George Weeks (Social Sciences, 2003-06)
Toasties were vital to the esprit de corps of Van Mildert College.
Instant gratification between two slices of white bread; a short stagger from the bar and the perfect accompaniment to seven pints of £1.40 Black Sheep.
Accordingly, I approached my toastie making shifts with the gravity of a watchmaker or surgeon. Sausage. Salami. Peppers. Tomatoes. Ham. We sliced them all, but these were small fry compared to the main event: a cubic foot of grated cheddar, ready for the grill. We’d use it all that evening.
Pivoting to the waist-high counter on the bar-facing wall, I preheated the grill, a substantial electric powered beast made from stainless steel, which radiated heat like a brazier.
To make a good toastie is straightforward. To make a great one, when three others are on the grill, is much harder. I never did manage to master the technique of eight-at-a-time toasties; four on the grill at once was my comfortable best, and I had many happy customers.
Generosity with the cheese was always appreciated. It is a delight to do a job that is not only remunerative but also provides a wholly positive public service. In this regard, the toastie shift at Van Mildert remains one of life’s unequivocal high points.
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