Staff profile
Ben Main
Postgraduate Research Student

Affiliation |
Postgraduate Research Student in the Department of Sociology |
Funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) I use an extended case ethnography to investigate the social relation of rent and urban precarity in London. I work at an intersection of political economy and the urban sociology of Wacquant
My undergraduate and postgraduate degrees are from the University of London and University of Cambridge. I held the IMESS programme scholarship at UCL's School of Slavonic and East European Studies for the MA in Economy, State and Society.
Conference Papers
- Structural and experiential 'folds' - sense making and the urban precariat with and against Wacquant and Willis - Critical perspectives on lived experience in social security policy research workshop - LSE, November 2024
- Inside urban rental precarity - The Lisbon Early-Career Workshop in Urban Studies, Governing the city: polity, politics, policy, Lisbon, November 2024
- The structure of institutional insulation in contested pharmaceutical spending governance - BSA Medical Sociology Conference, Warwick, September 2024
- The theoretical and institutional significance(s) of stable government pharmaceutical spending with increased reimbursement mix - Seventh Annual Wolfson Research Institute for Health and Wellbeing Early Career Researcher Conference, Durham, June 2024
- Money Saving Platforms, Offence and Symbolic Violence - Understanding Offence, (de)limiting the unsayable, Institute of Advanced Study, Durham University, March 2024
- Jessopified-skocpolianism - institutional insulation in state pharmaceutical spending – In Sickness and in Health Conference, Auckland, February 2024
- On Burawoy, Desmond and the extended case method in housing cases - The Lisbon Early-Career Workshop in Urban Studies, Imaginaries of inhabitation, or, the future of planetary dwelling, Lisbon, November 2023
- The selectivity's of New Zealand's pharmaceutical spending policy: incentivisation games, power and societal surplus - BSA Medical Sociology Conference, Sussex, September, 2023
- Thrift, mental health and subsistence – Social Policy Association Conference, Nottingham, July 2023
- UK Mental health policy and discontinuities in the socio-cultural regime of crisis management - Rising inequalities and Poverty – Politics of Lived experience, PGR conference, Durham University, Durham, March 2023
Guest Lecture in Sociology, Durham University, Department of Sociology 2024 - 25
Guest Lecture in Political Economy, Durham University, School of Government and International affairs (SGIA) 2024 -25
Teaching Assistant/Seminar Tutor, Durham University, School of Government and International affairs (SGIA) and Durham University, Department of Sociology (academic year 2024-25)
- Perspectives of Political Economy
- Capitalism: History and Theory
- Introduction to Criminological Theory
Seminar tutor (academic year 2023/24):-
- Capitalism: History and Theory
- Interdisciplinary Perspectives and Practises Across Social Research (PG)
- Perspectives of Political Economy
- Political Theory
Seminar tutor (academic year 2022/23):
- Contemporary Criminological Theory
- Criminal Justice Landscape
- Social Work in Context (PG)
Journal Article
- Main, B., Csanadi, M., & Ozieranski, P. (2022). Pricing strategies, executive committee power and negotiation leverage in New Zealand’s containment of public spending on pharmaceuticals. Health Economics, Policy and Law, 17(3), 348-365.
- Main, B., & Ozieranski, P. (2021). Divergent spender: State‐societal and meso‐organisational mechanisms in the containment of public spending on pharmaceuticals in a liberal capitalist democracy. Sociology of Health & Illness, 43(6), 1518 - 1539.