you to help us. If we can secure 1000 donations of £10 per month we will be able to support student leadership, ensure that every student can participate in College life, invest in our community engagement and volunteering and student welfare.

Our campaign will run right through 2025. At the centre, running from the end of March and into April, will be a ‘phone campaign. We aim to reach around 3000 of you via our amazing student team who will be asking if you might consider making a small regular donation to help your College. We will be introducing you to the many ways that you can help us, the activities that need support, the ways that you can direct that to the SRC, Caedmon Trust and the routes by which you might give. 

The ‘phone campaign will be followed by many more engagement opportunities across our events, social and more traditional media.

What we want to achieve

The aim is ambitious, we would like to secure donations totalling 130k a year.  

  • 15K a year to support our Student Leadership project which works with the 100 plus elected reps., and your club and society captains and presidents
  • 30K a year to create a ‘Participation Fund’ to ensure that financial challenge does not prevent any student from joining clubs, societies, activities or events
  • 10K a year to support volunteering outreach activities by College students, clubs and societies
  • 10K to support academic endeavour, study and creativity
  • 5K in order to double the size of our ‘Hardship Fund’ which provides rapid support to students in financial difficulties
  • 25K a year to support the Chaplaincy, Chapel and choir and its work in leading our volunteering outreach activities.
  • 35K a year to support alumni engagement and development

How to give

You can make a donation here. We can promise you that ever penny you give will go to Hild Bede and help us to preserve and enhance the student experience which means so much to us.  

The difference that you can make

If you can find a way to get involved by making a donation through the campaign, you will reach and directly support and enhance the experience of today’s Hild Beders and those who join us the future.

There are stories here waiting to be told by our students now, which we can together give them the means to articulate. Like you, in time, they will be able to look back and know it was their community, the one of which they are becoming a part, that looked after them and made that possible.

Support which enables us to take care of and protect students frees them to flourish in their studies and personal development;  support which we can direct to participation means everyone can be part of the community; support to our student leadership means we can celebrate and recognise their contribution and aid their work to enrich student lives and experience.  By engaging with the wider community, especially through volunteering, we can share the Hild Bede Love and expertise, labour and energy that looks after that wider community and develop the sense of agency for social good in our College.

These are all thing which make Hild Bede the mighty place it is.