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Journal Articles

  • Jankovic, Sava & Roeben, Volker (2024). The threat of Russia's force in Ukraine. Journal on the Use of Force and International Law 11(1-2): 87-107.
  • Rigotti, Carlotta, McGlynn, Clare, & Benning, Franziska (2024). Image-Based Sexual Abuse and EU Law: A Critical Analysis. German law journal 1: 1-22.
  • Roeben, Volker (2024). Synergy‐as‐principle in global climate regulation. Global Policy 15(S5): 53-63.
  • Chirita, Anca (2023). Data-Driven Unfair Competition in Digital Markets. Boston University Journal of Science & Technology Law 29(2): 1-39.
  • Mukwiri, Johnathan (2023). Negative Implications of Greater Access to the Courts in the Takeover Process. European Company and Financial Law Review 20(2): 358-384.
  • Van Leeuwen, Barend (2023). Patient Choice, Medical Ethics and Free Movement of Patients: The "Emancipation" of the Cross-Border Healthcare Directive. European law review 48(6): 662-680.
  • Wieczorek, Irene (2023). The emerging role of the EU as a primary normative actor in the EU Area of Criminal Justice. European Law Journal: Review of European Law in Context 27(4-6): 378-407. 
  • Schütze, Robert (2023). German Idealism after Kant: Nineteenth Century Foundations of International Law. Revue d'histoire du droit international 25(1): 105-141. 
  • Chirita, Anca (2022). Abuse of Global Platform Dominance or Competition on the Merits? Loyola consumer law review 33(1): 1-37.
  • Fahey, Elaine & Wieczorek, Irene (2022). The European Parliament as a defender of EU values in EU-Japan agreements: what role for soft law and hard law powers?. European law review 47(3): 331-352.
  • Frantziou, Eleni & Craig, Sarah (2022). Understanding the Implications of Article 2 of the Northern Ireland Protocol in the Context of EU Case Law Developments. Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly 73(S2): 65-88. 
  • Frantziou, Eleni (2022). Was Brexit a Form of Secession?. Global Policy 13(S2): 69-78. 
  • Rigotti, Carlotta & McGlynn, Clare (2022). Towards an EU criminal law on violence against women: The ambitions and limitations of the Commission’s proposal to criminalise image-based sexual abuse. New Journal of European Criminal Law 13(4): 452-477.
  • Schütze, Robert (2022). Britain in the European Union: A Very Short Introduction. Global Policy 13(Special Issue 2): 39-46. 
  • Schütze, Robert (2022). Democracy in Europe: Some Preliminary Thoughts. European law review 47(1): 24-51.
  • Wieczorek, Irene (2022). EU Harmonisation of Norms Regulating Detention: Is EU Competence (Art. 82(2)b TFEU) Fit for Purpose?. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research 28(3): 465-481.
  • Brooks, Thom (2021). Global Justice and Stakeholding. International Journal of Applied Philosophy 34(1): 105-122.
  • Frantziou, Eleni (2021). The Horizontal Effect of Human Rights after Brexit: A Matter of Renewed Constitutional Significance. European Human Rights Law Review 2021(4): 365-388.
  • Schammo, P. (2021). Institutional change in the Banking Union: the case of the Single Supervisory Mechanism. Yearbook of European Law, 40, 265-309. 
  • Van Leeuwen, Barend (2021). The scope of application of the free movement provisions and the role of Article 18 TFEU: Allianz. Common Market Law Review 58(4): 1249-1270.
  • Fenwick, Helen & Fenwick, Daniel (2020). Prevent, free speech, ‘extremism’ and counter-terror interventions: exploring narratives about chilling expression in schools. Public Law 2020: 661-679.
  • Frantziou, Eleni (2020). The Horizontal Effect of the Charter: Towards an Understanding of Horizontality as a Structural Constitutional Principle?. The Cambridge yearbook of European legal studies 22: 208-232. 
  • Van Leeuwen, Barend (2020). Free Movement of Life? The Interaction Between the Best Interests Test and the Right to Freely Receive Services in Tafida Raqeeb. Public Law 3: 398-408.
  • Mukwiri, Jonathan (2020). The end of history for the board neutrality rule in the EU. European Business Organization Law Review 21(2): 253-277.
  • Schütze, Robert (2020). “Re-Constituting” the Internal Market: Towards a Common Law of International Trade?. Yearbook of European Law 39: 250-292. 
  • Van Leeuwen, Barend (2020). Towards Europeanisation Through the Proportionality Test? The Impact of Free Movement Law on Medical Professional Discipline. European Law Journal 26(1-2): 61-82.
  • Verbruggen, Paul & Van Leeuwen, Barend (2020). Het PIP-schandaal tien jaar verder: Een analyse van de geboekte resultaten en nog onbeantwoorde vragen. Tijdschrift voor Consumentenrecht & Handelspraktijken (1): 12-22.
  • Beyleveld, Deryck & Brownsword, Roger (2019). Punitive and Preventive Justice in an Era of Profiling, Smart Prediction and Practical Preclusion: Three Key Questions. International Journal of Law in Context 15(2): 198-218.
  • Avgouleas, E, Chiu, I & Schammo, P  (2019). Editorial (Fintech Revolution and Regulation). European Business Organization Law Review 20(1): 1-4.
  • Schammo, Pierre (2019). Inaction in macro-prudential supervision: assessing the EU's response. Journal of Financial Regulation 5(1): 1-28.
  • Schammo, Pierre (2019). ‘Undisruption’ in the SME funding market: information sharing, finance platforms and the UK bank referral scheme. European Business Organization Law Review 20(1): 29-53.
  • Van Leeuwen, Barend (2019). The Patient in Free Movement Law: Medical History, Diagnosis and Prognosis. Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies 21: 162-186.
  • Fenwick, Helen & Fenwick, David (2019). ‘Finding ‘East’/’West’ divisions in Council of Europe states on treatment of sexual minorities: the response of the Strasbourg Court and the role of consensus analysis’. European Human Rights Law Review 3: 247-273.
  • Van Leeuwen, Barend (2019). Market Access, The New Approach And Private Law. European Review of Private Law 27(2): 269-292.
  • Mukwiri, Jonathan (2019). Brexit and implications for the free movement of capital. Legal Issues of Economic Integration 46(1): 7-28.
  • Van Leeuwen, Barend (2018). Euthanasia and the Ethics of Free Movement Law: The Principle of Recognition in the Internal Market. German Law Journal 19(6): 1417-1436.
  • Gerner-Beuerle, Carsten, Mucciarelli, Federico M., Schuster, Edmund & Siems, Mathias (2018). Why do businesses incorporate in other EU Member States? An empirical analysis of the role of conflict of laws rules. International Review of Law and Economics 56: 14-27.
  • Schutze, Robert (2018). ‘Re‐reading’ Dassonville: Meaning and Understanding in the History of European Law. European Law Journal 24(6): 376-407.
  • Schammo, Pierre (2018). Actions and inactions in the investigation of breaches of Union law by the European Supervisory Authorities. Common Market Law Review 55(5): 1423-1455.
  • Mukwiri, Jonathan (2018). Protectionism and the EU market for corporate control: Is it possible to get the best of both worlds? European Company and Financial Law Review 15(2): 308-338.
  • Cram, Ian & Fenwick, Helen (2018). Protecting free speech and academic freedom in universities. Modern Law Review 81(5): 825-873.
  • Verbruggen, Paul & Van Leeuwen, Barend (2018). The liability of notified bodies under the EU's New Approach: the implications of the PIP breast implants case. European Law Review 43(3): 394-409.
  • Deakin, Simon, Sarkar, Prabirjit & Siems, Mathias (2018). Is There a Relationship Between Shareholder Protection and Stock Market Development? Journal of Law, Finance, and Accounting 3(1): 115-146.
  • Schütze, Robert (2018). Judicial Majoritarianism Revisited: “We, the Other Court”? European Law Review 43(2): 269-280.
  • Siems, Mathias (2018). Malicious Legal Transplants. Legal Studies 38(1): 103-119.
  • Gerner-Beuerle, Carsten, Mucciarelli, Federico M., Schuster, Edmund & Siems, Mathias (2018). Cross-border reincorporations in the European Union: the case for comprehensive harmonisation. Journal of Corporate Law Studies 18(1): 1-42.
  • Van Leeuwen, Barend (2018). Standardisation in the Internal Market for Services: An Effective Alternative to Harmonisation? Revue Internationale de Droit Économique 32(3): 319-332.
  • Schnyder, G., Siems, M. & Aguilera, Ruth (2018). Twenty years of ‘Law and Finance’ time to take law seriously. Socio-Economic Review 1-30.
  • Colombi Ciacchi, A.L.B., Hodges, C.H., Van Leeuwen, B., Mak, V., Micklitz, H.W. Rueda, I., Van Schagen, E.A.G. & Weatherill, S. (2018). Position Paper on the Fitness Check of EU Consumer Law. European Review of Private Law 26(5): 703-706.
  • Siems, Mathias & Nelken, David (2017). Global social indicators and the concept of legitimacy. International Journal of Law in Context 13(04): 436-449.
  • Akseli, Orkun (2017). Mediation in disputes arising in the context of enforcement of security interests. Uniform Law Review 22(4): 747-772.
  • Fenwick, Helen & Hayward, Andy (2017). Rejecting Asymmetry of Access to Formal Relationship Statuses for Same and Different-Sex Couples at Strasbourg and Domestically. European Human Rights Law Review 2017(6): 544-563.
  • Fenwick, Helen & Masterman, Roger (2017). The Conservative Project to ‘Break the Link between British Courts and Strasbourg’ Rhetoric or Reality? Modern Law Review 80(6): 1111-1136.
  • Fenwick, Helen (2017). Terrorism and the control orders/TPIMs saga: a vindication of the Human Rights Act or a manifestation of ‘defensive democracy’? Public Law 2017(4): 609-626.
  • Schütze, Robert (2017). Parliamentary Democracy and International Treaties. Global Policy 8(56): 7-13.
  • Mukwiri, Jonathan (2017). Directors’ and Officers’ Insurance in the UK. European Business Law Review 28(4): 547-573.
  • Van Leeuwen, Barend (2017). Rethinking the Structure of Free Movement Law: The Centralisation of Proportionality in the Internal Market. European Journal of Legal Studies 10(1): 235-265.
  • Schammo, Pierre (2017). Market building and the Capital Markets Union: addressing information barriers in the SME funding market. European Company and Financial Law Review 14(2): 271-313.
  • Fenwick, Helen (2017). Terrorism threats and temporary exclusion orders: counter-terror rhetoric or reality? European Human Rights Law Review 2017(3): 247-271.
  • Siems, Mathias & Alvarez-Macotela, Oscar (2017). The G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance 2015: A Critical Assessment of their Operation and Impact. Journal of Business Law 2017(4): 310-328.
  • Schammo, Pierre (2017). The European Central Bank’s duty of care for the unity and integrity of the internal market. European Law Review 42(1): 3-26.
  • Schütze, Robert (2017). From the “Closed” to the “Open” Commercial State: A Very Brief History of International Economic Law. Journal of the History of International Law 19(4): 495-524.
  • Beyleveld, Deryck & Jianjun, Li (2017). Inclusive governance over agricultural biotechnology: risk assessment and public participation. Law, Innovation and Technology 9(2): 301-317.
  • Van Leeuwen, Barend (2017). Vaste verkoopprijzen voor medicijnen beoordeeld onder artikel 34 VWEU. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Europees Recht (3): 62-67.
  • Chen, Ding Deakin, Simon Siems, Mathias & Wang, Boya (2017). Law, Trust and Institutional Change in China: Evidence from Qualitative Fieldwork. Journal of Corporate Law Studies 17(2): 257-290.
  • Fenwick, Helen (2017). Probing Theresa May's Response to the Recent Terror Attacks. European Human Rights Law Review (4): 341-350.
  • Schütze, Robert (2016). Tax Barriers to Intra-Union Trade: American ‘Federalism’, European ‘Internationalism’? Yearbook of European Law 35(1): 382-409.
  • Condon, Rónán & Van Leeuwen, Barend (2016). Bottom Up or Rock Bottom Harmonization? Francovich State Liability in National Courts. Yearbook of European Law 35(1): 229-290.
  • Schütze, Robert (2016). Of Types and Tests: Towards a Unitary Doctrinal Framework for Article 34 TFEU? European Law Review 41(6): 826-842.
  • Van Leeuwen, Barend (2016). The Doctor, the Patient, and EU Law: The Impact of Free Movement Law on Quality Standards in the Healthcare Sector. European Law Review 41(5): 638-654.
  • Siems, Mathias (2016). Varieties of Legal Systems: Towards a New Global Taxonomy. Journal of Institutional Economics 12(03): 579-602.
  • Fenwick, Helen (2016). Same sex unions at the Strasbourg Court in a divided Europe: driving forward reform or protecting the Court’s authority via consensus analysis? European Human Rights Law Review 2016(3): 248-272
  • Mukwiri, Jonathan (2016). How independent are independent committees and advisers in Mergers and Acquisitions transactions? Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law 31(2): 99-102.
  • Siems, Mathias (2016). Legal Research in Search of Attention: A Quantitative Assessment. King's Law Journal 27(2): 170-187.
  • Adcock, Mike & Beyleveld, Deryck (2016). Morality in Intellectual Property Law: A Concept-Theoretic Framework. Intellectual Property Rights: Open Access 4(1): 154.
  • Schütze, Robert (2016). "Two-and-a-half Ways of Thinking about the European Union". Politique Européene 53(3): 28-37.
  • Beyleveld, Deryck (2016). Genetic privacy protection in biobanking. Taiwan journal of law and technology policy 3(2): 5-21.
  • Cabrelli, David & Siems, Mathias (2015). Convergence, Legal Origins and Transplants in Comparative Corporate Law: A Case-Based and Quantitative Analysis. American Journal of Comparative Law 63(1): 109-153.
  • Beyleveld, Deryck & Ziche, Paul (2015). Towards a Kantian Phenomenology of Hope. Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 18(5): 927-942.
  • Beyleveld, Deryck, Düwell, Marcus & Spahn, Andreas (2015). Why and How Should We Represent Future Generations in Policymaking? Jurisprudence 6(3): 549-566.
  • Katelouzou, Dionysia & Siems, Mathias (2015). Disappearing Paradigms in Shareholder Protection: Leximetric Evidence for 30 Countries, 1990-2013. Journal of Corporate Law Studies 15(1): 127-160.
  • Spaventa, E. (2015). A very fearful Court? The protection of Fundamental Rights in the European Union after Opinion 2/13. Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law 22(1): 35-56.
  • Zhou, Tianshu & Siems, Mathias (2015). Contentious Modes of Understanding Chinese Commercial Law. Journal of International Commercial Law 6(2): 177-200.
  • Fenwick, Helen (2015). Redefining the Role of TPIMs in combatting "Home-Grown" Terrorism within the Widening Counter-Terror Framework. European Human Rights Law Review 2015(1): 41-56.
  • Mukwiri, Jonathan (2015). British law on corporate bribery. Journal of Financial Crime 22(1): 16-27.
  • Spaventa, E. (2015). Family rights for circular migrants and frontier workers: O and B, and S and G. Common Market Law Review 52(3): 753-777.
  • Van Leeuwen, Barend (2015). La responsabilité des organismes notifiés du fait d’implants mammaires défectueux: TÜV Rheinland devant les tribunaux français et allemands. Revue internationale de droit économique 29(1): 69-85.
  • Van Leeuwen, Barend & Verbruggen, Paul (2015). Resuscitating EU Product Liability Law? European Review of Private Law 23: 899-915.
  • Verbruggen, Paul & Van Leeuwen, Barend (2015). Europese regelgeving inzake medische hulpmiddelen. Het PIP-schandaal, de 'Nieuwe Aanpak' en consumenten-bescherming. Tijdschrift voor Consumentenrecht & Handelspraktijken (3): 111-121.
  • Verbruggen, Paul & Van Leeuwen, Barend (2015). Aansprakelijkheid voor gebrekkige medische hulpzaken. De (mogelijke) invloed van het Europese Hof van Justitie. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Burgerlijk Recht 45(10).