Housing Hub
Housing Hub
Finding a house can be a busy and stressful time, but the process shouldn’t leave you feeling unduly pressured.
There’s enough student housing in Durham to meet demand so you don’t need to rush in before you’ve settled in.
We’ve advice on the housing situation in Durham, tips on house hunting, and links to other useful services below.
But we know that accommodation affordability will be an issue for many students, and so below you’ll also find links to the University’s Cost of Living Hub and financial support resources.
Explore Housing Hub resources
What to know when looking for student housing
- Get your bearings before finding your student house. Being a bit flexible over location can help you find the house you want, at the size you need, and at a price you can afford.
- There’s enough student housing. There has been enough accommodation in the city for everyone who wanted it this year, with many properties vacant or under-occupied for the new academic year (24/25). Our analysis suggests that there will be enough housing in Durham to meet demand for 2025/26. Housing supply will see a small increase of up to 1% (in the range of 150-200 bedspaces) for 25/26, and the overall number of students at the University will be similar to 24/25. See here for more information on the analysis.
- Don't rush. You do not need to queue at letting agents outside normal office hours to secure accommodation. And remember, a good agent or landlord will give you time to sign a contract.
Remember, don't rush in before you settle in.
The University will provide support and guidance to all of our students in finding accommodation for next academic year.
Student Lettings Code of Practice
Ready to start thinking about where to live next year? Find out about the Student Lettings Code of Practice.
The University is working with letting agents and landlords in the local area to ensure students' needs are being put first in the letting process. A voluntary Student Lettings Code of Practice has been put in place to support this - to find out more and see a list of letting agents and housing providers who have signed the Code of Practice, click below.
Find out more about the Code of Practice
Living Out of College
If you're planning to live in private student accommodation rather than in your college, check our Living Out of College hub for househunting tips, information on different types of accommodation, housing support, and more.
Helpful Resources
Follow the links below to find key information, advice and support for finding the right student accommodation for you.
Househunting Tips
Helpful tips on how to start looking for accommodation and what to look out for in the househunting process.
Housing support from Durham SU
Helpful guidance from Durham Students' Union on searching for the right home, including contract checking.
Durham SU Find A Housemate Facebook Group
Looking for people to live with or have a spare room to offer in your student house? Check this Facebook group from Durham Students' Union.
Student Money Advice Weekly Drop-In
Drop in to discuss any financial concerns you may have regarding accommodation and get advice from our Student Money Adviser.
Cost of Living Hub
Find advice, support and guidance on everything from managing your money to how to seek additional support if you need it.
Student Support Hub
Explore a variety of resources for managing your health and wellbeing, including financial advice, mental health support and disability support.