Call for Guest Editors of Public Law’s Annual Themed Analysis Section

The Editorial Committee of Public Law invites Guest Editors to submit proposals for a themed set of ‘analysis’ papers to be published in the April 2024 issue of the journal. This set of papers will follow publication – in Public Law’s April 2023 issue – of papers examining ‘Government Outsourcing in the Modern Administrative State’ (curated by Professor Joe Tomlinson (York) and Dr Janina Boughey (UNSW)).
Themed ‘Analysis’ Sections
One issue of Public Law each year contains a special ‘Analysis’ section containing a range of short pieces organised around a specific theme within the coverage of the journal. Guest editors are invited to propose a harmonising topic for the section, and an outline of those pieces to be included. Each proposal should comprise 4-6 pieces of approx. 4000 words each (inclusive of footnotes), up to a maximum of 25,000 words. The April issue of Public Law will ordinarily contain the special analysis section in each year.
The special sections may be on any theme within the broad remit of the journal, and may be linked – for instance – by subject matter, or by approach. Public Law’s editorial committee is particularly keen to ensure that the journal reflects the diversity of the disciplinary field, and will welcome proposals which address subject fields or viewpoints which have been underrepresented in Public Law’s coverage.
Proposal and Selection
The proposal will take the form of a 500-word outline of the theme of the proposed special section, along with a list of those pieces which are intended to feature. Brief biographical details of the proposed guest editors and contributors are also to be included. The selection of the special analysis section will be undertaken by Public Law’s editorial committee (or a sub-group of that committee). The Editorial Committee will have regard to the diversity of suggested contributors/perspectives – as well as the quality, originality and importance of the proposal – in the selection of the annual themed analysis section.
The proposed content of the special analysis section will be the responsibility of the guest editors. Submissions will be subject to Public Law’s standard processes of peer-review, coordinated by the General Editors.
1: Submission of proposals: 28 April 2023
2: Selection of theme by editorial committee and communication of outcome: by 19 May 2023
3: Submission of collected papers: 1 September 2023
4: Peer review: September-October 2023
5: Submission of final versions of papers: 1 December 2023
Submission and Queries
Queries and submissions can be addressed to the General Editors – Roger Masterman and Aileen McHarg – by email: