The Hegel Society of America’s flagship journal, The Owl of Minerva, has invited Durham Law School’s Professor Thom Brooks to joins its editorial board as one of a team of new primary editors under longstanding editor-in-chief Professor Ardis Collins.
Thom Brooks joins editorial board of Hegel Society of America’s flagship journal
Professor Brooks is a well known Hegel scholar having published two editions of his monograph Hegel’s Political Philosophy: A Systematic Reading of the Philosophy of Right (2007, 2d 2013) defending a new way of interpreting Hegel’s thought. This was the subject of his co-edited Hegel’s Political Philosophy: On the Normative Significance of Method and System with Professor Sebastian Stein published by Oxford University Press in 2017. The Hegel Society of America was founded in 1968 and its journal launched the following year. Professor Brooks is a member of the Hegel Bulletin editorial board (published by Cambridge University Press) and the Hegel Society of Great Britain’s council.