Durham’s MA in Translation Studies is recognised globally for its academic quality and innovative approach to translation.
I had a purely practical background in language and translation and so I chose options such as the work placement module and intercultural project management with ethics. However, I quickly realised that I was enjoying translation theory and transcultural modules so much. I was full of ideas. My lecturers were so generous with their time, energy and criticality.
I received rigorous practical and theoretical training, which enhanced my skill as a translator and broadened my understanding of translation in general. With the help of my lecturers, I completed a successful dissertation on film and translation studies on my MA. And I’ve recently completed a PhD in which I analysed the films of Ang Lee from the perspective of intersemiotic translation. The MA helped sew a seed in me and I am still rejoicing
Doing the MA was academically and professionally transformative for me. The modules allowed me to combine my passion for languages, literature and visual arts. As an international student, I found the community very welcoming and enjoyed living in a city as friendly and rich in heritage as Durham.
Applications are made through the online centralised Durham University system, but you are very welcome to contact us with any queries or clarifications, or to arrange an in-person or online visit outside the formal open days.
MLAC Postgraduate Studies Coordinator: Mrs Lucia Luck lucia.luck@durham.ac.uk
MATS Co-Directors: Dr Penny Johnson (Spanish) penelope.johnson@durham.ac.uk and Don Starr (Chinese) d.f.starr@durham.ac.uk