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Durham European Law Institute
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Chapters in Books
Chiu, I., &
Schammo, P.
(2025). Integrating Sustainable Finance into the Prospectus Regulation. In K. Alexander, M. Gargantini, & M. Siri (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of EU Sustainable Finance: Regulation, Supervision and Governance. Cambridge University Press
Brooks, Thom
(2024). A “Global” Global Justice Theory. In The Bloomsbury Handbook of Global Justice and East Asian Philosophy. Salamon, J & Lee, HW. Bloomsbury. 15-28.
Roeben, Volker
(2024). Art. 61. In The Charter of the United Nations: A Commentary. Simma, B, Khan, DE, Nolte, G & Paulus A. Oxford University Press. 1668-1677.
Roeben, Volker
(2024). Art. 62. In The Charter of the United Nations: A Commentary. Simma, B, Khan, DE, Nolte, G & Paulus A. Oxford University Press. 1679-1696.
Chirita, Anca
(2023). Exclusionary and exploitative abuse of consumer data. In Research Handbook on Competition Law and Data Privacy. Ioannidou, M & Mantzari, D. Edward Elgar Publishing. 1-29.
Fenwick, Helen & Hayward, Andy
(2023). The Intrinsic Value of Registered Partnerships and Marriage for Same-sex Couples, their Recognition Domestically and at the Strasbourg Court. In Justice After Stonewall: LGBT Life between Challenge and Change. Behrens, P & Becker, S. Routledge. 121-142.
Van Leeuwen, Barend
(2023) Harmonisation, European Standardisation and the New Approach. In Oxford Principles of European Union Law, Volume II: Internal Market.
Schütze, Robert
& Tridimas, Takis. Oxford University Press.
Wieczorek, Irene & Wang, Qianyu
(2023). Teaching EU Law Outside the EU: An Explorative Analysis of Eight Case Studies in Asia. In Relevance of European Studies in Asia. Stoicheva, M, Sreejith, SG & Gupta I. Springer Nature. 95-129.
Fenwick, Helen
(2022). Exploring narratives about 'cancel culture' in UK educational/employment settings under the ECHR. In European Yearbook on Human Rights 2022. Czech, P, Heschl, L, Lukas, K, Nowak, M & G. Oberleitner. Cambridge University Press. 309-344.
Frantziou, Eleni
Horizontal Direct Effect of Directives Reconsidered: Opinion of Advocate General Sharpston in
Farrell II
. In Shaping EU Law the British Way: UK Advocates General at the Court of Justice of the European Union. Butler, G & Lazowski A. Hart Publishing. Chapter 46.
Frantziou, Eleni
(2022). Constitutional impact of withdrawal on the protection of fundamental rights. In Research Handbook on Legal Aspects of Brexit. Cygan, A & Lazowski, A. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Roeben, Volker & Amakoromo, Mark
(2022). Responsibility, Solidarity and their Connections in International law: Towards a Coherent Framework. In Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. T.M.C Asser Press. 13-49.
Roeben, Volker
(2022). Der Brexit als radikales Experiment: Die Grenze im Brexit als Bedingung von Exklusion, Inklusion und offener Staatlichkeit. In Jahrbuch des öffentlichen Rechts der Gegenwart. Neue Folge. Lepsius, O, Nußberger, A, Schönberger, C, Waldhoff, C & Walter, C. Mohr Siebeck. 683-690.
Frantziou, Eleni
(2021). The European Union's Special Procedural Rights Before the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR). In Encyclopedia of International Procedural Law. Ruiz Fabri, H & Planck, Max. OUP. 1-23.
Beyleveld, Deryck
& Brownsword, Roger (2020). Is There Really Anything Wrong With an Absolute Principle? In Modern German Non-Positivism – From Radbruch to Alexy. Borowski, Martin Mohr Siebeck. 279-292.
Chirita, Anca
(2020). Data-Driven Mergers under EU Competition Law. In The future of commercial law : ways forward for change and reform. Akseli, O & Linarelli, J. Hart Publishing. 147-183.
Schammo, Pierre
(2020). Who knows what tomorrow brings? Of uncertainty in times of a pandemic. In Covid-19 and Business Law. Eidenmüller, H, Enriques, L, van Zwieten, K & Helleringer, G Beck. 95-97.
Schütze, Robert
(2020) Modelli di "demoi-crazia": l'Europa e la sua Unione. In Parlamenti e democrazia in Europa. Fasone, C, Lupo, N, & Vauchez, A. il Mulino. 77-126.
Van Leeuwen, Barend
(2020). The Impact of the Legitimacy of European Standards on Their Application in Private Law: a Case Study on Professional Standards in the Medical Sector. The Legitimacy of Standardisation as a Regulatory Technique. Eliantonio, Mariolina & Cauffman, Caroline. Edward Elgar Publishing. 110-130.
Wieczorek, Irene
(2020). The principle of Subsidiarity in EU Criminal Law. In The needed balances in EU Criminal Law: past present and future. Brière, C & Weyembergh, A. Hart Publishing. 71-106.
Schammo, Pierre
(2019). Banking Union and Brexit: the challenge of geography. The European Banking Union and the Role of Law. Lo Schiavo, G. Cheltenham Edward Elgar. 87-107.
Schütze, Robert.
(2019). 'Foreign Affairs Federalism in the European Union'. In Oxford Handbook of Comparative Foreign Relations Law. Bradley, Curtis. Oxford University Press. 333-351.
Van Leeuwen, Barend
(2019). European Standards and the Unfair Contract Terms Directive. In Better Regulation in EU Contract Law. Van Schagen, Esther & Weatherill, Stephen Hart Publishing. 163-185.
Van Leeuwen, Barend
(2019). The Psychology of Judicial Co-operation: The Preliminary Reference Procedure as a Therapeutic Relationship. In The Transformation of Economic Law. De Almeida, Lucila, Cantero Gamito, Marta, Durovic, Mateja & Purnhagen, Kai Hart Publishing. 317-335.
Mukwiri, Jonathan
(2019). Cross-Border Mergers Directive and Its Impact in the UK. In Cross-Border Mergers. Papadopoulos, Thomas. Springer. 477-503.
Schütze, Robert
(2018). The ‘Unsettled’ Eighteenth Century: Kant and his Predecessors. In Globalisation and Governance: International Problems, European Solutions.
Schütze, Robert
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 11-40.
Schütze, Robert
(2018). 'Direct Effects and Indirect Effects of Union Law'. In Oxford Principles of European Union Law. Volume I: The European Union legal order.
Schütze, Robert
& Tridimas, Takis Oxford: Oxford University Press. 265-299.
Schütze, Robert.
(2018). 'Introduction: Federal Britain?'. The United Kingdom and the Federal Idea. Hart Publishing. 1-26.
Akseli, N.O.
(2017). Non-Assignment Clauses and their treatment under UNCITRAL's Secured Transactions Law Instruments. In International and Comparative Secured Transactions Law: Essays in honour of Roderick A Macdonald. Bazinas, S.V. &
Akseli, N.O.
Hart Publishing. 77-93.
Spaventa, E.
(2017). Earned Citizenship - Understanding Union Citizenship through its Scope. In EU Citizenship and Federalism: The Role of Rights. Kochenov, D. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 204-225.
Siems, Mathias
& Mac Sithigh, Daithi (2017). Why Do We Do What We Do? Comparing Legal Methods in Five Law Schools through Survey Evidence. In Rethinking Legal Scholarship: A Transatlantic Interchange. van Gestel, Rob Micklitz, Hans & Rubin, Edward L. Cambridge Cambridge University Press. 31-83.
Beyleveld, Deryck
(2017). What Is Gewirth and What IS Beyleveld? A Retrospect with Comments on the Contributions. In Ethical Rationalism and the Law. Capps, Patrick &
Pattinson, Shaun D.
Oxford: Hart Publishing. 233-255.
Beyleveld, Deryck
(2017). Transcendental Arguments for a Categorical Imperative as Arguments from Agential Self-Understanding. In Transcendental Arguments in Moral Theory. Brune, Jens Peter Stern, Robert & Werner, Micha H Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. 141-159.
Akseli, N.O.
(2017). SMEs and access to finance: A vulnerability perspective. In Law and Finance after the Financial Crisis: The Untold Stories of the UK Financial Market. Aldohni, A.K. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. 116-134.
Schütze, Robert
(2017). 'Classifying EU Competences: German Constitutional Lessons?'. The Division of Competences between the EU and the Member States. Garben, Sacha & Govaere, Inge. Hart Publishing. 33-58.
Baker, Aaron
(2017). Proportionality. In Supperstone, Goudie & Walker: Judicial Review Sixth edition.
Fenwick, Helen
London: LexisNexis.
Beyleveld, Deryck
(2017). Sheffield Natural Law School. In Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy. Sellers, M. & Kirste, P. Dordrecht: Springer. 1-8.
Van Leeuwen, Barend
(2017). The Impact of EU Intellectual Property Law and the Charter on Private Law Concepts. In Primary EU Law and Private Law Concepts. Micklitz, Hans-W. & Sieburgh, Carla Intersentia. 241-270.
Schütze, Robert
(2017). 'Political Philosophy of Federalism'. In Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law. Wolfrum, Rüdiger, Grote, Rainer & Lachenmann, Frauke
Mukwiri, Jonathan
(2017). Takeovers. In Gore-Browne on EU Company Law. Fleet,Stuart & Gerner-Beuerle, Carsten. Jordan Publishing.
Spaventa, E.
(2016). Citizenship: Reallocating Welfare Responsibilities to the State of Origin. In Exceptions from EU Free Movement Law - Derogation, Justification and Proportionality. Koutrakos, P., Nic Shuibhne, N. & Syrpis, P. Oxford: Hart Publishing.
Akseli, N.O.
(2016). The United Nations Convention on the Assignment of Receivables in International Trade and Small Businesses. In Secured Transactions Law Reform: Principles, Policies and Practice. Gullifer, L. &
Akseli, N.O.
Oxford; Portland Oregon: Hart Publishing. 465-479.
Spaventa, E.
(2016). Once a foreigner, always a foreigner: Who Does Not Belong Here Anymore? Expulsion Measures. In Residence, employment and social rights of mobile persons. On how EU law defines where they belong. Verschueren, H. Cambridge Intersentia.
Akseli, N.O.
(2016). Assignment, Delegation and Third-Party Rights. In International Sales Law: Contract, Principles & Practice. Di Matteo, Larry, Janssen, André, Magnus, Ulrich & Schulze, Rainer Munich: Beck/Hart/Nomos. 813-854.
Beyleveld, Deryck
(2016). The duties we have to future generations: a Gewirthian approach. In Human Rights and Sustainability: Moral responsibilities for the future. Bos, Gerhard & Düwell, Marcus Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. 137-150.
Schammo, P.
(2016). Differentiated Integration and the Single Supervisory Mechanism: which way forward for the European Banking Authority? In Britain Alone! The Implications and Consequences of United Kingdom Exit from the EU. Birkinshaw, P. & Biondi, A. Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law International. 311-335.
Beyleveld, Deryck
(2016). Gewirth versus Kant on Kant’s Maxim of Reason: Towards a Gewirthian Philosophical Anthropology. In Gewirthian Perspectives on Human Rights. Bauhn, P. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. 13-29.
Georgosouli, A. &
Schammo, P.
(2016). National Report – United Kingdom. [erroneously attributed to Tridimas, T. in the initial print run]. European Banking Union. XXVII. FIDE Congress Proceedings. Bándi, Gy, Darák, P., Halustyik, A. & Láncos, P. Budapest: Wolters Kluwer.
Vedder, Hans &
Van Leeuwen, Barend
(2016). Uitleiding. In Letselschade en Europa. Oldenhuis, Fokko & Vorsselman, Armin Boom Juridisch. 103-110.
Van Leeuwen, Barend
& Monti, Giorgio (2016). EU Law and Interest on Damages for Infringements of Competition Law. In EU Law and Interest on Damages for Infringements of Competition Law: A Comparative Report. Monti, Giorgio European University Institute. 1-30.
Fenwick, Helen
(2015). Enhanced Subsidiarity and a Dialogic Approach - Or Appeasement in Recent Cases on Criminal Justice, Public Order and Counter-Terrorism at Strasbourg Against the UK? The UK and European Human Rights A Strained Relationship?. Ziegler, Katja S., Wicks, Elizabeth & Hodson, Loveday Oxford: Hart. 194-213.
Beyleveld, Deryck
& Brownsword, Roger (2015). Research Participants and the Right to be Informed. In Inspiring a Medico-Legal Revolution: Essays in Honour of Sheila McLean. Ferguson, Pamela R & Laurie, Graeme T London: Routledge. 173-188.
Schütze, Robert.
(2015). 'EU Competences: Existence and Exercise'. In Oxford Handbook of European Union Law. Arnull, Tony & Chalmers, Damian Oxford University Press.