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Ambitious new partnership to tackle offshore wind challenges

We’re taking on some of the offshore wind industry’s toughest challenges by joining forces with the Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult.
Members of both organisations at the signing of the MOU between ORE Catapult and Durham University

Abuse crisis in Catholic Church has led to drop in Mass attendance

A third of Catholics who previously went to Mass have reduced their attendance or stopped going altogether as a result of the child sexual abuse crisis in the Catholic Church.
A rosary on a bible

Three University projects celebrate state-of-the-art equipment and facilities through AHRC CapCo funding

A number of project teams across the University were successful in securing awards from the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Capability for Collections Fund (CapCo), part of the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) World Class Laboratories Funding.
Ushaw Power of Images

Pioneering change to preserve the best of Durham

We are pioneering innovation and partnership and driving efficiencies in order to preserve and enhance what makes Durham a university like no other.
Four people sitting at a desk chatting, in front of an audience seen from behind

Can elections redefine what makes an ideal leader?

Election results shape public perceptions of “ideal” leadership, according to new research from the School. This influence inspires leaders to adopt similar traits, though “ideal” doesn’t always mean good or effective leadership.
US Capitol Building on a sunny day

Health researchers welcome Finland’s UK Ambassador to Durham

We recently welcomed Finland’s Ambassador to the UK to Durham where he learned about our excellence in health research.
Group of people

New Durham University students officially welcomed at Matriculation

We’ve officially welcomed our new cohort of students during our annual Matriculation ceremonies held in Durham Cathedral.
Students standing in the Cathedral

Blue plaque honour for pioneering first female professor

Renowned archaeologist Professor Dame Rosemary Cramp has been honoured with a blue plaque at her former Durham City home.
Professors Karen O'Brien and Sarah Semple look at a round blue plaque, set against a red brick wall, in honour of Professor Dame Rosemary Cramp.

Explore October’s Community Newsletter

Want to know more about how we interact with our local community? Our monthly Community Newsletter explores the news, events, and research both at Durham University and in the city itself.
A woman and child on a tree-lined pathway

Durham researchers awarded grant to help improve the resilience of roads in the Indian Himalayas affected by devastating monsoon rainfall

Our researchers have been awarded a British Council grant for a project aiming to improve the resilience of roads in the Himalayan region of India by integrating disaster preparedness into transportation engineering education.
A bus travelling along a sandy road

North East England’s five universities to strengthen collaboration

The five universities of North East England, which collectively contribute £2.7 billion and 33,500 jobs to the UK’s economy*, will later this year launch a new partnership to strengthen their collaboration to achieve even greater social and economic impact.
Orange logo of UNEE on green background with text that reads Universities for North East England

New accessible audio guide launches at the Oriental Museum

The Oriental Museum is making its collections more accessible to visitors with visual impairments, by launching a new accessible audio guide.
Visually impaired visitor listening to the audio trail at the Oriental Museum