Call for Papers – Covid-19 Public Law Analysis Sections

The Editorial Committee of Public Law welcomes submissions to the journal’s ‘analysis’ section dealing with issues relating to the public law dimensions of the current Covid-19 pandemic.
Call for Papers:
The Editorial Committee of Public Law welcomes submissions to the journal’s ‘analysis’ section dealing with issues relating to the public law dimensions of the current Covid-19 pandemic.
We are keen to ensure that Public Law’s coverage of Covic-19 issues represents a diverse range of viewpoints and topics, and envisage publishing a series of pieces in the January and April 2021 issues of the journal.
We would keen to receive pieces with varied perspectives, including – but not limited to – the
- The Coronavirus Act 2020 and fast-tracked legislation
- The institutional impact of the Covid-19 pandemic (for instance on the UK's legislatures)
- Territorial relations and policy variation between the UK’s governments governance of emergencies, including the variety of emergency powers and accountability for their exercise
- Governmental guidance and the rule of law
- Limitations on liberty resulting from delegated legislative powers
- The public order/human rights/equalities dimensions of the limitations imposed on movement
- Implications for judicial processes and/or access to justice
- The public law dimensions associated with using digital technologies for public/health protection
- Comparative reflections on ‘emergency’ responses in other jurisdictions.
Public Law’s Analysis Section:
Pieces in the Analysis section are normally up to 4,000 words in length (plus a modest number of footnotes). Longer pieces – ‘articles’ of up to 9500 words – on Covid-19 related issues will also be considered for publication, though the timeline for inclusion of accepted pieces may be a little longer.
Submission Deadlines/Process:
Pieces to be considered for the January 2021 issue should be submitted to the editors by the end of June 2020. Pieces to be considered for inclusion in the April 2021 issue should be submitted by the end of September 2020.
All submissions will be subject to Public Law’s standard processes of peer review.
Contact Details:
The editors would be happy to discuss prospective submissions with interested contributors:
Roger Masterman and Aileen McHarg
General Editors (from January 2021).
May 2020.