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Following the success of previous year's competitions, the Durham Research Methods Centre invites research staff and postgraduate (PGT and PGR) researchers to submit a pictorial representation of their research to the Picturing Research competition.

Picturing Research is a Durham Research Methods Centre (DRMC) online competition showcasing research conducted by researchers at Durham University. It is an opportunity to extend the reach of research to wider publics and different means of communication.

The competition aims to highlight the contributions and impact of Durham researchers to society, locally and globally.

Inspired by the focus of the DRMC on “designing novel methods to tackle complex, real-world challenges’, this year’s competition focuses on:

  • Interdisciplinarity
  • Innovative research
  • Engaging community


The idea is very straightforward: capture/represent your research in one image/photo with the support of a 100-word description.

Photos and a description are submitted online via this link.

This year the competition features 3 Award categories that contestants can apply for: 

  1. Open (any research topic)
  2. Digital
  3. Health and Wellbeing (sponsored by The Wolfson Research Institute)

Award: £100 voucher per category 

Deadline for submissions – Monday 14th April 2025, 5pm


The vote will take place after all submissions have been reviewed, accepted and displayed online. The most voted submission for each category will be announced on the 20th May 2025 at the DRMC Christine Merrell Annual Methods Lecture. 

By submitting a picture to the competition, participants agree for it to be displayed online for the purpose of the competition. 

 Competition guidelines

  • The competition is open to researchers of all stages of career (including PGT and PGR researchers) working and studying at Durham University.
  • Only one submission per candidate will be accepted.
  • Submissions must be based on researchers’ current research.
  • Submissions are to be made via the online form created for the competition.
  • Descriptions should be written in plain English, targeted at a non-specialist audience.
  • Submissions are applicants’ own creations and/or have been granted explicit permission from the creator to be used in the competition. This should be stated when submitting your submission.
  • By submitting a picture to the competition, applicants agree for it to be displayed online and on the DRMC Instagram account for the purpose of the competition.
  • Submission after the deadline will not be considered.