Staff profile
Dr Anouk Rigterink
Associate Professor in Quantitative Comparative Politics
Affiliation | Telephone |
Associate Professor in Quantitative Comparative Politics in the School of Government and International Affairs | +44 (0) 191 33 45677 |
Dr. Anouk S. Rigterink obtained her Ph.D. in Development Studies from the London School of Economics and Political Science. Prior to joninig Durham University, she was Economics of Conflict Fellow at Princeton University and International Crisis Group, as well as Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Oxford.
Anouk studies violent conflict and civil war, particularly the relationship between mining and violent conflict. She has published on so-called "blood diamonds" and on a civilian protection militia in South Sudan. Her recent projects include a study into the effectiveness of drone strikes targeting terrorist leaders, a project on deforestation in Uganda (part of the Metaketa III initiative), a study into how conflict affects the deep determinants of behaviour and a project on conflict between industrial and artisanal miners in Sub-Saharan Africa. Anouk uses mainly quantitative research methods.
Research interests
- conflict
- violence
- natural resources
- terrorism
- quantitative research methods
Chapter in book
- Rigterink, A. S. Natural Resources and Insecurity. In The Handbook of Global Security Policy.
- Schomerus, M., & Rigterink, A. S. (2020). South Sudan's long crisis of justice: merging notions of socio-economic justice and criminal accountability. In S. M. Nouwen, L. M. James, & S. Srinivasan (Eds.), Making and breaking peace in Sudan and South Sudan. The British Academy and Oxford University Press
Journal Article
- Rigterink, A. S., & Schomerus, M. (online). The Fear Factor is a Main Thing: How Radio Influences Anxiety and Political Attitudes. The Journal of Development Studies, 53(8),
- Rigterink, A. S., Ghani, T., Lozano, J. S., & Shapiro, J. N. (online). Mining Competition and Violent Conflict in Africa: Pitting Against Each Other. Journal of Politics,
- Eisenbarth, S., Graham, L., & Rigterink, A. S. (2021). Can Reminders of Rules Induce Compliance? Experimental Evidence from a Common Pool Resource Setting. Environmental and Resource Economics, 79(4), 653-681.
- Eisenbarth, S., Graham, L., & Rigterink, A. S. (2021). Can community monitoring save the commons? Evidence on forest use and displacement. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(29), Article e2015172118.
- Rigterink, A. S. (2021). The wane of command. Evidence on drone strikes and control within terrorist organizations. American Political Science Review, 115(1), 31-50.
- Slough, T., Rubenson, D., Levy, R., Alpizar Rodriguez, F., Bernedo Del Carpio, M., Buntaine, M. T., Christensen, D., Cooperman, A., Eisenbarth, S., Ferraro, P., Graham, L., Hartman, A., Kopas, J., McLarty, A. S., Rigterink, A. S., Samii, C., Seim, B., Urpelainen, J., & Zhang, B. (2021). Adoption of Community Monitoring Improves Common Pool Resource Management Across Contexts. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(29), Article e2015367118.
- Rigterink, A. S. (2020). Diamonds, Rebel’s and Farmer’s Best Friend: Impact of Variation in the Price of a Lootable, Labor-intensive Natural Resource on the Intensity of Violent Conflict. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 64(1),
- Rigterink, A. S., & Schomerus, M. (2016). Probing for Proof, Plausibility, Principle and Possibility: A New Approach to Assessing Evidence in a Systematic Evidence Review. Development Policy Review, 34(1), 5-27.
- Schomerus, M., & Rigterink, A. S. (2015). ‘And Then He Switched off the Phone’: Mobile Phones, Participation and Political Accountability in South Sudan’s Western Equatoria State. Stability: International Journal of Security and Development, 4(1), 1-23.
- Rigterink, A. S. (2015). Does Security Imply Safety? On the (Lack of) Correlation Between Different Aspects of Security. Stability: International Journal of Security and Development, 4(1),
- Rigterink, A. S. (2010). Natural resources and civil conflict: An overview of controversies, consensus, and channels. The Economics of Peace and Security Journal, 5(2),