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Dr Anca Chirita

Associate Professor of Competition Law

Associate Professor of Competition Law in the Durham Law School+44 (0) 191 33 42860


Dr Anca Daniela Chirita is an Associate Professor (Reader) of Competition Law. She is the module leader of Competition Law, having established the undergraduate teaching of this subject as well as designed the postgraduate competition law course since 2011 at the Durham Law School (e.g., 180 competition law students in this academic year and 134 in the previous one including 42 dissertation supervisions). Her research has been published in international journals such as International & Comparative Law Quarterly, Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies, German Journal of European Legal Studies, European Law Review, Irish Journal of European Law, Loyola Consumer Law Review (Chicago), Boston University Journal of Science & Technology LawWorld Competition Law and Economics Review, European Competition Journal, European Competition Law Review, Competition Law Review, Oxford Competition Law, Competition Policy International and with Springer, Hart, Elgar, Nomos. She is particularly interested in the legal categorisation of abuse of digital dominance as well as AI dominance including mergers and acquisitions and on abuse of dominance more generally (invited contributor to the European Commission's Workshop on the draft Article 102 Guidelines on Exclusionary Abuses).

Her research has been frequently quoted, inter alia, by the Court of Justice of the European Union in Regio Jet (abuse of dominance), European Commission's DG COMP Report; EC Director-General for Competition Speech; UK Parliament: House of Lords; OECDGerman Federal Ministry for the Economic Affairs and Climate Action;  German Federal Ministry for the Economic Affairs and Energy; South Africa Competition Commission; International Competition Network (ICN) on Unilateral Conduct etc.

Her research focuses on:

Since 2011, she has been as a member of the Editorial Review Board of OUP's Oxford Competition Law and since 2022, of the Competition Journal of the Romanian competition authority. She has acted as a peer-reviewer for CES (Columbia University) for conferences held in Philadelphia, Glasgow, Chicago and Madrid; for journals including the Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies, Oxford Journal of Competition Law and Economics, Oxford Journal of Antitrust Enforcement, Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal, Competition Law Review, Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies, Journal of European Consumer and Market Law etc; for books with Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press, Palgrave Macmillan, Hart, Routledge etc.; and for funding applications of the British Academy, Austrian Academy of Sciences and Carnegie Trust. 

She has presented her research at numerous events; e.g., the University College London, the Law Society, Chatham House, ASCOLA New York, Pennsylvania, Washington D.C., Berkeley, Sciences Po, Rovinj with four EU judges, XXIII Clasf Madrid, 53rd AIJA etc. Durham events are available here.

Outside academia (2017 to 2022): Non-Governmental Advisor to the International Competition Network for the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Competition for the Unilateral Conduct Working Group and Cartels Working Group. Prior to joining the Law School in 2011, she was a PhD fellow of the Adenauer Foundation at the Europa-Institute, Saarland University, Faculty of Law and Economics. Her PhD in competition law was supervised by Professors Helmuth Schröter and Torsten Stein and awarded ‘summa cum laude’. During her PhD, she worked as a national expert with the College of Europe, Bruges (DG COMP project 2010/11), as a trainee with the Monopolies Commission in Bonn (2009), and as a Blue Book trainee with the European Commission in Brussels (2007/08). Previously, she completed the LL.M advanced diploma in Saarbrücken with a triple specialism in competition law, human rights and world trade law (examinations in German, English and French).

Academic citizenship:

  • 2021 DLS’s Dissertation Committee
  • 2017-2021 DLS Chair of Ethics and Data Protection
  • 2016-2021 DLS’s Research Committee
  • 2016-2019 Co-chair of the DLS-DUBS’s Ethics Committee
  • 2017-2021 Faculty of Health and Social Sciences Ethics Committee
  • 2018-2019 Co-Director of the Institute of Commercial and Corporate Law
  • 2016-2017 Deputy Director of Research Impact
  • 2016-2017 Deputy Chair of the Ethics and Data Protection Peer Review
  • 2013-2014 Co-Director of the European Law Institute.
  • Since 2011, member of the Senior Common Room at Grey College.
Research Supervision

I hold an LLB degree in law, an LLM in law with specialisation in competition law and a PhD in competition law. I welcome MJur/PhD supervision in the following areas of competition law (UK, EU, and US antitrust law):

  • Revisiting the Wider Goals of Antitrust Law, Digital Markets and Sustainability

  • Algorithmic and Software-Driven Price Manipulation

  • Data-Driven Abuse of Dominance (Facebook, Google, Apple, Amazon, Microsoft) and / or Algorithmic Discrimination

  • Data Combinations in Unilateral Conduct and / or in Data-Driven Mergers and Theories of Consumer Harm

  • Excessive Pricing and Consumer Dependence.

Primary supervisions: Ahmed Saim Pehlivanli (PhD), Chris Sherwin.

Completions (2): R Wieser (MJur), G Bandi (PhD secondary).

External MPhil/PhD degree examinations (4): University of Oxford (2015, 2018, 2019), KCL (2017).

External examiner: Edinburgh Law School (2021/2022).

Evidence of internal supervisions: student dissertations published in

  • De Lege Ferenda (Cambridge Law Review) 6 (2023), 103-139, 37 p.
  • Durham Law Review 6 (2022) 1-39, 40 p.
  • European Competition Journal 17 (2021) 2, 407-436, 31 p.
  • World Competition 41 (2018) 3, 419-452, 33 p.
  • Commonwealth Law Bulletin 46 (2020) 2, 331-363, 34 p.
  • European Competition Law Review: 2018, 39(2), 49-63, 18 p.; 2021, 42(9), 520-534, 32 p.; 40 (2019) 3, 107-113, 9 p.; 40 (2019) 2, 83-92, 13 p.
Research Grants

Anca is a recipient of prestigious academic scholarships:

  • 2018/16 RIF £2,694
  • 2017/15 DIBS £5,867
  • 2014 CELS €2,100
  • 2012/14: DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) fellowship
  • 2011: Dr. Friedrich-Feldbausch-Stiftung Prize €900, Vereinigung der Freunde der Universität des Saarlandes €511, Adenauer Stiftung €1,022
  • 2011: College of Europe, Bruges, competition law expert for a project funded by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Competition €3,900
  • 2006/10: Adenauer Foundation doctoral fellowship €44,600
  • 2007/08 EC Blue Book traineeship €4,815
  • 2004/05: Federal Foreign Office Scholarship (Auswärtiges Amt) €12,022
  • LLB (four-year) scholarship for exceptional merit.

Research interests

  • Competition law (UK/EU) and US antitrust law, policy and economics
  • Abuse of a dominant position, mergers, cartels and state aid
  • Competition policy and the intersection of competition law with consumer law and environmental sustainability
  • Digital monopolies and data-driven mergers

Esteem Indicators

  • 2023: Selected research citations:
    • Advocate-General of the Court of Justice of the European Union: Opinion (Case RegioNet, May 5, 2022) Springer (2017)
    • European Commission's Directorate-General for Competition (competition authority): DG COMP Report (2016) ECLR (2012); EC Director-General for Competition Speech on the Object of Effects (2014) ICLQ (2014)
    • UK House of Parliament: House of Lords (2018) at 54 147 186 and 198 written evidence (2018) interviewed by BBC Radio 4
    • Intergovernmental organisation: OECD DAF/COMP (2020)1 31 Springer (2018)
    • reports commissioned for the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action 2016 CLR (2015) and 2022 Hart (2020)
    • digital markets strategy of the South Africa Competition Commission Hart (2020)
  • 2022: ICN NGA for EC DG COMP (2017-2022): Non-Governmental Advisor to the International Competition Network for the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Competition for the Cartel (2017/2018) and for the Unilateral Conduct Working Group (2018/2022) reporting on dominance in digital markets and on theories of harm and remedies.
  • 2012: Dr. Friedrich-Feldbausch-Stiftung Prize:


Authored book

Book review

Chapter in book

Conference Paper

Journal Article

Other (Digital/Visual Media)



Supervision students