Durham Law School announces the appointment of Dr Sally Penni MBE to its Advisory Board 25th April, 2024

Durham Law School is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr Sally Penni MBE to its Advisory Board.
Sally is a high profile award winning barrister at Kenworthy’s Chambers who practices in Criminal Law, Employment Law and Public Access Law. She also sits as a part-time judge.
Outside of these roles she is a public speaker, patron and board member, diversity leader, radio broadcaster and contributor and host of two podcasts. Most importantly she is a proud mother of three.
Durham Law School’s Advisory Board is a group of experienced and distinguished individuals drawn from the Law and other professions and occupations.
The role of the Advisory Board includes bringing its experience, expertise and outside perspective to bear on such matters as the Dean of the Law School requests it to consider for the benefit of the Law School’s current and future students, researchers and staff.
Find out more
- Learn more about Durham Law School Advisory Board
Read more about Dr Sally Penni MBE