Addison Wheeler postdoctoral fellowship recruitment 2022/23
The Institute of Advanced Study has opened the recruitment for the 2022/23 Addison Wheeler postdoctoral fellowship round.
This scheme, is intended to provide early career researchers of outstanding promise with an opportunity to complete an ambitious programme of original research. The scheme is open to applicants of any nationality working in any discipline. A maximum of three fellows will be appointed in the 2022-23 competition. The fellowships are of 36 months’ duration and will commence on 1 October 2023.
To enter the fellowship competition, applicants must first secure the agreement of a Durham academic department/school to host them, and the agreement of an academic staff member within that department/school to act as their mentor. (The scheme guidance notes emphasise the importance of making contact as early as possible and allowing sufficient time for consultation.) Applicants are expected to provide departments with a CV and a detailed outline of a research project that they propose to undertake during the fellowship. Departments/schools make an academic judgement on the basis of these materials as to whether they wish to support the applicant’s candidacy. If invited to proceed, the candidate should submit an application through the Durham University online application system, as described in the ‘Further Particulars’ document.
For the initial, departmental level submission applicants are invited to submit an expression of interest (one page maximum) evidencing against the assessment criteria found here. The EOI should be submitted to by the 5th December at the latest to allow sufficient time for the applications to be reviewed.
The IAS are advertising the recruitment campaign here:
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