DSES staff visit the University of Copenhagen to help train the next generation of qualitative researchers in sport, exercise and health.

Dr Toni Williams and Professor Cassandra Phoenix visited the Department of Nutrition Exercise and Sports at the University of Copenhagen this week. They delivered workshops as part of a 5-day course designed to provide PhD students with more in-depth knowledge about cutting edge qualitative research methods in sport and exercise sciences.
Reflecting on the course, organiser Dr Adam Evans said:
“It was fantastic to welcome Toni and Cassandra to the department for our PhD course on Qualitative Methods in Sport Studies. Both contributed to producing a really inclusive and welcoming atmosphere on the course, and it’s always a joy to see how passionate they are about their work, and the ideas they introduce to the participants. Their contributions on meta-synthesis and using visual methods were topical, on point, and really useful to staff and students alike. Without their contributions, and the contributions of all our guest experts, it would be impossible to offer courses of this nature to students from such a wide range of backgrounds.”
The course brought together postgraduate students from across Scandinavia, Spain, China, and the UK.