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11 June 2025 - 11 June 2025

10:00AM - 4:15PM

Collingwood College, Durham University, UK

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The Centre for Social Justice and Community Action, Durham University and the UK Participatory Research Network are pleased to announce a jointly organised conference on Wednesday 11th June in Durham, UK. Further details of the full programme can be found below.

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From the Margins to the Mainstream?

Celebrating and Challenging Participatory Action Research

Wednesday 11th June, 2025, 10.00-16.15

Collingwood College, Durham University, UK


This conference will celebrate the development and achievements of participatory action research (PAR). Together we will explore the varieties of activities that come under its umbrella, and the role of activists and academics globally from the 1970s onwards in creating the paths that enabled the founding of Durham University’s Centre for Social Justice and Community Action (CSJCA) in 2009 and the UK Participatory Research Network (UKPRN) in 2014. The conference will celebrate the work of CSJCA and UKPRN and the contributions of many organisations, groups and individuals to their success. At the same time, we will subject the varieties of PAR to a critical lens, asking key questions about the dangers of academic dominance, the persistence of colonialism, extractivism and the implications of increasing recognition and popularity by funders and universities. The event will also mark the forthcoming retirement from Durham University in Autumn 2025 of Sarah Banks, one of the co-founders of CSJCA and UKPRN.

You can read the full programme here: From the Margins to the Mainstream? Celebrating and Challenging Participatory Action Research.

BOOKING: The event is in-person only for participants and booking is essential using this booking link:  Early booking is advised as places are limited.

Fees:  Waged - £45; Students and people on low incomes - £20; Unwaged members of community organisations – free.  We are grateful to the Dept of Sociology, Durham University and UKPRN for contributing to the funding for this event.



Various - see programme for details

Waged - £45; Students and people on low incomes - £20; Unwaged members of community organisations – free.  We are grateful to the Dept of Sociology, Durham University and UKPRN for contributing to the funding for this event.