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Academic staff 

Name Position Research interests
Professor Robert A. Barton 

Professor in the Department of Anthropology

Director (Social Sciences) in the Institute of Advanced Study

Cognitive and brain evolution 

Professor Alan Bilsborough  
Professor Emeritus in the Department of Anthropology

Human evolution, especially the functional basis for cranial diversity in early hominids and the reconstruction of evolutionary patterns 

The interaction of social and biological variables in human biology, with particular reference to patterns of nutrition and disease

Professor Lynda Boothroyd 
Professor in the Department of Psychology

Appearance ideals across cultures

Attraction and mate choice

Body image

Body image interventions


Visual media

Experimental and cross-cultural methods

Professor Zanna Clay  Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology 
Comparative Affective Science
Evolution and development of empathy, communication and culture
Primate/great ape behaviour and social cognition Conservation
Culture and social learning
Language evolution and primate vocal communication Comparative cognition
Cross-cultural development
Dr Eve Holden Research Associate in the Department of Psychology
Developmental & comparative psychology
Social behaviour and socio-emotional cognition in human & non-human primates
Cross-cultural, naturalistic, & observational research methods
Sex & gender effects
Experience effects
Professor Russell Hill  Professor in the Department of Anthropology 

Primate Behaviour and Ecology 

Predator-Prey Interactions 

Felid Behaviour and Ecology 

Conservation and Human-Wildlife Conflict  

Dr Friederike [Freddy] Hillemann  Postdoctoral Researcher in the Department of Psychology 

Behavioural ecology

Social, economic, and ecological factors influencing individuals’ behaviours

Social information use across species

Food sharing networks

Cross-cultural analyses In subsistence communities


Professor AR Hoelzel  Professor in the Department of Biosciences 

Conservation genetics 

Evolutionary biology 

Population genetics and molecular ecology 

Ancient DNA 

Dr Rohan Kapitany Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology

Ritual, Religion, Supernatural and Reality beliefs

Adult Pretence and Imagination

Social Learning

Agent Based Modelling

Cognitive and Social Psychology

Dr Jeremy Kendal    Associate Professor in the Department of Anthropology  Social transmission and population dynamics  
Professor Rachel Kendal (nee Day)   Professor in the Department of Anthropology 

Social Learning 

Behavioural Innovation 

Cultural Evolution 

Cumulative Culture 

Applications to Welfare, Conservation & Science Communication 

Professor Robert H. Layton  Professor Emeritus in the Department of Anthropology 

Anthropology and archaeology of art 

Evolution of social behaviour 

Indigenous rights 

Social change, especially among French and Chinese villagers, and Native Australians  

Dr Sheina Lew-Levy


Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology

Peer learning

Cultural evolution

Cross-cultural research methods

Object play

Child foraging

Dr Duncan Stibbard Hawkes

Assistant Professor in the Department of Anthropology

Forager Egalitarianism

Signalling Theory

Food Sharing

Hunter Gatherer Subsistence Ecology

Hunting Skill

Dr Bruce Rawlings

DCERC Director

Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology

Innovation (particularly tool innovation) and creativity

Imitation and overimitation

Cumulative cultural evolution

Developmental research

Creativity and innovation across cultures

Cross-cultural research and research methods

Comparative research (particularly chimpanzees)

Dr Eva Reindl

Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Department of Anthropology

Cultural Evolution

Cumulative Culture


Executive Functions

Tool use

Social Learning

Dr Sally Street


Assistant Professor in the Department of Anthropology 

Macro-evolutionary anthropology 

Phylogenetic comparative methods 

Technical skill: music, tool use, construction 

Human/animal interactions 

Dr Amanda Tan  Member of the Department of Anthropology 

Technical intelligence: tool use, object manipulation, extractive foraging 

Social learning 

Animal traditions and culture 

Primate archaeology 

Human-wildlife interactions 

Evolutionary significance of coastal environments 

Professor Jamie Tehrani  Professor in the Department of Anthropology 

Cultural evolution 

Phylogenetic analysis of culture 

Social learning 

Cognitive anthropology 

Oral traditions 

Material culture 

Fairy tales  

Dr Tom Widger   Associate Professor in the Department of Anthropology 

Anthropology & chemistry 

Suicide, self-harm, ethnopsychiatry 

Cognition, cultural transmission, social learning 

Charity, philanthropy, CSR, development 

Religion, nationalism, politics 

Pesticides, agrochemicals, and their human and environmental impacts 

Chemical body burden, biomonitoring, medical and eco toxicology 

Purity/danger; pollution/risk 

Global health 

Sri Lanka & South Asia  

Dr Charlotte Wilks Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Department of Psychology

Cumulative Cultural Evolution (particularly from a developmental perspective, but also comparative)

Executive Functions


Developmental Research

Children’s Learning and Education

Autism and Neurodiversity

Academic Staff

Professor Robert BartonProfessor
Professor Lynda BoothroydProfessor
Professor Zanna ClayProfessor
Professor Russell HillProfessor
Dr Jeremy KendalAssociate Professor
Professor Rachel KendalProfessor
Prof Robert Layton
Dr Sheina Lew-LevyCo-director
Dr Bruce RawlingsCo-director
Dr Sally StreetAssociate Professor
Dr Amanda TanAssistant Professor
Professor Jamshid TehraniHead Of Department
Dr Thomas WidgerProfessor