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Publication co-authored by IHRR Dr Hanna Ruszczyk: "Managed urban retreat: the trouble with crisis narratives"

Dr Hanna Ruszczyk, a research associate at the Institute of Hazard, Risk and Resilience (IHRR), has co-authored a publication on climate change and crisis narratives in the journal Urban Geography.
Bangladesh photos

IHRR Dr Aaron Neill lectures at River University 2023

Dr Aaron Neill, research associate within the Institute of Hazard, Risk and Resilience (IHRR) at Durham University, was invited to give a lecture at the River University 2023 course held from 31 July to 4 August in Kutzow See, Oder delta, Germany, co-organised by Coalition Clean Baltic and Rewilding Oder Delta.
Rivers University 2023

Another major US city is sinking, and this time it's due to 'underground climate change'

The ground beneath Chicago is deforming as a result of heat leaking from underground structures — a phenomenon dubbed a "silent hazard" for cities across the globe.
The ground beneath Chicago appears to be deforming

Beth Barnes, recognised by the Women's Engineering Society as one of the top 50 Women in Engineering

Beth Barnes, a member of IHRR Management Board, being recognised by the Women's Engineering Society as one of the top 50 Women in Engineering
Beth Barnes Top 50

IHRR Director Bruce Malamud contributes to three-day workshop for the Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office

[06/24] Durham University's Institute of Hazard, Risk and Resilience (IHRR) Director Bruce Malamud contributes to a three-day workshop for the Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) on mutli-hazards.
FCDO presentation

Disaster risk decision-making was on the agenda for the Commonwealth politicians at an IHRR & CPA workshop for small Parliaments

The Institute of Hazard, Risk and Resilience together with the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association’s (CPA) Small Branches network organised a workshop on disaster risk management which was attended by Members of Parliament from 13 small Parliaments in the Commonwealth.
Workshop 2023

The art and science of Geovisualisation for disaster risk management

Durham University's Institute of Hazard, Risk and Resilience (IHRR) Director Bruce Malamud contributed to the lunchtime webinar for the Royal Geographical Survey (RGS) Disaster Risk Management Professional Practice Group, on 'The art and science of Geovisualisation for disaster risk management'.
Bruce Malamud presentation

Photo essay on the gendering of aspirations and road construction in urban Nepal

Dr Hanna Ruszczyk, a research associate at the Institute of Hazard, Risk and Resilience (IHRR) at Durham University, has published a photo essay related to the gendering of aspirations and road construction in urban Nepal.
Roads in Nepal

IHRR Bruce Malamud contributes to hazard and risk-related presentations at the EGU 2023

Durham University's Institute of Hazard, Risk and Resilience (IHRR) Director Bruce Malamud joins the European Geosciences Union (EGU) Conference from 24-28 April 2023 with six co-authored posters and oral presentations on topics ranging from serious games and expert elicitation to urban textures and flood hazard impacts.
Bruce Malamud EGU

Contributing to Google Maps Street View

Dr Ellen Robson, a research associate at the Institute of Hazard, Risk and Resilience at Durham University, conducted a field trip to Nepal in March 2023 to assess the stability of road cut slopes. She recorded a stretch of road using a 360° camera to upload to Google Maps Street View. This is hugely beneficial for research purposes and for the public to use to learn more about this region of Nepal.
Google street view in Nepal

Urban Studies Foundation seminar series grant awarded for investigating overlooked cities

IHRR Hanna Ruszczyk Co-I in 2023 Urban Studies seminar series grant awarded for ‘Overlooked Cities: Thinking and doing global urban studies differently: ordinary and overlooked cities in conversation’.
Seminar series on overlooked cities

Professor A.S.M. Maksud Kamal, Pro-Vice Chancellor Education, Dhaka University, visits the IHRR

Professor A.S.M. Maksud Kamal, Pro-Vice Chancellor Education, Dhaka University, visited the Institute of Hazard, Risk and Resilience (IHRR) at Durham University on 8-9 March 2023.
Disaster science institute Dhaka