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Chapters in Books

  • Chiu, I., & Schammo, P. (2025). Integrating Sustainable Finance into the Prospectus Regulation. In K. Alexander, M. Gargantini, & M. Siri (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of EU Sustainable Finance: Regulation, Supervision and Governance. Cambridge University Press
  • Brooks, Thom (2024). A “Global” Global Justice Theory. In The Bloomsbury Handbook of Global Justice and East Asian Philosophy. Salamon, J & Lee, HW. Bloomsbury. 15-28.
  • Roeben, Volker (2024). Art. 61. In The Charter of the United Nations: A Commentary. Simma, B, Khan, DE, Nolte, G & Paulus A. Oxford University Press. 1668-1677.
  • Roeben, Volker (2024). Art. 62. In The Charter of the United Nations: A Commentary. Simma, B, Khan, DE, Nolte, G & Paulus A. Oxford University Press. 1679-1696.
  • Chirita, Anca (2023). Exclusionary and exploitative abuse of consumer data. In Research Handbook on Competition Law and Data Privacy. Ioannidou, M & Mantzari, D.  Edward Elgar Publishing. 1-29.
  • Fenwick, Helen & Hayward, Andy (2023). The Intrinsic Value of Registered Partnerships and Marriage for Same-sex Couples, their Recognition Domestically and at the Strasbourg Court. In Justice After Stonewall: LGBT Life between Challenge and Change. Behrens, P & Becker, S. Routledge. 121-142.
  • Van Leeuwen, Barend (2023) Harmonisation, European Standardisation and the New Approach. In Oxford Principles of European Union Law, Volume II: Internal Market. Schütze, Robert & Tridimas, Takis. Oxford University Press. 
  • Wieczorek, Irene & Wang, Qianyu (2023). Teaching EU Law Outside the EU: An Explorative Analysis of Eight Case Studies in Asia. In Relevance of European Studies in Asia. Stoicheva, M, Sreejith, SG & Gupta I. Springer Nature. 95-129.
  • Fenwick, Helen (2022). Exploring narratives about 'cancel culture' in UK educational/employment settings under the ECHR. In European Yearbook on Human Rights 2022. Czech, P, Heschl, L, Lukas, K, Nowak, M & G. Oberleitner. Cambridge University Press.  309-344. 
  • Frantziou, Eleni (2022).  Horizontal Direct Effect of Directives Reconsidered: Opinion of Advocate General Sharpston in Farrell II. In Shaping EU Law the British Way: UK Advocates General at the Court of Justice of the European Union. Butler, G & Lazowski A. Hart Publishing. Chapter 46.
  • Frantziou, Eleni (2022). Constitutional impact of withdrawal on the protection of fundamental rights. In Research Handbook on Legal Aspects of Brexit. Cygan, A & Lazowski, A. Edward Elgar Publishing. 257–275.
  • Roeben, Volker & Amakoromo, Mark (2022). Responsibility, Solidarity and their Connections in International law: Towards a Coherent Framework. In Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. T.M.C Asser Press. 13-49.
  • Roeben, Volker (2022). Der Brexit als radikales Experiment: Die Grenze im Brexit als Bedingung von Exklusion, Inklusion und offener Staatlichkeit. In Jahrbuch des öffentlichen Rechts der Gegenwart. Neue Folge.  Lepsius, O, Nußberger, A, Schönberger, C, Waldhoff, C & Walter, C. Mohr Siebeck. 683-690.
  • Frantziou, Eleni (2021). The European Union's Special Procedural Rights Before the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR). In Encyclopedia of International Procedural Law. Ruiz Fabri, H & Planck, Max. OUP. 1-23.
  • Beyleveld, Deryck & Brownsword, Roger (2020). Is There Really Anything Wrong With an Absolute Principle? In Modern German Non-Positivism – From Radbruch to Alexy. Borowski, Martin Mohr Siebeck. 279-292.
  • Chirita, Anca (2020). Data-Driven Mergers under EU Competition Law. In The future of commercial law : ways forward for change and reform. Akseli, O & Linarelli, J. Hart Publishing. 147-183.
  • Schammo, Pierre (2020). Who knows what tomorrow brings? Of uncertainty in times of a pandemic. In Covid-19 and Business Law. Eidenmüller, H, Enriques, L, van Zwieten, K & Helleringer, G Beck. 95-97.
  • Schütze, Robert (2020) Modelli di "demoi-crazia": l'Europa e la sua Unione. In Parlamenti e democrazia in Europa. Fasone, C, Lupo, N, & Vauchez, A. il Mulino. 77-126.
  • Van Leeuwen, Barend (2020). The Impact of the Legitimacy of European Standards on Their Application in Private Law: a Case Study on Professional Standards in the Medical Sector. The Legitimacy of Standardisation as a Regulatory Technique. Eliantonio, Mariolina & Cauffman, Caroline. Edward Elgar Publishing. 110-130.
  • Wieczorek, Irene (2020). The principle of Subsidiarity in EU Criminal Law. In The needed balances in EU Criminal Law: past present and future. Brière, C & Weyembergh, A. Hart Publishing. 71-106.
  • Schammo, Pierre (2019). Banking Union and Brexit: the challenge of geography. The European Banking Union and the Role of Law. Lo Schiavo, G. Cheltenham Edward Elgar. 87-107.
  • Schütze, Robert. (2019). 'Foreign Affairs Federalism in the European Union'. In Oxford Handbook of Comparative Foreign Relations Law. Bradley, Curtis. Oxford University Press. 333-351.
  • Van Leeuwen, Barend (2019). European Standards and the Unfair Contract Terms Directive. In Better Regulation in EU Contract Law. Van Schagen, Esther & Weatherill, Stephen Hart Publishing. 163-185.
  • Van Leeuwen, Barend (2019). The Psychology of Judicial Co-operation: The Preliminary Reference Procedure as a Therapeutic Relationship. In The Transformation of Economic Law. De Almeida, Lucila, Cantero Gamito, Marta, Durovic, Mateja & Purnhagen, Kai Hart Publishing. 317-335.
  • Mukwiri, Jonathan (2019). Cross-Border Mergers Directive and Its Impact in the UK. In Cross-Border Mergers. Papadopoulos, Thomas. Springer. 477-503.
  • Schütze, Robert (2018). The ‘Unsettled’ Eighteenth Century: Kant and his Predecessors. In Globalisation and Governance: International Problems, European Solutions. Schütze, Robert Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 11-40.
  • Schütze, Robert (2018). 'Direct Effects and Indirect Effects of Union Law'. In Oxford Principles of European Union Law. Volume I: The European Union legal order. Schütze, Robert & Tridimas, Takis Oxford: Oxford University Press. 265-299.
  • Schütze, Robert. (2018). 'Introduction: Federal Britain?'. The United Kingdom and the Federal Idea. Hart Publishing. 1-26.
  • Akseli, N.O. (2017). Non-Assignment Clauses and their treatment under UNCITRAL's Secured Transactions Law Instruments. In International and Comparative Secured Transactions Law: Essays in honour of Roderick A Macdonald. Bazinas, S.V. & Akseli, N.O. Hart Publishing. 77-93.
  • Spaventa, E. (2017). Earned Citizenship - Understanding Union Citizenship through its Scope. In EU Citizenship and Federalism: The Role of Rights. Kochenov, D. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 204-225.
  • Siems, Mathias & Mac Sithigh, Daithi (2017). Why Do We Do What We Do? Comparing Legal Methods in Five Law Schools through Survey Evidence. In Rethinking Legal Scholarship: A Transatlantic Interchange. van Gestel, Rob Micklitz, Hans & Rubin, Edward L. Cambridge Cambridge University Press. 31-83.
  • Beyleveld, Deryck (2017). What Is Gewirth and What IS Beyleveld? A Retrospect with Comments on the Contributions. In Ethical Rationalism and the Law. Capps, Patrick & Pattinson, Shaun D. Oxford: Hart Publishing. 233-255.
  • Beyleveld, Deryck (2017). Transcendental Arguments for a Categorical Imperative as Arguments from Agential Self-Understanding. In Transcendental Arguments in Moral Theory. Brune, Jens Peter Stern, Robert & Werner, Micha H Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. 141-159.
  • Akseli, N.O. (2017). SMEs and access to finance: A vulnerability perspective. In Law and Finance after the Financial Crisis: The Untold Stories of the UK Financial Market. Aldohni, A.K. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. 116-134.
  • Schütze, Robert (2017). 'Classifying EU Competences: German Constitutional Lessons?'. The Division of Competences between the EU and the Member States. Garben, Sacha & Govaere, Inge. Hart Publishing. 33-58.
  • Baker, Aaron (2017). Proportionality. In Supperstone, Goudie & Walker: Judicial Review Sixth edition. Fenwick, Helen London: LexisNexis.
  • Beyleveld, Deryck (2017). Sheffield Natural Law School. In Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy. Sellers, M. & Kirste, P. Dordrecht: Springer. 1-8.
  • Van Leeuwen, Barend (2017). The Impact of EU Intellectual Property Law and the Charter on Private Law Concepts. In Primary EU Law and Private Law Concepts. Micklitz, Hans-W. & Sieburgh, Carla Intersentia. 241-270.
  • Schütze, Robert (2017). 'Political Philosophy of Federalism'. In Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law. Wolfrum, Rüdiger, Grote, Rainer & Lachenmann, Frauke
  • Mukwiri, Jonathan (2017). Takeovers. In Gore-Browne on EU Company Law. Fleet,Stuart & Gerner-Beuerle, Carsten. Jordan Publishing.
  • Spaventa, E. (2016). Citizenship: Reallocating Welfare Responsibilities to the State of Origin. In Exceptions from EU Free Movement Law - Derogation, Justification and Proportionality. Koutrakos, P., Nic Shuibhne, N. & Syrpis, P. Oxford: Hart Publishing.
  • Akseli, N.O. (2016). The United Nations Convention on the Assignment of Receivables in International Trade and Small Businesses. In Secured Transactions Law Reform: Principles, Policies and Practice. Gullifer, L. & Akseli, N.O. Oxford; Portland Oregon: Hart Publishing. 465-479.
  • Spaventa, E. (2016). Once a foreigner, always a foreigner: Who Does Not Belong Here Anymore? Expulsion Measures. In Residence, employment and social rights of mobile persons. On how EU law defines where they belong. Verschueren, H. Cambridge Intersentia. 36: 89-110.
  • Akseli, N.O. (2016). Assignment, Delegation and Third-Party Rights. In International Sales Law: Contract, Principles & Practice. Di Matteo, Larry, Janssen, André, Magnus, Ulrich & Schulze, Rainer Munich: Beck/Hart/Nomos. 813-854.
  • Beyleveld, Deryck (2016). The duties we have to future generations: a Gewirthian approach. In Human Rights and Sustainability: Moral responsibilities for the future. Bos, Gerhard & Düwell, Marcus Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. 137-150.
  • Schammo, P. (2016). Differentiated Integration and the Single Supervisory Mechanism: which way forward for the European Banking Authority? In Britain Alone! The Implications and Consequences of United Kingdom Exit from the EU. Birkinshaw, P. & Biondi, A. Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law International. 311-335.
  • Beyleveld, Deryck (2016). Gewirth versus Kant on Kant’s Maxim of Reason: Towards a Gewirthian Philosophical Anthropology. In Gewirthian Perspectives on Human Rights. Bauhn, P. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. 13-29.
  • Georgosouli, A. & Schammo, P. (2016). National Report – United Kingdom. [erroneously attributed to Tridimas, T. in the initial print run]. European Banking Union. XXVII. FIDE Congress Proceedings. Bándi, Gy, Darák, P., Halustyik, A. & Láncos, P. Budapest: Wolters Kluwer. 1: 584-607.
  • Vedder, Hans & Van Leeuwen, Barend (2016). Uitleiding. In Letselschade en Europa. Oldenhuis, Fokko & Vorsselman, Armin Boom Juridisch. 103-110.
  • Van Leeuwen, Barend & Monti, Giorgio (2016). EU Law and Interest on Damages for Infringements of Competition Law. In EU Law and Interest on Damages for Infringements of Competition Law: A Comparative Report. Monti, Giorgio European University Institute. 1-30.
  • Fenwick, Helen (2015). Enhanced Subsidiarity and a Dialogic Approach - Or Appeasement in Recent Cases on Criminal Justice, Public Order and Counter-Terrorism at Strasbourg Against the UK? The UK and European Human Rights A Strained Relationship?. Ziegler, Katja S., Wicks, Elizabeth & Hodson, Loveday Oxford: Hart. 194-213.
  • Beyleveld, Deryck & Brownsword, Roger (2015). Research Participants and the Right to be Informed. In Inspiring a Medico-Legal Revolution: Essays in Honour of Sheila McLean. Ferguson, Pamela R & Laurie, Graeme T London: Routledge. 173-188.
  • Schütze, Robert. (2015). 'EU Competences: Existence and Exercise'. In Oxford Handbook of European Union Law. Arnull, Tony & Chalmers, Damian Oxford University Press.