Staff profile

Affiliation |
Professor in the Department of Sociology |
Executive Director in the Wolfson Research Institute for Health and Wellbeing |
Chapter in book
- Clarke, C. (2016). Aging and conflict outside and behind your front door: Comment on the Israeli case study from a British perspective. In Transnational Social Work and Social Welfare (217-220). Taylor and Francis.
- Clarke, C., & Wilson, V. (2007). Learning-The Heart of Practice Development. In K. Manley, B. McCormack, & V. Wilson (Eds.), International Practice Development in Nursing and Healthcare (105-125). John Wiley and Sons.
Journal Article
- Casey, D., Doyle, P., Gallagher, N., O’Sullivan, G., Smyth, S., Devane, D., Murphy, K., Clarke, C., Woods, B., Dröes, R.-M., Windle, G., Murphy, A. W., Foley, T., Timmons, F., Gillespie, P., Hobbins, A., Newell, J., Abedin, J., Domegan, C., Irving, K., & Whelan, B. (2024). The Comprehensive Resilience-building psychosocial Intervention (CREST) for people with dementia in the community: a feasibility and acceptability study. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 10, Article 136.
- Fowler Davis, S., Benkowitz, C., Holland, C., Gow, A., & Clarke, C. (2024). A Scoping Review on the Opportunities for Social Engagement and Cognitive Frailty in Older Adults. Public Health Reviews, 45, 1606494.
- Watson, J., Wilcockson, J., Houston, A., van Wyk, A., Keyes, S., Murphy, D., Hare, P., Wiersma, E., & Clarke, C. (2023). ‘I feel more part of the world’: Participatory action research to develop post-diagnostic dementia support. Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice, 22(7), 1420-1439.
- Zhang, X., Clarke, C., & Ding, R. (2023). Living with dementia: Why I am thinking of ‘death’. Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice, 22(4), 807-819.
- Muirhead, K., Macaden, L., Smyth, K., Chandler, C., Clarke, C., Polson, R., & O’Malley, C. (2022). The characteristics of effective technology-enabled dementia education: a systematic review and mixed research synthesis. Systematic Reviews, 11(1),
- Muirhead, K., Macaden, L., Smyth, K., Chandler, C., Clarke, C., Polson, R., & O’Malley, C. (2021). Establishing the effectiveness of technology-enabled dementia education for health and social care practitioners: a systematic review. Systematic Reviews, 10(1),
- Zhang, X., Clarke, C., & Rhynas, S. (2020). A thematic analysis of Chinese people with dementia and family caregivers’ experiences of home care in China. Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice, 19(8), 2821-2835.
- Clarke, C., Wilcockson, J., Watson, J., Wilkinson, H., Keyes, S., Kinnaird, L., & Williamson, T. (2020). Relational care and co-operative endeavour – Reshaping dementia care through participatory secondary data analysis. Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice, 19(4), 1151-1172.
- Zhang, X., Clarke, C. L., & Rhynas, S. J. (2020). Tensions in dementia care in China: An interpretative phenomenological study from Shandong province. International Journal of Older People Nursing, 15(1), Article e12291.
- Casey, D., Gallagher, N., Devane, D., Woods, B., Murphy, K., Smyth, S., Newell, J., Murphy, A. W., Clarke, C., Foley, T., Timmons, F., Dröes, R.-M., O’Halloran, M., Windle, G., Irving Lupton, K., Domegan, C., O’Shea, E., Dolan, P., & Doyle, P. (2020). The feasibility of a Comprehensive Resilience-building psychosocial Intervention (CREST) for people with dementia in the community: protocol for a non-randomised feasibility study. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 6(1), Article 177.
- Watson, J., Saunders, S., Muniz Terrera, G., Ritchie, C., Evans, A., Luz, S., & Clarke, C. (2019). What matters to people with memory problems, healthy volunteers and health and social care professionals in the context of developing treatment to prevent Alzheimer's dementia? A qualitative study. Health Expectations, 22(3), 504-517.
- Keyes, S., Clarke, C., & Gibb, C. (2019). Living with dementia, interdependence and citizenship: narratives of everyday decision-making. Disability and Society, 34(2), 296-319.
- Lee, J., Carson, M., Clarke, C., Yang, S., & Nam, S. (2019). Nursing students’ learning dynamics with clinical information and communication technology: A constructive grounded theory approach. Nurse Education Today, 73, 41-47.
- Clarke, C. (2019). Inflammatory biomarkers in Alzheimer's disease plasma. Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association, 15(6), 776-787.
- Lee, J., Yeung, K., Clarke, C., & Yoo, J. (2019). Nursing Students' Learning Dynamics and Perception of High-Fidelity Simulation-Based Learning. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 33, 7-16.
- Greene, K., Clarke, C., Pakes, F., & Holmes, L. (2019). People with dementia who go missing: A qualitative study of family caregivers decision to report incidents to the police.
- Clarke, C., Wilkinson, H., Watson, J., Wilcockson, J., Kinnaird, L., & Williamson, T. (2018). A Seat Around the Table: Participatory Data Analysis With People Living With Dementia. Qualitative Health Research, 28(9), 1421-1433.
- Clarke, C., Keyes, S., Wilkinson, H., Alexjuk, E., Wilcockson, J., Robinson, L., Reynolds, J., McClelland, S., Hodgson, P., Corner, L., & Cattan, M. (2018). 'I just want to get on with my life': A mixed-methods study of active management of quality of life in living with dementia. Ageing & Society, 38(2), 378-402.
- Saunders, S., Muniz-Terrera, G., Watson, J., Clarke, C., Luz, S., Evans, A., & Ritchie, C. (2018). Participant outcomes and preferences in Alzheimer's disease clinical trials: The electronic Person-Specific Outcome Measure (ePSOM) development program. Alzheimer's and Dementia: Translational Research and Clinical Interventions, 4, 694-702.
- Lee, J., Clarke, C., Carson, M., & Yang, S. (2018). How do Korean nursing students build knowledge? A constructivist grounded theory study. BMJ Open, 8(7),
- Lee, J., Clarke, C., & Carson, M. (2018). Nursing students’ learning dynamics and influencing factors in clinical contexts. Nurse Education in Practice, 29, 103-109.
- Clarke, C., Titterton, M., Wilcockson, J., Reed, J., Moyle, W., Klein, B., Marais, S., & Cook, G. (2018). Risk time framing for wellbeing in older people: a multi-national appreciative inquiry. Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice, 13(1), 44-53.
- Keyes, S., Clarke, C., Wilkinson, H., Alexjuk, E., Wilcockson, J., Robinson, L., Reynolds, J., McClelland, S., Corner, L., & Cattan, M. (2016). “We’re all thrown in the same boat … ”: A qualitative analysis of peer support in dementia care. Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice, 15(4), 560-577.
- Clarke, C., & Bailey, C. (2016). Narrative citizenship, resilience and inclusion with dementia: On the inside or on the outside of physical and social places. Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice, 15(3), 434-452.
- Clarke, C., & Mantle, R. (2016). Using risk management to promote person-centred dementia care.
- Rickard, N., & Clarke, C. (2015). The involvement of older people in their rehabilitation: Generating a substantive grounded theory. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 22(8), 361-369.
- Macaden, L., & Clarke, C. (2015). Model of diabetes management: Have we got it right for South Asian people in the UK?
- Lee, J., & Clarke, C. (2015). Nursing students' attitudes towards information and communication technology: An exploratory and confirmatory factor analytic approach. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 71(5), 1181-1193.
- Clarke, C., Keyes, S., Wilkinson, H., Alexjuk, J., Wilcockson, J., Robinson, L., Corner, L., & Cattan, M. (2014). Organisational space for partnership and sustainability: Lessons from the implementation of the National Dementia Strategy for England. Health and Social Care in the Community, 22(6), 634-645.
- Visram, S., Clarke, C., & White, M. (2014). Making and maintaining lifestyle changes with the support of a lay health advisor: longitudinal qualitative study of health trainer services in northern England. PLoS ONE, 9(5), Article e94749.
- Bailey, C., Clarke, C., Gibb, C., Haining, S., Wilkinson, H., & Tiplady, S. (2013). Risky and resilient life with dementia: review of and reflections on the literature. Health, Risk and Society, 15(5), 390-401.
- Botsford, J., Clarke, C., & Gibb, C. (2012). Dementia and relationships: Experiences of partners in minority ethnic communities. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 68(10), 2207-2217.
- Clarke, C. (2011). Editorial: Information and dementia: Complexity and the obvious. International Journal of Older People Nursing, 6(3), 216-216.
- Clarke, C., Wilcockson, J., Gibb, C., Keady, J., Wilkinson, H., & Luce, A. (2011). Reframing risk management in dementia care through collaborative learning. Health and Social Care in the Community, 19(1), 23-32.
- Botsford, J., Clarke, C., & Gibb, C. (2011). Research and dementia, caring and ethnicity: A review of the literature. Journal of Research in Nursing, 16(5), 437-449.
- Clarke, C., Alexjuk, J., & Gibb, C. (2011). Information in dementia care: Sense making and a public health direction for the UK?. International Journal of Older People Nursing, 6(3), 237-243.
- Cook, G., & Clarke, C. (2010). A framework to support social interaction in care homes. Nursing Older People, 22(3), 16-21
- Wolkowski, A., Carr, S., & Clarke, C. (2010). What does respite care mean for palliative care service users and carers? Messages from a conceptual mapping. International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 16(8), 388-392.
- Carr, S., & Clarke, C. (2010). The manager's role in mobilizing and nurturing development: Entrenched and engaged approaches to change. Journal of Nursing Management, 18(3), 332-338.
- Swallow, V., Clarke, C., Campbell, S., & Lambert, H. (2009). Nurses as family learning brokers: Shared management in childhood chronic kidney disease.
- Roberts, K., & Clarke, C. (2009). Future disorientation following gynaecological cancer: Women's conceptualisation of risk after a life threatening illness. Health, Risk and Society, 11(4), 353-366.
- Clarke, C. (2009). Risk and long-term conditions: The contradictions of self in society. Health, Risk and Society, 11(4), 297-302.
- Keady, J., Clarke, C., Wilkinson, H., Gibb, C., Williams, L., Luce, A., & Cook, A. (2009). Alcohol-related brain damage: Narrative storylines and risk constructions. Health, Risk and Society, 11(4), 321-340.
- Swallow, V., Lambert, H., Clarke, C., Campbell, S., & Jacoby, A. (2008). Childhood chronic-kidney-disease: A longitudinal-qualitative study of families learning to share management early in the trajectory. Patient Education and Counseling, 73(2), 354-362.
- Clarke, C. (2008). Risk and long-term conditions: the global challenge. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 17(5), 1-3.
- Keady, J., Clarke, C., & Page, S. (2007). Community mental health nursing in dementia care
- Reed, J., Inglis, P., Cook, G., Clarke, C., & Cook, M. (2007). Specialist nurses for older people: Implications from UK development sites. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 58(4), 368-376.
- Regnard, C., Reynolds, J., Watson, B., Matthews, D., Gibson, L., & Clarke, C. (2007). Understanding distress in people with severe communication difficulties: Developing and assessing the Disability Distress Assessment Tool (DisDAT). Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 51(4), 277-292.
- Cook, M., Cook, G., Hodgson, P., Reed, J., Clarke, C., & Inglis, P. (2007). The impact of research governance in the United Kingdom on research involving a national survey. Journal of Health Organization and Management, 21(1), 59-67.
- Carr, S., Clarke, C., Molyneux, J., & Jones, D. (2006). Facilitating participation: A health action zone experience. Primary Health Care Research & Development, 7(2), 147-156.
- Swallow, V., Clarke, C., Iles, S., & Harden, J. (2006). Work based, lifelong learning through professional portfolios: Challenge or reward?. Pharmacy education, 6(2), 77-89.
- Reed, J., Cook, M., Cook, G., Iinglis, P., & Clarke, C. (2006). Specialist services for older people: Issues of negative and positive ageism. Ageing & Society, 26(6), 849-865.
- Clarke, C., Lhussier, M., Minto, C., Gibb, C., & Perini, T. (2005). Paradoxes, locations and the need for social coherence: A qualitative study of living with a learning difficulty. Disability and Society, 20(4), 405-419.
- Lhussier, M., Watson, B., Reed, J., & Clarke, C. (2005). The SEIQoL and functional status: How do they relate?. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 19(4), 403-409.
- Watson, B., Clarke, C., Swallow, V., & Forster, S. (2005). Exploratory factor analysis of the research and development culture index among qualified nurses. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 14(9), 1042-1047.
- Clarke, C., Reed, J., Wainwright, D., Mcclelland, S., Swallow, V., Harden, J., Walton, G., & Walsh, A. (2004). The discipline of improvement: Something old, something new?. Journal of Nursing Management, 12(2), 85-96.
- Clarke, C., Wilkinson, H., & Keady, J. (2003). Risk in dementia care
- Regnard, C., Mathews, D., Gibson, L., & Clarke, C. (2003). Difficulties in identifying distress and its causes in people with severe communication problems. International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 9(4), 173-176.
- Gibb, C., Morrow, M., Clarke, C., Cook, G., Gertig, P., & Ramprogus, V. (2002). Transdisciplinary working: Evaluating the development of health and social care provision in mental health. Journal of Mental Health, 11(3), 339-350.
- Clarke, C., & Wilcockson, J. (2002). Seeing need and developing care: Exploring knowledge for and from practice. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 39(4), 397-406.
- Plews, C., & Clarke, C. (2002). Infant massage: Developing an evidence base for health visiting practice [Clinical effectiveness in nursing, 6 (3-4), 2000, 121-128]
- Reed, J., Cantley, C., Clarke, C., & Stanley, D. (2002). Services for Younger People with Dementia:Problems with differentiating needs on the basis of age. Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice, 1(1), 95-112.
- Clarke, C., Gibb, C., Hart, J., & Davidson, A. (2002). Infant massage: Developing an evidence base for health visiting practice.
- Balfour, M., & Clarke, C. (2001). Searching for sustainable change. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 10(1), 44-50.
- Maughan, K., & Clarke, C. (2001). The effect of a clinical nurse specialist in 'gynaecological oncology on quality of life and sexuality. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 10(2), 221-229.
- Clarke, C., & Wilcockson, J. (2001). Professional and organizational learning: Analysing the relationship with the development of practice. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 34(2), 264-272.
- Clarke, C., & Ramprogus, V. (2001). A new way to link research. Nursing Times, 97(19), 37-38
- Cook, G., Gerrish, K., & Clarke, C. (2001). Decision-making in teams: Issues arising from two UK evaluations. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 15(2), 141-152.
- Clarke, C. (2000). Risk: Constructing care and care environments in dementia. Health, Risk and Society, 2(1), 91-93
- Sartain, S., Clarke, C., & Heyman, R. (2000). Hearing the voices of children with chronic illness. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 32(4), 913-921
- Reed, J., & Clarke, C. (1999). Nursing older people: Constructing need and care. Nursing Inquiry, 6(3), 208-215.
- Clarke, C. (1999). Family care-giving for people with dementia: Some implications for policy and professional practice. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 29(3), 712-720.
- Clarke, C., & Procter, S. (1999). Practice development: Ambiguity in research and practice. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 30(4), 975-982.
- Clarke, C., Heyman, R., Pearson, P., & Watson, D. (1993). Formal carers: attitudes to working with the dementing elderly and their informal carers. Health and Social Care in the Community, 1(4), 227-238.
- Clarke, C. (1992). Queen Elizabeth Behavioural Assessment Graphical System
- Clarke, C., & Watson, D. (1991). Informal carers of the dementing elderly: a study of relationships
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