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Durham European Law Institute
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Durham European Law Institute
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Journal Articles
Jankovic, Sava &
Roeben, Volker
(2024). The threat of Russia's force in Ukraine.
Journal on the Use of Force and International Law
(1-2): 87-107.
Rigotti, Carlotta,
McGlynn, Clare
, & Benning, Franziska (2024). Image-Based Sexual Abuse and EU Law: A Critical Analysis.
German law journal
Roeben, Volker
(2024). Synergy‐as‐principle in global climate regulation.
Global Policy
(S5): 53-63.
Chirita, Anca
(2023). Data-Driven Unfair Competition in Digital Markets.
Boston University Journal of Science & Technology Law
(2): 1-39.
Mukwiri, Johnathan
(2023). Negative Implications of Greater Access to the Courts in the Takeover Process.
European Company and Financial Law Review
(2): 358-384.
Van Leeuwen, Barend
(2023). Patient Choice, Medical Ethics and Free Movement of Patients: The "Emancipation" of the Cross-Border Healthcare Directive.
European law review
(6): 662-680.
Wieczorek, Irene
(2023). The emerging role of the EU as a primary normative actor in the EU Area of Criminal Justice.
European Law Journal: Review of European Law in Context
(4-6): 378-407.
Schütze, Robert
(2023). German Idealism after Kant: Nineteenth Century Foundations of International Law.
Revue d'histoire du droit international
(1): 105-141.
Chirita, Anca
(2022). Abuse of Global Platform Dominance or Competition on the Merits?
Loyola consumer law review
(1): 1-37.
Fahey, Elaine &
Wieczorek, Irene
(2022). The European Parliament as a defender of EU values in EU-Japan agreements: what role for soft law and hard law powers?.
European law review
(3): 331-352.
Frantziou, Eleni
& Craig, Sarah (2022). Understanding the Implications of Article 2 of the Northern Ireland Protocol in the Context of EU Case Law Developments.
Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly
(S2): 65-88.
Frantziou, Eleni
(2022). Was Brexit a Form of Secession?.
Global Policy
(S2): 69-78.
Rigotti, Carlotta &
McGlynn, Clare
(2022). Towards an EU criminal law on violence against women: The ambitions and limitations of the Commission’s proposal to criminalise image-based sexual abuse.
New Journal of European Criminal Law
(4): 452-477.
Schütze, Robert
(2022). Britain in the European Union: A Very Short Introduction.
Global Policy
(Special Issue 2): 39-46.
Schütze, Robert
(2022). Democracy in Europe: Some Preliminary Thoughts.
European law review
(1): 24-51.
Wieczorek, Irene
(2022). EU Harmonisation of Norms Regulating Detention: Is EU Competence (Art. 82(2)b TFEU) Fit for Purpose?.
European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research
(3): 465-481.
Brooks, Thom
(2021). Global Justice and Stakeholding.
International Journal of Applied Philosophy
(1): 105-122.
Frantziou, Eleni
(2021). The Horizontal Effect of Human Rights after Brexit: A Matter of Renewed Constitutional Significance.
European Human Rights Law Review
(4): 365-388.
Schammo, P.
(2021). Institutional change in the Banking Union: the case of the Single Supervisory Mechanism. Yearbook of European Law,
, 265-309.
Van Leeuwen, Barend
(2021). The scope of application of the free movement provisions and the role of Article 18 TFEU: Allianz.
Common Market Law Review
(4): 1249-1270.
Fenwick, Helen
& Fenwick, Daniel (2020). Prevent, free speech, ‘extremism’ and counter-terror interventions: exploring narratives about chilling expression in schools.
Public Law
: 661-679.
Frantziou, Eleni (2020).
The Horizontal Effect of the Charter: Towards an Understanding of Horizontality as a Structural Constitutional Principle?.
The Cambridge yearbook of European legal studies
Van Leeuwen, Barend
(2020). Free Movement of Life? The Interaction Between the Best Interests Test and the Right to Freely Receive Services in Tafida Raqeeb.
Public Law
Mukwiri, Jonathan
(2020). The end of history for the board neutrality rule in the EU.
European Business Organization Law Review
(2): 253-277.
Schütze, Robert
(2020). “Re-Constituting” the Internal Market: Towards a Common Law of International Trade?.
Yearbook of European Law
Van Leeuwen, Barend
(2020). Towards Europeanisation Through the Proportionality Test? The Impact of Free Movement Law on Medical Professional Discipline.
European Law Journal
(1-2): 61-82.
Verbruggen, Paul &
Van Leeuwen, Barend
(2020). Het PIP-schandaal tien jaar verder: Een analyse van de geboekte resultaten en nog onbeantwoorde vragen.
Tijdschrift voor Consumentenrecht & Handelspraktijken
(1): 12-22.
Beyleveld, Deryck
& Brownsword, Roger (2019). Punitive and Preventive Justice in an Era of Profiling, Smart Prediction and Practical Preclusion: Three Key Questions.
International Journal of Law in Context
(2): 198-218.
Avgouleas, E, Chiu, I &
Schammo, P
(2019). Editorial (Fintech Revolution and Regulation).
European Business Organization Law Review
(1): 1-4.
Schammo, Pierre
(2019). Inaction in macro-prudential supervision: assessing the EU's response.
Journal of Financial Regulation
(1): 1-28.
Schammo, Pierre
(2019). ‘Undisruption’ in the SME funding market: information sharing, finance platforms and the UK bank referral scheme.
European Business Organization Law Review
(1): 29-53.
Van Leeuwen, Barend
(2019). The Patient in Free Movement Law: Medical History, Diagnosis and Prognosis.
Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies
: 162-186.
Fenwick, Helen
& Fenwick, David (2019). ‘Finding ‘East’/’West’ divisions in Council of Europe states on treatment of sexual minorities: the response of the Strasbourg Court and the role of consensus analysis’.
European Human Rights Law Review
: 247-273.
Van Leeuwen, Barend
(2019). Market Access, The New Approach And Private Law.
European Review of Private Law
(2): 269-292.
Mukwiri, Jonathan
(2019). Brexit and implications for the free movement of capital.
Legal Issues of Economic Integration
(1): 7-28.
Van Leeuwen, Barend
(2018). Euthanasia and the Ethics of Free Movement Law: The Principle of Recognition in the Internal Market.
German Law Journal
(6): 1417-1436.
Gerner-Beuerle, Carsten, Mucciarelli, Federico M., Schuster, Edmund &
Siems, Mathias
(2018). Why do businesses incorporate in other EU Member States? An empirical analysis of the role of conflict of laws rules.
International Review of Law and Economics
: 14-27.
Schutze, Robert
(2018). ‘Re‐reading’ Dassonville: Meaning and Understanding in the History of European Law.
European Law Journal
(6): 376-407.
Schammo, Pierre
(2018). Actions and inactions in the investigation of breaches of Union law by the European Supervisory Authorities.
Common Market Law Review
(5): 1423-1455.
Mukwiri, Jonathan
(2018). Protectionism and the EU market for corporate control: Is it possible to get the best of both worlds?
European Company and Financial Law Review
(2): 308-338.
Cram, Ian &
Fenwick, Helen
(2018). Protecting free speech and academic freedom in universities.
Modern Law Review
(5): 825-873.
Verbruggen, Paul &
Van Leeuwen, Barend
(2018). The liability of notified bodies under the EU's New Approach: the implications of the PIP breast implants case.
European Law Review
(3): 394-409.
Deakin, Simon, Sarkar, Prabirjit &
Siems, Mathias
(2018). Is There a Relationship Between Shareholder Protection and Stock Market Development?
Journal of Law, Finance, and Accounting
(1): 115-146.
Schütze, Robert
(2018). Judicial Majoritarianism Revisited: “We, the Other Court”?
European Law Review
(2): 269-280.
Siems, Mathias
(2018). Malicious Legal Transplants.
Legal Studies
(1): 103-119.
Gerner-Beuerle, Carsten, Mucciarelli, Federico M., Schuster, Edmund &
Siems, Mathias
(2018). Cross-border reincorporations in the European Union: the case for comprehensive harmonisation.
Journal of Corporate Law Studies
(1): 1-42.
Van Leeuwen, Barend
(2018). Standardisation in the Internal Market for Services: An Effective Alternative to Harmonisation?
Revue Internationale de Droit Économique
(3): 319-332.
Schnyder, G.,
Siems, M.
& Aguilera, Ruth (2018). Twenty years of ‘Law and Finance’ time to take law seriously.
Socio-Economic Review
Colombi Ciacchi, A.L.B., Hodges, C.H.,
Van Leeuwen, B.
, Mak, V., Micklitz, H.W. Rueda, I., Van Schagen, E.A.G. & Weatherill, S. (2018). Position Paper on the Fitness Check of EU Consumer Law.
European Review of Private Law
(5): 703-706.
Siems, Mathias
& Nelken, David (2017). Global social indicators and the concept of legitimacy.
International Journal of Law in Context
(04): 436-449.
Akseli, Orkun
(2017). Mediation in disputes arising in the context of enforcement of security interests.
Uniform Law Review
(4): 747-772.
Fenwick, Helen
Hayward, Andy
(2017). Rejecting Asymmetry of Access to Formal Relationship Statuses for Same and Different-Sex Couples at Strasbourg and Domestically.
European Human Rights Law Review
(6): 544-563.
Fenwick, Helen
Masterman, Roger
(2017). The Conservative Project to ‘Break the Link between British Courts and Strasbourg’ Rhetoric or Reality?
Modern Law Review
(6): 1111-1136.
Fenwick, Helen
(2017). Terrorism and the control orders/TPIMs saga: a vindication of the Human Rights Act or a manifestation of ‘defensive democracy’?
Public Law
(4): 609-626.
Schütze, Robert
(2017). Parliamentary Democracy and International Treaties.
Global Policy
(56): 7-13.
Mukwiri, Jonathan
(2017). Directors’ and Officers’ Insurance in the UK.
European Business Law Review
(4): 547-573.
Van Leeuwen, Barend
(2017). Rethinking the Structure of Free Movement Law: The Centralisation of Proportionality in the Internal Market.
European Journal of Legal Studies
(1): 235-265.
Schammo, Pierre
(2017). Market building and the Capital Markets Union: addressing information barriers in the SME funding market.
European Company and Financial Law Review
(2): 271-313.
Fenwick, Helen
(2017). Terrorism threats and temporary exclusion orders: counter-terror rhetoric or reality?
European Human Rights Law Review
(3): 247-271.
Siems, Mathias
& Alvarez-Macotela, Oscar (2017). The G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance 2015: A Critical Assessment of their Operation and Impact.
Journal of Business Law
(4): 310-328.
Schammo, Pierre
(2017). The European Central Bank’s duty of care for the unity and integrity of the internal market.
European Law Review
(1): 3-26.
Schütze, Robert
(2017). From the “Closed” to the “Open” Commercial State: A Very Brief History of International Economic Law.
Journal of the History of International Law
(4): 495-524.
Beyleveld, Deryck
& Jianjun, Li (2017). Inclusive governance over agricultural biotechnology: risk assessment and public participation.
Law, Innovation and Technology
(2): 301-317.
Van Leeuwen, Barend
(2017). Vaste verkoopprijzen voor medicijnen beoordeeld onder artikel 34 VWEU.
Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Europees Recht
(3): 62-67.
Chen, Ding Deakin, Simon
Siems, Mathias
& Wang, Boya (2017). Law, Trust and Institutional Change in China: Evidence from Qualitative Fieldwork.
Journal of Corporate Law Studies
(2): 257-290.
Fenwick, Helen
(2017). Probing Theresa May's Response to the Recent Terror Attacks.
European Human Rights Law Review
(4): 341-350.
Schütze, Robert
(2016). Tax Barriers to Intra-Union Trade: American ‘Federalism’, European ‘Internationalism’?
Yearbook of European Law
(1): 382-409.
Condon, Rónán &
Van Leeuwen, Barend
(2016). Bottom Up or Rock Bottom Harmonization? Francovich State Liability in National Courts.
Yearbook of European Law
(1): 229-290.
Schütze, Robert
(2016). Of Types and Tests: Towards a Unitary Doctrinal Framework for Article 34 TFEU?
European Law Review
(6): 826-842.
Van Leeuwen, Barend
(2016). The Doctor, the Patient, and EU Law: The Impact of Free Movement Law on Quality Standards in the Healthcare Sector.
European Law Review
(5): 638-654.
Siems, Mathias
(2016). Varieties of Legal Systems: Towards a New Global Taxonomy.
Journal of Institutional Economics
(03): 579-602.
Fenwick, Helen
(2016). Same sex unions at the Strasbourg Court in a divided Europe: driving forward reform or protecting the Court’s authority via consensus analysis?
European Human Rights Law Review
(3): 248-272
Mukwiri, Jonathan
(2016). How independent are independent committees and advisers in Mergers and Acquisitions transactions?
Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law
(2): 99-102.
Siems, Mathias
(2016). Legal Research in Search of Attention: A Quantitative Assessment.
King's Law Journal
(2): 170-187.
Adcock, Mike
Beyleveld, Deryck
(2016). Morality in Intellectual Property Law: A Concept-Theoretic Framework.
Intellectual Property Rights: Open Access
(1): 154.
Schütze, Robert
(2016). "Two-and-a-half Ways of Thinking about the European Union".
Politique Européene
(3): 28-37.
Beyleveld, Deryck
(2016). Genetic privacy protection in biobanking.
Taiwan journal of law and technology policy
(2): 5-21.
Cabrelli, David &
Siems, Mathias
(2015). Convergence, Legal Origins and Transplants in Comparative Corporate Law: A Case-Based and Quantitative Analysis.
American Journal of Comparative Law
(1): 109-153.
Beyleveld, Deryck
& Ziche, Paul (2015). Towards a Kantian Phenomenology of Hope.
Ethical Theory and Moral Practice
(5): 927-942.
Beyleveld, Deryck, Düwell, Marcus & Spahn, Andreas (2015). Why and How Should We Represent Future Generations in Policymaking?
(3): 549-566.
Katelouzou, Dionysia &
Siems, Mathias
(2015). Disappearing Paradigms in Shareholder Protection: Leximetric Evidence for 30 Countries, 1990-2013.
Journal of Corporate Law Studies
(1): 127-160.
Spaventa, E.
(2015). A very fearful Court? The protection of Fundamental Rights in the European Union after Opinion 2/13.
Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law
(1): 35-56.
Zhou, Tianshu &
Siems, Mathias
(2015). Contentious Modes of Understanding Chinese Commercial Law.
Journal of International Commercial Law
(2): 177-200.
Fenwick, Helen
(2015). Redefining the Role of TPIMs in combatting "Home-Grown" Terrorism within the Widening Counter-Terror Framework.
European Human Rights Law Review
(1): 41-56.
Mukwiri, Jonathan
(2015). British law on corporate bribery.
Journal of Financial Crime
(1): 16-27.
Spaventa, E.
(2015). Family rights for circular migrants and frontier workers: O and B, and S and G.
Common Market Law Review
(3): 753-777.
Van Leeuwen, Barend
(2015). La responsabilité des organismes notifiés du fait d’implants mammaires défectueux: TÜV Rheinland devant les tribunaux français et allemands.
Revue internationale de droit économique
(1): 69-85.
Van Leeuwen, Barend
& Verbruggen, Paul (2015). Resuscitating EU Product Liability Law?
European Review of Private Law
: 899-915.
Verbruggen, Paul &
Van Leeuwen, Barend
(2015). Europese regelgeving inzake medische hulpmiddelen. Het PIP-schandaal, de 'Nieuwe Aanpak' en consumenten-bescherming.
Tijdschrift voor Consumentenrecht & Handelspraktijken
(3): 111-121.
Verbruggen, Paul &
Van Leeuwen, Barend
(2015). Aansprakelijkheid voor gebrekkige medische hulpzaken. De (mogelijke) invloed van het Europese Hof van Justitie.
Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Burgerlijk Recht