Universities for North East England
Universities for North East England
Universities for North East England is the unified place-informed voice of higher education in North East England. Advocating for evidence-based policy development, investment and widening access and participation in higher education.
Who we are
Universities for North East England is a collaboration between the Universities of Durham, Newcastle, Northumbria, Sunderland and Teesside, working alongside the Tees Valley and North East Combined Authorities. Speaking in a unified, place-informed voice to make higher education accessible for study, business, innovation, and investment and offering regional insight to help inform national higher education policy.
Through Universities for North East England, we can strengthen our existing close partnerships and collaborations and act as a strong unified voice for the higher education sector and the North East region.
Our purpose
Vision and Mission
Advocacy for the five regional universities and for the North East of England
Work packages
Policy and Advocacy
The voice of the sector and the region, positioning the universities of North East England to advocate for evidence-based policy development.
Innovation and Business
Working with industry in the UK and internationally to promote North East England as an attractive place to invest in business, infrastructure and innovation.
Widening Access and Participation
Enabling access to higher education through our collective widening participation efforts, supporting global social mobility and through our civic responsibilities. Work in this area is through our collective partnerships with the North East Raising Aspirations Partnership, Outreach North East and through our partnership work overseas.
Positioning and Marketing North East England
Our global ambition is to position the universities of North East England collectively as anchor institutions. We will ensure that the universities’ shared commitment to the economic, social and cultural success of the North East is fully understood by our audiences.