Atlas of Finance: Mapping the global story of money
12 February 2025 - 12 February 2025
10:00AM - 11:30AM
Lecture theatre W309, Geography West Building, Science Site, South Road, Durham, DH1 3LE
Free to attend
Join us for this seminar with Dr Vladimír Pažitka - one of the authors of the remarkable 'Atlas of Finance' - a tour de force beyond data visualisation into the extraordinary, hidden story of money (one of the most compelling stories ever told!!) and its various exploits and shifting forms and identities through time. This seminar will reshape the way we think about what money is! Be there!! Co-hosted by Geography and the Durham Centre for Visual Arts and Culture (CVAC).
Making it Visual: The story of Money, told in maps and patterns
Money is a story that travels the world. Even the word 'money' can evoke our hopes, fears, goals and dreams, sending us on journeys in our minds. In its physical form of 'currency', money has changed shape through history, from shells, stones, metal coins, bars, promissory notes, bank notes... to its current disembodied digital form, of numbers in the ether of online banking and commerce. We treat it as a 'store of value', a means of exchange, a reward for work done, a kind of energy, a motivating goal. Some desire it, others have renounced it - but we are rarely neutral about it. Access to it can give us a sense of 'agency', and lack of it can remove our felt capacity for power and influence in the world. But what is it really, where did it come from, and in this evolving digital age, what will it do next?
Join us to explore the 'Atlas of Finance', guided by Dr Vladimír Pažitka to follow the story of money through the geographer's lens, as an entity in space and time. Going way beyond 'dataviz', this is "the first ever published book-size collection of maps and visuals dedicated to the topic of money, providing an unique illustrated exploration of the development of finance, that combines data from every part of the world and covers five thousand years of history."
- Find out more info about the book, here: Atlas of Finance - Yale University Press London
Vladimír Pažitka is an Associate Professor in Banking and Finance at the Leeds University Business School. Vladimír has co-authored articles published in some of the leading journals in his field, including Economic Geography, Journal of Economic Geography, Environment and Planning A, Journal of International Financial Markets, Small Business Economics, Urban Studies and Regional Studies. Prior to his current role, Vladimir worked as a Research Associate in Finance and Geography at the School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford. Vladimir holds a DPhil in Economic Geography from the University of Oxford and a MSc in Finance from the University of Birmingham. During his time at the University of Oxford, Vladimir has worked on research projects funded by the European Research Council, Australian Research Council, Hong Kong Research Grants Council and the Centre for International Finance and Regulation.
All welcome.
We look forward to you joining us on 12th February!
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