Staff profile

Affiliation |
Professor in the Department of Sociology |
Catherine joined the Department of Sociology in September 2018 as Professor of Sociology after spending 23 years at the University of Sunderland. Catherine gained her BA Social Studies at the University of Newcastle, her Masters in Women’s Studies at York University and her PhD at Edinburgh University. She is also a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. At Durham she is co-convening the Postgraduate option module Gender, Violence and Abuse (SOCI4060) and convenor for the Undergraduate option module Sociology Community Placement (SOC13511).
Catherine’s current research interests are the use of violent and abusive behaviours by lesbians, gay men, bisexual women and men and/or trans people in their intimate relationships; the implications of love for making sense of and addressing domestic violence and abuse; hate crime/incidents and hate relationships and student safety. She is also currently developing a research project to explore elder abuse of LGB and/or T people.
Catherine welcomes enquiries about supervision from students who want to write an undergraduate, masters or doctoral dissertation on any of these topics as well as, more broadly topics exploring gender and sexuality.
Selected Grants
Co-Investigator, (2017-2018) Be the Difference, Pilot Active Bystander Project and evaluation, Funder: HEFCE Catalyst Fund and the University of Sunderland (£82,000).
Principal Investigator (2017-2018) Evaluation of Breaking the Cycle, Blackburn Changing Lives, Funder: Changing Lives (£15,000)
Principal Investigator (2006-2017) Three International Seminar Series showcasing research and best practice from around the world, Funder: NRF and University of Sunderland (£51,000)
UoS three month Graduate Internship in Partnership with Advocacy Centre North (2016) evaluating Partners in Health Advocacy Service (£15,000 pro rata)
Co-Investigator (2014-16) ‘Evaluation of the Selfies Project: Informal Sex and Relationships Education for LGBT Young People’, Funder: Projects Galore (£8,000)
Co-Investigator (2015-2016) Two public engagement events in the ESRC Social Science Festival on LGBT sex and relationships education Funder: ESRC (£2,000)
Principal Investigator (2014-15) Rape Crisis Tyneside and Northumberland, Funder: RCTN (£10,000) undertaking a service evaluation of the Northumberland and Tyneside services.
Principal Investigator (2014) ‘Speaking Out: Trans Experiences of Violence and Abuse’ Funder: CASS (£8,000)
Principal Investigator (2014-1015) The Ace Project: Developing an Agenda for Change for Young LGBT People At Risk Of Sexual Exploitation, Funder: NRF (£7,000)
Principal Investigator (2014-2016) The Emerald Project: Exploring Student Safety, Funder CASS and FES (£7,500)
Co-Investigator (2014-2016) ‘Disability and Hate Crime in the North-east of England’ Funder CASS and FES (£8,600)
Principal Investigator (2014) ‘Evaluation of Sunderland City Council New Customer Services Network’ Funder: Sunderland City Council (£5,000)
Principal Investigator (2012-2014) ‘Exploring the Abusive Behaviours of Partners in LGBT Relationships’ Funder: ESRC (£270,000)
Principal Investigator (2014) ‘Evaluation of North East Domestic Abuse Project’ Funder: NRF (£5,000)
Principal Investigator, (2011-13) Impact of the Cuts, two year longitudinal study of the impact of the Coalition Government’s comprehensive spending review on the School’s partner agencies across the North East, Funder: CASS (£8,000)
Principal Investigator (2009-10) Exploration of reasons why so few LGB and or T victim/survivors of domestic violence and abuse are referred to multi-agency risk assessment conferences, Funder: Gateshead Domestic Abuse Partnership and University of Sunderland (£3,000)
Co-Investigator (In collaboration with a colleague in Community and Youth Work) an audit of services for LGBT citizens of Sunderland Funder: City of Sunderland Council (£2000). Output: Report written February 2008
Principal Investigator (2005-2010) ‘Evaluation of NRF Domestic Abuse Intervention Programme’ Funder: NRF (£500,000)
Principal Investigator (2004-2006) ‘Comparing Love and Violence in Heterosexual and Same Sex Relationships’ Funder: ESRC (£195,000)
Authored book
- Donovan, C., & Barnes, R. (2020). Queering Narratives of Domestic Violence and Abuse. Palgrave Macmillan
- Donovan, C., & Hester, M. (2014). Domestic violence and sexuality : what's love got to do with it?. Policy Press
- Kearney, J., & Donovan, C. (2011). Rights, Risks and Responsibilities. Pending Details
- Donovan, C., Weeks, J., & Heaphy, B. (2001). Same sex intimacies. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group
Chapter in book
- Clayton, J., Macdonald, S., & Donovan, C. (in press). Familiar faces: hate relationships and the everyday-ness of hate perpetration. In I. Zempi, J. Garland, & J. Smith (Eds.), Familiar faces: hate relationships and the everyday-ness of hate perpetration. Palgrave Macmillan
- Macdonald, S., Clayton, J., & Donovan, C. (in press). From Isolation to Invasion: Disability and Loneliness as Catalysts for Cuckooing. In L. Bainbridge, R. Broad, & A. Loughery (Eds.), Understanding and Preventing ‘Cuckooing’ Victimisation: County Lines and Beyond. Routledge
- Macdonald, S., Donovan, C., & Clayton, J. (in press). Disablist Hate Relationships: The Impact of ‘Low-Level’ Forms of Community Violence on Disabled People’s Quality-of-Life. In S. J. Macdonald, & D. Peacock (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Disability, Crime, and Justice. Routledge
- Macdonald, S., Donovan, C., & Clayton, J. (in press). ‘He Made Us a Bit Suicidal to be Honest’: Disability Studies, Hate and Victimisation. In S. Weston, & J. Trebilcock (Eds.), Mental Health, Crime and Justice: An Edited Collection. Springer Nature
- Donovan, C. Why legal equality is not enough: The case of domestic violence and abuse in the relationships of LGBTQ+ people. In F. Hamilton, & G. Noto La Dieg (Eds.), Same-Sex Relationships, Law and Social Change (253-271). Routledge
- Macdonald, S. J., Clayton, J., & Donovan, C. (2024). Disability, Mate Crime, and Cuckooing (Home Takeovers). In L. Burch, & D. Wilkin (Eds.), Disability Hate Crime: Perspectives for Change. Routledge.
- Donovan, C., Butterby, K., & Barnes, R. (2023). ‘I wasn’t aware at the time, I could actually say “no”’: Intimacy, Expectations, and Consent in Queer Relationships. In S. Franklin, H. Piercy, A. Thampuran, & R. White (Eds.), Consent: Legacies, Representations, and Frameworks for the Future (154-169). Routledge.
- Donovan, C., Chantler, K., Fenton, R., & Bracewell, K. (2020). Feminist Activism Among Academic Staff in the Movement to Address Gender-Based Violence on Campus. In Collaborating for Change: Transforming Cultures to End Gender-Based Violence in Higher Education. Oxford University Press
- Donovan, C., & Barnes, R. (2018). Being 'ideal' or falling short? The legitimacy of lesbian, gay, bisexual and/or transgender victims of domestic violence and hate crime. In M. Duggan (ed), Revisiting the “Ideal Victim” (pp.83-101). Policy Press. In M. Duggan (Ed.), Revisiting the Ideal Victim (83-101). Policy Press
- Rushton, P., & Donovan, C. (2018). Introduction: Austerity Policies: Bad Ideas in Practice. In P. Rushton, & C. Donovan (Eds.), Austerity Policies: Bad Ideas in Practice (1-17). Palgrave Macmillan.
- Prioritising Services Under Austerity. In P. Rushton, & C. Donovan (Eds.), Austerity Policies Bad Ideas in Practice. Palgrave Mcmillan
- Donovan, C. (2017). Feminism and social work. In L. Deacon, & S. Macdonald (Eds.), Social Work Theory and Practice. SAGE Publications
- Donovan, C. (2017). An exploration of Spare Rib's treatment of violence between women in same sex relationships. In A. Smith (Ed.), Re-Reading Spare Rib. Palgrave Macmillan
- Donovan, C. (2015). Tackling inequality in the intimate sphere : problematizing love and violence in same-sex relationships. In R. Leckey (Ed.), After Legal Equality. Routledge
- Donovan, C. (2013). Redefining domestic violence and abuse : unintended consequences of risk assessment. In J. Kearney, & C. Donovan (Eds.), Constructing Risky Identities in Policy and Practice. Palgrave Macmillan
- Donovan, C., & Hester, M. (2011). Exploring emotion work in domestically abusive relationships. In J. L. Ristock (Ed.), Intimate Partner Violence in LGBTQ Lives (81-101). Routledge
- Donovan, C. (2008). Feeling at home : children of lesbian-headed families telling their family stories in primary school settings. In E. Atkinson, & R. Palmer (Eds.), Invisible Boundaries. Trentham
- Watson, N., & Donovan, C. (2005). Educating About Donor Insemination: Managing Risky Identities in Donor Insemination. In A. Hope, & P. Oliver (Eds.), Risk, Education and Culture (226-242). Ashgate Publishing
- Weeks, J., Heaphy, B., & Donovan, C. (2004). Lesbian and gay families. In Blackwells Companion to the Family. Blackwell
- Heaphy, B., Donovan, C., & Weeks, J. (2004). A different affair? Monogamy and non-monogamy in same sex relationships. In G. Allen (Ed.), State of Affairs. Erlbaum
- Weeks, J., Donovan, C., & Heaphy, B. (1999). Everyday experiments : narratives of non-heterosexual relationships. In E. Silva, & C. Smart (Eds.), The New Family. SAGE Publications
- Weeks, J., Heaphy, B., & Donovan, C. (1999). Families of choice : autonomy and mutuality in non-heterosexual relationships. In S. McCrae (Ed.), Changing Britain : Families and Households in the Nineties. Oxford University Press
- Weeks, J., Heaphy, B., & Donovan, C. (1999). Partners by choice : equality, power and commitment in non-heterosexual relationships. In G. Allen (Ed.), The Sociology of the Family : A Reader. Oxford University Press
- Heaphy, B., Weeks, J., & Donovan, C. (1999). Narratives of care, love and commitment : AIDS/HIV and non-heterosexual family formations. In P. Aggleton, G. Hart, & P. Davies (Eds.), Families and Communities Responding to AIDS. UCL Press
- Heaphy, B., Donovan, C., & Weeks, J. (1999). Sex, money and the kitchen sink : power in same-sex couple relationships. In J. Seymour, & P. Bagguley (Eds.), Relating Intimacies : Power and Resistance. MacMillan Press
- Weeks, J., Heaphy, B., & Donovan, C. (1999). Partnership rites : commitment and ritual in non-heterosexual relationships. In J. Seymour, & P. Bagguley (Eds.), Relating Intimacies : Power and Resistance. MacMillan Press
- Donovan, C. (1997). Lesbian families in Britain. In K. Griffin (Ed.), Lesbian Families in Europe. Cassel
Conference Paper
- Roberts, N., Donovan, C., & Durey, M. (2019, December). Landscapes of Safety: The construction and navigation of the urban landscape by students based on their gendered and/or racialised subjectivities
- Roberts, N., Donovan, C., & Durey, M. (2019, December). Challenging Boundaries: How students construct and navigate boundaries of safety based on their gendered and/or racialised subjectivities. Paper presented at First Annual FES Research Conference: Boundary Breaking, University of Sunderland
- Donovan, C., Roberts, N., Tudor, K., & Durey, M. (2018, July). Positioning Universities as a source of Help when Gender Based Violence, Harassment and/or Hate Are Experienced by Students
- Donovan, C., Roberts, N., Tudor, K., & Durey, M. (2017, March). Help-Seeking of Students
Edited book
- Kearney, J., & Donovan, C. (Eds.). Constructing Risky Identities in Policy and Practice. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Rushton, P., & Donovan, C. (Eds.). Austerity Policies: Bad ideas in practice. Palgrave Macmillan
Journal Article
- Gangoli, G., Donovan, C., Gill, A. K., Butterby, K., Dhir, A., & Regan, S. (online). Understanding family abuse: An intersectional approach to prevention and addressing family abuse perpetrators. Journal of Gender-Based Violence,
- Donovan, C., & Rowlands, J. (online). Barriers to making referrals of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered (LGBT) victim/survivors to the MARAC and recommendations for improvement
- Macdonald, S. J., Clayton, J., & Donovan, C. (online). Exploring third party reporting across categories of hate in Tyne and Wear
- Donovan, C., & Griffiths, S. (online). Voluntary perpetrator programmes : issues of engagement and retention
- Riggs, D., Fraser, H., Taylor, N., Signal, T., & Donovan, C. (online). People of Diverse Genders and/or Sexualities and their Animal Companions: Experiences of Family Violence in a Bi-National Sample. Journal of Family Issues,
- Donovan, C., & Griffiths, S. (online). Domestic violence and voluntary perpetrator programmes : engaging men in the pre-commencement phase. The British Journal of Social Work, 1-17
- Roberts, N., Donovan, C., & Durey, M. (online). Students’ help-seeking for experiences of interpersonal violence: how can universities respond?. Criminology & Criminal Justice,
- Donovan, C., Magić, J., & West, S. (2024). Family abuse targeting queer family members: An argument to address problems of visibility in local services and civic life. Journal of Family Violence, 39, 1337–1349.
- Butterby, K., & Donovan, C. (2024). The Impact of Police ‘Process-Driven Responses’ on Supporting Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and/or Transgender + Victim-Survivors of Domestic Abuse in England. Journal of Family Violence, 39(7), 1379–1391.
- Clayton, J., Donovan, C., & Macdonald, S. J. (2024). Domestic colonisation: The centrality of the home in experiences of home‐takeovers and hate relationships. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 49(3), Article e12660.
- Walker, A., Fenton, R. A., Parry, B., Barton, E. R., Snowdon, L. C., Donovan, C., Bellis, M. A., & Hughes, K. (2024). Bystander experiences of domestic violence and abuse during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Gender-Based Violence, 8(2), 141-161.
- Macdonald, S. J., Donovan, C., Clayton, J., & Husband, M. (2024). Becoming cuckooed: conceptualising the relationship between disability, home takeovers and criminal exploitation. Disability and Society, 39(2), 485-505.
- Gangoli, G., Donovan, C., King, H., & Dutt, A. (2023). Understanding gender and sexuality: The hidden curriculum in English schools. Review of Education, 11(3), Article e3440.
- Amos, N., Hill, A., Donovan, C., Carman, M., Parsons, M., McNair, R., Lyons, A., & Bourne, A. (2023). Family Violence Within LGBTQ Communities in Australia: Intersectional Experiences and Associations with Mental Health Outcomes. Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 20(4), 1316-1327.
- Donovan, C., Macdonald, S., & Clayton, J. (2023). Re-Conceptualising Repeat Reports of Hate Crime/Incidents as Hate Relationships Based on Coercive Control and Space for Action. Sociological Research Online, 28(2), 502–517.
- Bourne, A., Amos, N., Donovan, C., Carman, M., Parsons, M., Lusby, S., Lyons, A., & Hill, A. O. (2023). Naming and recognition of intimate partner violence and family of origin violence among LGBTQ communities in Australia. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 38(5-6), 4589-4615.
- MacDonald, S. J., Donovan, C., & Clayton, J. (2023). ‘I may yet be left with no choice but to seek an ending to my torment’: disability and intersectionalities of hate crime. Disability and Society, 38(1), 127-147.
- Roberts, N., Donovan, C., & Durey, M. (2022). Gendered landscapes of safety: How women construct and navigate the urban landscape to avoid sexual violence. Criminology & Criminal Justice, 22(2), 287-303.
- Clayton, J., Donovan, C., & Macdonald, S. (2022). Living with hate relationships: familiar encounters, enduring racisms and geographies of entrapment. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 40(1), 60-79
- Riggs, D., Taylor, N., Fraser, H., Donovan, C., & Signal, T. (2021). The link between domestic violence and abuse and animal cruelty in the intimate relationships of people of diverse genders and/or sexualities: A bi-national study. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36(5-6), NP3169 - NP3195.
- Formby, E., & Donovan, C. (2020). Sex and relationships education for LGBT+ young people: Lessons from UK youth work. Sexualities, 23(7), 1155-1178.
- Roberts, N., Donovan, C., & Durey, M. (2019). Agency, Resistance and the Non-'Ideal' Victim: How women deal with sexual violence. Journal of Gender-Based Violence, 3(3), 323-338.
- Donovan, C., & Barnes, R. (2019). Making sense of discourses of sameness and difference in agency responses to abusive LGB and/or T partners. Sexualities, 22(5-6), 785-802.
- Donovan, C., & Barnes, R. (2019). Domestic violence and abuse in lesbian, gay, bisexual and/or transgender (LGB and/or T) relationships. Sexualities, 22(5-6), 741-750.
- Donovan, C., & Barnes, R. (2019). Re-tangling the concept of coercive control: A view from the margins and a response to Walby and Towers (2018). Criminology & Criminal Justice, 21(2), 242-257.
- Donovan, C., & Barnes, R. (2019). Help-seeking among lesbian, gay, bisexual and/or transgender victims/survivors of domestic violence and abuse: the impacts of cisgendered heteronormativity and invisibility. Journal of Sociology, 56(4), 554-570.
- Taylor, N., Riggs, D., Donovan, C., Signal, T., & Fraser, H. (2019). People of Diverse Genders and/ or Sexualities Caring for and Protecting Animal Companions in the Context of Domestic Violence. Violence Against Women, 25(9), 1096-1115.
- Donovan, C., Clayton, J., & Macdonald, S. (2019). New directions in hate reporting research: agency, heterogeneity and relationality. Sociological Research Online, 24(2), 185-202.
- Riggs, D. W., Taylor, N., Signal, T., Fraser, H., & Donovan, C. (2018). People of Diverse Genders and/or Sexualities and Their Animal Companions: Experiences of Family Violence in a Binational Sample. Journal of Family Issues, 39(18),
- Macdonald, S. J., Donovan, C., & Clayton, J. (2017). The disability bias: understanding the context of hate in comparison with other minority populations. Disability and Society, 32(4), 483-499.
- Clayton, J., Donovan, C., & Macdonald, S. J. (2016). A Critical Portrait of Hate Crime/Incident Reporting in North East England: The Value of Statistical Data and the Politics of Recording in an Age of Austerity. Geoforum, 75, 64-74.
- Donovan, C., & Barnes, R. (2015). Making sense of abusive behaviour in LGBT intimate relationships
- Clayton, J., Donovan, C., & Merchant, J. (2015). Distancing and limited resourcefulness : third sector service provision under austerity localism in the North East of England. Urban Studies, 53(4), 723-740
- Clayton, J., Donovan, C., & Merchant, J. (2014). Emotions of austerity : care and commitment in public service delivery in the North East of England. Emotion, Space and Society, 14, 24-32
- Griffiths, S., & Donovan, C. (2011). Benefits of identifying need as well as risk for victim/survivors of domestic violence
- Donovan, C., & Hester, M. (2011). Seeking help from the enemy: help-seeking strategies of those in same sex relationships who have experienced domestic abuse. Child and family law quarterly, 23(1), 26-40
- Donovan, C., & Hester, M. (2010). Domestic violence in first same-sex relationships : making the case for mainstreaming same-sex sex and relationship education
- Donovan, C., & Hester, M. (2010). I hate the word victim an exploration of recognition of domestic violence in same sex relationships Social Policy and Society
- Hester, M., & Donovan, C. (2010). Feminist epistemology and the politics of method: surveying same sex domestic violence. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 13(3), 251-263
- Hester, M., & Donovan, C. (2009). Researching domestic violence in same sex relationships - a feminist epistemological approach to survey development. Journal of Lesbian Studies, 13(2), 161-173.
- McCarry, M., Hester, M., & Donovan, C. (2008). Researching Same Sex Domestic Violence: Constructing a Survey Methodology. Sociological Research Online, 13(1),
- Donovan, C. (2008). It's not really seen as an issue, you know, lesbian infertility it's kind of 'what's that? : Lesbians' unsuccessful experiences of medicalised donor insemination. Medical Sociology Online, 3(1), 15-24
- Donovan, C., & Hester, M. (2008). Because she was my first girlfriend, I didn't know any different: Making the case for mainstreaming same-sex sex/relationship education. Sex Education: Sexuality, Society and Learning, 8(3), 277-287
- Donovan, C., & Wilson, A. (2008). Integrity \& imagination : exploring the narrative process of lesbian couples becoming parents. Culture, Health & Sexuality, 10(7), 649-665
- Donovan, C. (2006). Genetics, fathers and families Exploring the implications of changing the law in favour of identifying sperm donors. Social and Legal Studies, 15(4), 494-510.
- Donovan, C. (2005). New parenting: opportunities and challenges. Sexualities, 8(2), 131-136.
- Donovan, C., & Wilson, A. (2005). Parenting opportunities : opportunities and challenges
- Donovan, C. (2004). Why reach for the moon? Because the stars aren't enough. Feminism and Psychology, 14(1), 24-29.
- Donovan, C. (2000). Who needs a father? Negotiating biological fatherhood in British lesbian families using self-insemination. Sexualities, 3(2), 149-164
- Heaphy, B., Donovan, C., & Weeks, J. (1999). That's like my life : researching stories of non-heterosexual relationships. Sexualities, 1(4), 453-470
- Donovan, C., Heaphy, B., & Weeks, J. (1999). Citizenship and same sex relationships. Journal of Social Policy, 28(4), 689-709
- Donovan, C. (1996). Young people, alcohol and sex: taking advantage. Youth & Policy, 53, 30-37
- Donovan, C., Mearns, C., McEwan, R., & Sugden, N. (1994). A review of the HIV-related sexual behaviour of gay men and men who have sex with men. AIDS Care, 6(5), 605-617
- Donovan, C., & McEwan, R. (1994). A review of the literature examining the relationship between alcohol use and HIV-related sexual risk-taking in young people
Other (Print)
- Roberts, N., Donovan, C., Tudor, K., & Durey, M. (2018). Agency, Resistance and the Non "Ideal Victim": How women deal with everyday sexual violence?
- Roberts, N., & Donovan, C. (2017). Agency, Resistance And The Non \textquoteleftIdeal Victim\textquoteright: How Women Deal With Everyday Sexual Violence
- Donovan, C., & Roberts, N. (2017). Developing and Promoting Safer Communities of Learners
- Donovan, C., Roberts, N., Tudor, K., & Durey, M. (2016). Emerald Project Interim Report
- Donovan, C., Roberts, N., & Durey, M. (2014). Teaching Gendered Violence: The impact upon students\textquoteright thoughts (and attitudes)
- Donovan, C., Macdonald, S. J., & Clayton, J. (2014). Reporting and Responding to Hate Crime in the North East of England
- Barnes, R., Donovan, C., & Nixon, C. (2013). Researching perpetrators of abuse in same sex and/or trans realtionships: emergent methodological dilemas and reflections
- Donovan, C., Clayton, J., & Merchant, J. (2012). Localism or Pulling the Plug on Public Services? Consequences of Austerity for the Third Sector in the North East
- Donovan, C., Clayton, J., Merchant, J., & Roberts, N. (2011). An exploration of the impact of the Coalition Government's spending review on the North East and how the Department of Social Sciences might respond
- Donovan, C., Roberts, N., & Wilcock, A. (2011). Tyneside Rape Crisis Centre Grace - Northumberland Sexual Violence Project: Evaluation and sustainability report
- Donovan, C., Clayton, J., Macdonald, S., Long, C., Dutt, A., Jain, V., & Rabe, J. Improving Responses to Hate Relationships Final Report Executive Summary. Durham and Northumbria University
- Chantler, K., Donovan, C., Fenton, R., & Bracewell, K. Findings from a national study to investigate how British universities are challenging sexual violence and harassment on campus: Briefing Paper and Checklist. [No known commissioning body]
- Donovan, C., Magić, J., & West, S. (2021). LGBT+ Domestic Abuse Needs Assessment for Central Bedfordshire Council. Galop, LGBT Anti-violence charity
- Donovan, C., Clayton, J., Macdonald, S., Ungureanu, C., & Knight, M. (2021). Exploring ‘hate relationships’ through Connected Voice’s Hate Crime Advocacy Service. [No known commissioning body]
- Donovan, C., Wilcock, A., Cunnington-Shore, C., & Easton, J. (2020). The Training Needs of Magistrates in relation to Domestic Abuse. Magistrates Association
- Donovan, C., & Butterby, K. (2020). An eight day working week: LGBT+ Domestic Abuse Sector Snapshot. [No known commissioning body]
- Donovan, C., Roberts, N., Tudor, K., & Durey, M. (2017). Initial Findings from the Emerald Project: Exploring relationships between structural vulnerabilities and perceptions and experiences of violence and abuse amongst students. [No known commissioning body]
- Donovan, C. (2015). Centre for Applied Sciences Newsletter. [No known commissioning body]
- Donovan, C., Durey, M., Butterworth, K., & Hugman, C. (2015). Rape Crisis Tyneside and Northumberland : Tyneside Rape Crisis (covering Gateshead, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, North Tyneside and South Tyneside) : service evaluation. [No known commissioning body]
- Donovan, C., Durey, M., Butterworth, K., & Hugman, C. (2015). Rape crisis Tyneside and Northumberland : Grace (covering Northumberland) : Rape Crisis service evaluation. [No known commissioning body]
- Donovan, C., & Durey, M. (2014). Evaluation of the North East Domestic Abuse Project University of Sunderland. [No known commissioning body]
- Donovan, C., Tunmore, J., & Durey, M. (2014). Evaluation of the introduction of the Sunderland Customer Services Network to Children's Service. [No known commissioning body]
- Donovan, C., Barnes, R., & Nixon, C. (2014). The Coral Project : exploring abusive behaviours in lesbian, gay, bisexual and/or transgender relationships. [No known commissioning body]
- Donovan, C. (2010). Barriers to Making Referrals of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered (LGBT) victim/survivors to the MARAC and Recommendations for Improvement: A Study of IDVAs, MARAC Coordinators and PPU Detective Inspectors Within the Northumbria Police Force Area. [No known commissioning body]
- Donovan, C., Griffiths, S., Groves, N., Johnson, H., & Douglass, J. (2010). Making connections count : an evaluation of early intervention models for change in domestic violence. [No known commissioning body]
- Donovan, C., & Williams, F. (2008). Scoping exercise assessing LGB service provision in Sunderland. [No known commissioning body]
- Donovan, C., Hester, M., Holmes, J., & McCarry, M. (2006). Comparing domestic abuse in same sex and heterosexual relationships. [No known commissioning body]
- Donovan, C., Gangoli, G., Hester, M., & Westmarland, N. (2004). Provision of services for, and the needs of, children and black minority ethnic women living with domestic violence in South Tyneside. [No known commissioning body]
- Weeks, J., Heaphy, B., & Donovan, C. (1997). Families of choice : the structure and meanings of non-heterosexual relationships, research results. [No known commissioning body]
- Weeks, J., Donovan, C., & Heaphy, B. (1996). Social Science Research Papers Families of choice : patterns of non-heterosexual relationships. A literature review. [No known commissioning body]
- Donovan, C., Sugden, N., Mearns, C., & McEwan, R. (1995). Keep on keeping on : a study at ways of enabling people with HIV and their partners to keep on having 'safer sex'. [No known commissioning body]
Working Paper