Our Engagement Programmes
Science Engagement develop, support and deliver a wide-range of programmes with and for diverse groups across the North East and beyond. Here are some highlights and examples.
Working with Schools
We offer several programmes and activities for school pupils and their teachers, from undergraduate student placements to our annual Schools' Science Festival.
Working with Our Communities
We provide many opportunities for Durham University to promote its science, both teaching and research, to a general audience through engaging outreach activities.
Unique and Bespoke Programmes and Projects
Working both within our communities as well as inviting people onto campus is important in developing relationships and opening doors.
Our Partnerships and Networks
Science Engagement contribute to, and participate in, many internal and regional networks and groups including Durham County Council and The Ogden Trust.
Past Projects
Details of some of our projects from the last fifteen years of science engagement, including the award winning 'What if...?'.
Supporting Our Colleagues
We promote effective practice and the importance and benefits of public and community engagement with the aim of embedding it within the institution.
Meet the Team
The Science Engagement Team and our contact details.