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Church of England announce new project with DEI to support ambitious decarbonisation targets

The Church of England will be supported in their ambitious aim of achieving net-zero carbon by 2030 through a new partnership with Durham Energy Institute (DEI).
Close-up of church candle with book behind

Economic Feasibility of hydrogen fuelled transportation

New research funded by network to explore the Economic Feasibility of Hydrogen Fuelled Transportation.
Hydrogen for Transportation image of train plane cars

Bringing Defence Simulation Training Technology to Offshore Wind

Immersive technology company VRAI awarded Offshore Wind Growth Partnership funding with Durham University Energy Institute in England’s North East
Man wearing virtual reality headset and pointing

UK offshore oil and gas: continuity or transition in a ‘net-zero basin’?

A comment piece by Professor Gavin Bridge for UK Energy Research Centre exploring whether the tension between the need for rapid decarbonisation and the UK government's historic promotion of oil and gas exploration and production can be resolved.
An oil rig platform at sea

DEI helps to secure future for Redhills 'pitman's parliament'

The Pitman’s Parliament, Durham Miners Association, has been awarded a life-saving grant from The National Lottery Heritage Fund paving the way for its renewal as a centre for culture, heritage and education.

New Master of Energy Systems Management

DEI are pleased to announce we have launched a new Master of Energy Systems Management (MESM) programme, starting in September 2021, and it is already receiving a great response!
Solar panels in foreground with wind turbine behind

DEI Director Jon Gluyas to become President of Global Geothermal Energy Advancement Association

DEI Director Professor Jon Gluyas is to lead a new initiative bringing Industry and academia together to advance the role of geothermal energy in the energy transition. The newly formed Geothermal Energy Advancement Association (GEAA).
Jon Gluyas

DEI quoted in Guardian article: Abandoned pits of former mining town fuel green revolution.

DEI Director Professor Jon Gluyas and DEI Advisory Board member Dr Charlotte Adams of the Coal Authority were quoted in a feature article in the Guardian about the huge potential for turning abandoned mines across the UK into a zero carbon heating source and the opportunity for regeneration it could represent.
Visual schematic of how a Geothermal Minewater system works

DEI Free Piston Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Technology

A new video showcasing the innovative technology developed at Durham Energy Institute by Professor Tony Roskilly (Principal Investigator) and Dr Sumit Roy (Early Career Researcher) as a part of their Innovate UK project, is now available to view!
A diagram of the patented Free Piston Engine which is 25% lighter

2020 in British Electricity - Progress on Decarbonising our Electricity

The latest DEI Perspectives is a collaboration with MyGridGB reviewing the trends of the British Electricity mix in 2020 and what progress has been made on decarbonising our electricity. 2020 has seen records broken and may well be a turning point in our decarbonising power system!
Cover of DEI Perspectives article on British Electricity mix in 2020

3rd Generation Solar PV in the Developing World

The recent "3rd Generation PV in the Developing World" conference was a rewarding showcase of the challenges and opportunities of combining physical and social disciplines. It highlighted how crucial it is to understand local social context for the design of solar cells, and speaking to end-users when developing technology.
Solar panels in foreground with wind turbine behind

Hydrogen for Transportation: Compact onboard storage - safety considerations

A video of the webinar "Compact onboard storage - safety considerations" from our Hydrogen for Transportation network is now ready to view on the DEI Youtube channel.
Hydrogen for Transportation image of train plane cars