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Durham historians to give RHS lectures

Professor Ludmilla Jordanova and Dr Jonathan Saha are to give RHS Lectures this autumn
Small transparent globe resting on a rock with lichen

New article by Dr Tom Hamilton

Dr Tom Hamilton has published a new article with The Historical Journal, entitled 'A sodomy scandal on the eve of the French Wars of Religion'
Judge In Traditional Court Robes Using the Gavel

New article by Durham historian on slavery in California

Dr Kevin Waite has written for The Conversation on how slaves were transported to California and the American West, despite slavery being illegal in those regions

Recent graduate awarded NINE DTP Fellowship

Congratulations to recent graduate, Dr Adrian Browne, on his NINE DTP postdoctoral fellowship award
A man stands over fish, which have been emptied from a fish trap onto the pier. There is water and greenery in the background

Durham historian wins Gladstone Prize 2021

Dr Tom Stammers has been awarded the RHS's Gladstone Prize 2021 for his book on the culture of collecting in post-revolutionary Paris
paintings hanging on a series of vertical mesh racks with other cupboards visible behind

Recent Durham graduate features in History Hack podcast

Dr Ciara Stewart spoke to the History Hack podcast about her work on female political engagement in nineteenth-century Ireland

Dunelm House

Update on Dunelm House, now Grade II listed thanks to the efforts of Adrian Green and others.
Dunelm House

2020/21 Undergraduate Academic Prizewinners Announced

The Department is pleased to announce the winners of our undergraduate academic prizes for this year, including the winners of our new prize for the best dissertation on BAME history
Student congregation ceremony with Durham Cathedral in background

Department Alumni Magazine Published

The latest edition of Symeon focuses on the theme of recovery, as society starts to reopen following the Covid-19 pandemic, with articles ranging from the recovery of earwax to Brexit and the myths of the Second World War
History Department Building

History Colleague wins DSU Annual Award for Student Support

On 17 June, Abby Shovlin's outstanding contribution to student support in History was recognised by Durham Students' Union, as she was announced as the joint winner of this year's 'Student Support' category at the Annual Students' Union Awards 2021.
Students in Kingsgate Bar

Durham Historian Co-Hosts BBC Radio 3 Podcast on Climate Change

Dr Eleanor Rosamund Barraclough co-hosted the episode, which investigated the role of arts and humanities subjects in contributing to efforts to prevent climate change
A large piece of ice drops into the sea as it melts

Research Assistant - Recruiting

We are pleased to announce that we are current recruiting a PhD student to assist in a research project on petitions to the House of Commons (1829-31) being run by Prof Richard Huzzey and Dr Henry Miller
London and Houses of Parliament