Staff profile
Professor Janet Montgomery
Affiliation | Telephone |
Professor in the Department of Archaeology | +44 (0) 191 33 42980 |
Member of the Institute of Medieval and Early Modern Studies |
Graduated in Archaeological Science (BSc Hons. 1st class) in 1996 University of Bradford
Received her NERC funded doctorate in 2002 University of Bradford.
2003- 2007 NERC Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Bradford,
2007-2010 was Lecturer in Archaeological Science at the University of Bradford
Janet’s doctoral thesis awarded in 2002 (available to download from the AHDS website: was the first study to apply combined radiogenic lead and strontium isotope analysis to British archaeological humans. It explored such topics as how enamel lead compositions of archaeological humans become culturally focussed following the widespread use of metals, differential diagenesis of enamel, dentine and bone and the potential of lead and strontium to identify migration to, and within, Britain.
She has published her work in the journals of several disciplines: archaeological, biological, geochemical, geological and environmental. With various collaborators and students, Janet is currently working on a wide range of archaeological projects of humans and animals ranging in date from the Neolithic to the 19th century and funded by the NERC, AHRC, ESRF, Wellcome, British Academy, Royal Archaeological Institute, Royal Irish Academy, Leverhulme Trust, English Heritage and Historic Scotland. Of note is the Beaker People Project (PIs Profs. Parker-Pearson, Richards and Chamberlain) and The Gristhorpe Man Project which she co-directs with Nigel Melton. The Gristhorpe Man monograph was published in December 2013 by Oxbow.
In addition to archaeological case studies, her research continues on the two main themes of her NERC fellowship which are fundamental to a better understanding of how isotope analysis can be applied to archaeological questions of diet and mobility. These are the timing, duration and progression of enamel biomineralization and how it impacts on the dietary and mobility information obtained, and with her long-standing collaborator Professor Jane Evans at the British Geological Survey, environmental mapping of biosphere 87Sr/86Sr in Britain so the data obtained from humans and animals can be interpreted. The map published in 2010 is regularly updated and available here:
Research interests
- Isotopic and trace element studies of diet and residential mobility in modern and archaeological humans and animals
- Fundamental and developmental aspects of isotope and trace element systems in bone, teeth and the environment
Esteem Indicators
- 2024: Election to the British Academy: Elected as a Fellow of the British Academy
Chapter in book
- Moore, J., Williams-Ward, M., Filipek, K., Gowland, R., & Montgomery, J. (2021). Poisoned pregnancies: consequences of prenatal lead exposure in relation to infant mortality in the Roman Empire. In E. J. Kendall, & R. Kendall (Eds.), The Family in Past Perspective: An Interdisciplinary Exploration of Familial Relationships Through Time (137-158). Routledge
- Jay, M., & Montgomery, J. (2019). Isotopes and chariots: diet, subsistence and origins of Iron Age people from Yorkshire. In P. Halkon (Ed.), The Arras culture of Eastern Yorkshire - celebrating the Iron Age. Oxbow Books
- Montgomery, J., Evans, J., & Towers, J. (2019). Strontium isotopic analysis. In M. Parker Pearson, A. Chamberlain, M. Jay, M. Richards, J. Evans, & A. Sheridan (Eds.), The Beaker People: Isotopes, Mobility and Diet in Prehistoric Britain (371-408). Oxbow Books
- Rogers, B., Gron, K., Montgomery, J., Gröcke, D., & Rowley-Conwy, P. (2018). Aurochs Hunters: The Large Animal Bones from Blick Mead. In D. Jacques, T. Phillips, & T. Lyons (Eds.), Blick mead : exploring the 'first place' in the Stonehenge landscape. Archaeological excavations at Blick Mead, Amesbury, Wiltshire 2005–2016 (127-152). Peter Lang.
- Millard, A., Montgomery, J., Trickett, M., Beaumont, J., Evans, J., & Chenery, S. (2014). Childhood lead exposure in the British Isles during the industrial revolution. In M. Zuckerman (Ed.), Modern environments and human health : revisiting the second epidemiological transition (279-300). Wiley
- McCarthy, M., Montgomery, J., Lerwick, C., & Buckberry, J. (2014). Were the Vikings in Carlisle?. In S. Harding, D. Griffiths, & E. Royles (Eds.), In Search of the Vikings: Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Scandinavian Heritage of North-West England (135-145). CRC Press/Taylor and Francis Group, London
- Montgomery, J., & Gledhill, A. (2013). Diet and origins: the isotope evidence. In N. D. Melton, J. Montgomery, & C. J. Knüsel (Eds.), Gristhorpe Man: a Life and Death in the Bronze Age (129-141). Oxbow
- Montgomery, J., & Jay, M. (2013). The contribution of skeletal isotope analysis to understanding the Bronze Age in Europe. In A. Harding, & H. Fokkens (Eds.), The Handbook of Bronze Age Europe (179-196). Oxford University Press
- Zvelebil, M., Lillie, M., Montgomery, J., Lukes, A., Pettitt, P., & Richards, M. (2012). The emergence of the LBK: Migration, memory and meaning at the transition to agriculture. In J. Burger, E. Kaiser, & W. Schier (Eds.), Population dynamics in pre- and early history : new approaches by using stable isotopes and genetics (133-148). De Gruyter.
- Richards, M., & Montgomery, J. (2012). Isotope analysis and paleopathology: A short review and future developments. In J. Buikstra, & C. Roberts (Eds.), The Global History of Paleopathology: Pioneers and Prospects (718-731). Oxford University Press
- Montgomery, J., Knüsel, C., & Tucker, K. (2011). Identifying the origins of decapitated male skeletons from 3 Driffield Terrace, York, through isotope analysis: reflections of the cosmopolitan nature of Roman York in the time of Caracalla. In M. Bonogofsky (Ed.), The bioarchaeology of the human head : decapitation, decoration and deformation (141-178). University Press of Florida
- Montgomery, J., Evans, J., Chenery, S., Pashley, V., & Killgrove, K. (2010). Gleaming, white and deadly”: using lead to track human exposure and geographic origins in the Roman period in Britain. In H. Eckardt (Ed.), . Editorial Committee of the Journal of Roman Archaeology
- Montgomery, J., Evans, J., Chenery, C., & Müldner, G. (2009). Stable isotope analysis of bone. In M. Carver, C. Hills, & J. Scheschkewitz (Eds.), Wasperton: A Roman, British and Anglo-Saxon Community in Central England (48-49). Boydell & Brewer
- Montgomery, J., Muldner, G., Cook, G., Gledhill, A., & Ellam, R. (2009). Isotope analysis of bone collagen and tooth enamel. In C. Lowe (Ed.), 'Clothing for the Soul Divine': Burials at the Tomb of St Ninian. Excavations at Whithorn Priory, 1957-67 (63-80). Historic Scotland
- Montgomery, J., Cooper, R., & Evans, J. (2007). Foragers, farmers or foreigners? An assessment of dietary strontium isotope variation in Middle Neolithic and Early Bronze Age East Yorkshire. In M. Larsson, & M. Parker Pearson (Eds.), From Stonehenge to the Baltic : living with cultural diversity in the third millennium BC (65-75). Archaeopress
- Montgomery, J., & Evans, J. (2006). Immigrants on the Isle of Lewis - combining traditional funerary and modern isotope evidence to investigate social differentiation, migration and dietary change in the Outer Hebrides of Scotland. In R. Gowland, & C. Knusel (Eds.), The social archaeology of funerary remains (122-142). Oxbow Books
Edited book
Journal Article
- Buckberry, J., Montgomery, J., Neale, N., & Towers, J. (online). Finding Vikings in the Danelaw: An osteological and isotopic analysis of the Masham Anglo-Scandinavian cemetery. American journal of physical anthropology, 74-74
- Melton, N., & Montgomery, J. (online). GRISTHORPE MAN Bronze Age burial : Solving the riddle of this mysterious stranger, first discovered in 1834. Current archaeology, 20-27
- Wallace, M., Montgomery, J., Rogers, B., Moore, J., Nowell, G., Bowsher, D., & Smith, A. (2024). Revealing continuity and sustainability through isotope analysis on the A14 project, Cambridgeshire, UK. Quaternary Science Reviews, 346, Article 109059.
- Gron, K. J., Gröcke, D. R., Groß, D., Rowley-Conwy, P., Robson, H. K., & Montgomery, J. (2024). Neolithisation through bone: Stable isotope analysis of human and faunal remains from Syltholm II, Lolland, Denmark. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 53, Article 104384.
- Silva, M., Booth, T., Moore, J., Anastasiadou, K., Walker, D., Gilardet, A., Barrington, C., Kelly, M., Williams, M., Henderson, M., Smith, A., Bowsher, D., Montgomery, J., & Skoglund, P. (2024). An individual with Sarmatian-related ancestry in Roman Britain. Current Biology, 34, 202-212.
- Fiorin, E., Moore, J., Montgomery, J., Mariotti Lippi, M., Nowell, G., & Forlin, P. (2023). Combining dental calculus with isotope analysis in the Alps: New evidence from the Roman and medieval cemeteries of Lamon, Italy. Quaternary International, 653–654, 89-102.
- Loeffelmann, T., Janet Montgomery, J., Richards, J. D., Johnson, L. J., Claeys, P., & Snoeck, C. (2023). Sr analyses from only known Scandinavian cremation cemetery in Britain illuminate early Viking journey with horse and dog across the North Sea. PLoS ONE, 18(2),
- Armit, I., Fischer, C.-E., Koon, H., Nicholls, R., Olalde, I., Rohland, N., Buckberry, J., Montgomery, J., Mason, P., Črešnar, M., Büster, L., & Reich, D. (2023). Kinship practices in Early Iron Age South-east Europe: genetic and isotopic analysis of burials from the Dolge njive barrow cemetery, Dolenjska, Slovenia. Antiquity, 97(392), 403-418.
- Gowland, R. L., Caffell, A. C., Quade, L., Levene, A., Millard, A. R., Holst, M., Yapp, P., Delaney, S., Brown, C., Nowell, G., Macpherson, C., Shaw, H. A., Stewart, N. A., Robinson, S., Montgomery, J., & Alexander, M. M. (2023). The expendables: Bioarchaeological evidence for pauper apprentices in 19th century England and the health consequences of child labour. PLoS ONE, 18(5),
- Neil, S., Evans, J., Montgomery, J., Schulting, R., & Scarre, C. (2023). Provenancing antiquarian museum collections using multi-isotope analysis. OSJ. Open Science journal, 10(2), Article 220798.
- Gron, K. J., Meiklejohn, C., Pedersen, K. B., Stewart, N. A., Alexandersen, V., Sørensen, L., & Montgomery, J. (2022). Sex and Gender in the Mesolithic: Adults and Children from the Strøby Egede Burial, Køge Bugt, Denmark. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 88, 1-23.
- Petersone‐Gordina, E., Montgomery, J., Millard, A. R., Nowell, G., Peterkin, J., Roberts, C. A., Gerhards, G., & Zelčs, V. (2022). Strontium isotope identification of possible rural immigrants in 17th century mass graves at St. Gertrude Church cemetery in Riga, Latvia. Archaeometry, 64(4), 1028-1043.
- Filipek, K., Roberts, C., Montgomery, J., Gowland, R., Moore, J., Tucker, K., & Evans, J. (2022). Creating communities of care: Sex estimation and mobilityhistories of adolescents buried in the cemetery of St. MaryMagdalen leprosarium (Winchester, England). American Journal of Biological Anthropology, 178(1), 108-123.
- Ostrum, B., Gröcke, D. R., & Montgomery, J. (2022). A Comparison of Dietary Isotopes in Pulp Stones and Incremental Dentine from Early Neolithic Individuals of the Whitwell Long Cairn, England. American Journal of Biological Anthropology, 177(4), 769-783.
- Tobin, M., McIlreavy, D., Moore, J., & Montgomery, J. (2022). Punishment in the Iron Age? A case study from Carroweighter, Co. Roscommon. Journal of Irish Archaeology, XXXI, 7-26
- McIntyre, L., Kancle, L., Montgomery, J., Moore, J., Gröcke, D. R., & Nowell, G. M. (2022). The All Saints Anchoress? An Osteobiography. Medieval Archaeology, 66(2), 368-399.
- Filipek, K. L., Roberts, C. A., Gowland, R. L., Montgomery, J., & Evans, J. A. (2021). Illness and inclusion: Mobility histories of adolescents with leprosy from Anglo‐Scandinavian Norwich (Eastern England). International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 31(6), 1180-1191.
- Moore, J., Filipek, K., Kalenderian, V., Gowland, R., Hamilton, E., Evans, J., & Montgomery, J. (2021). Death Metal: Evidence for the impact of lead poisoning on childhood health within the Roman Empire. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 31(5), 846-856.
- Gowland, R., Stewart, N. A., Crowder, K. D., Hodson, C., Shaw, H., Gron, K. J., & Montgomery, J. (2021). Sex estimation of teeth at different developmental stages using dimorphic enamel peptide analysis. American journal of physical anthropology, 174(4), 859-869.
- Flavin, S. M., McClatchie, M., Montgomery, J., Beglane, F., Dunne, J. B., O'Carroll, E., & Parnell, A. (2021). An Interdisciplinary Approach to Historic Diet and Foodways: The FoodCult Project.
- Millard, A. R., Annis, R. G., Caffell, A. C., Dodd, L. L., Fischer, R., Gerrard, C. M., Graves, C. P., Hendy, J., Mackenzie, L., Montgomery, J., Nowell, G. M., Radini, A., Beaumont, J., Koon, H. E., & Speller, C. F. (2020). Scottish soldiers from the Battle of Dunbar 1650: A prosopographical approach to a skeletal assemblage. PLoS ONE, 15(12), Article e0243369.
- Neil, S., Evans, J., Montgomery, J., & Scarre, C. (2020). Isotopic evidence for human movement into central England during the Early Neolithic. European Journal of Archaeology, 23(4), 512-529.
- Petersone‐Gordina, E., Montgomery, J., Millard, A., Roberts, C., Gröcke, D., & Gerhards, G. (2020). Investigating dietary life histories and mobility of children buried in St Gertrude Church Cemetery, Riga, Latvia (15th– 17th centuries AD). Archaeometry, 62(S1), 3-18.
- Hodos, T., Cartwright, C., Montgomery, J., Nowell, G., Crowder, K., Fletcher, A., & Goenster, Y. (2020). The Origins of Decorated Ostrich Eggs in the Ancient Mediterranean and Middle East. Antiquity, 94(374), 381-400.
- Crowder, K. D., Montgomery, J., Filipek, K. L., & Evans, J. A. (2020). Romans, barbarians and foederati: New biomolecular data and a possible region of origin for “Headless Romans” and other burials from Britain. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 30, Article 102180.
- Moore, J., Rose, A., Anderson, S., Evans, J., Nowell, G., Grocke, D., Pashley, V., Kirby, M., & Montgomery, J. (2020). A multi-isotope (C, N, O, Sr, Pb) study of Iron Age and Roman period skeletons from east Edinburgh, Scotland exploring the relationship between decapitation burials and geographical origins. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 29, Article 102075.
- Walser, J. W. I., Kristjánsdóttir, S., Gröcke, D. R., Gowland, R., Jakob, T., Nowell, G., Ottley, C., & Montgomery, J. (2020). At the world’s edge: reconstructing diet and geographic origins in medieval Iceland using isotope and trace element analyses. American journal of physical anthropology, 171(1), 142-163.
- Johnson, L., Montgomery, J., Evans, J., & Hamilton, E. (2019). Contribution of strontium to the human diet from querns and millstones: an experiment in digestive strontium isotope uptake. Archaeometry, 61(6), 1366-1381.
- Crowder, K., Montgomery, J., Gröcke, D., & Filipek, K. (2019). Childhood “stress” and stable isotope life-histories in Transylvania. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 29(4), 644-653.
- Rogers, B., Gron, K., Montgomery, J., Rowley-Conwy, P., Nowell, G., Peterkin, J., & Jacques, D. (2019). Isotopic analysis of the Blick Mead dog: A proxy for the dietary reconstruction and mobility of Mesolithic British hunter-gatherers. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 24, 712-720.
- Halldórsdóttir, H., Rogers, B., Di Renno, F., Müldner, G., Gröcke, D., Barnicle, E., Chidimuroe, B., Evans, M., Morley, R., Neff, M., Sharp, C., Simpson, A., Boucher, A., & Montgomery, J. (2019). Continuity and individuality in Medieval Hereford, England: A stable isotope approach to bulk bone and incremental dentine. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 23, 800-809.
- Neil, S., Evans, J., Montgomery, J., & Scarre, C. (2018). Isotopic evidence for landscape use and the role of causewayed enclosures during the earlier Neolithic in southern Britain. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 84, 185-205.
- Gron, K. J., Rowley-Conwy, P., Fernandez-Dominguez, E., Gröcke, D. R., Montgomery, J., Nowell, G. M., & Patterson, W. P. (2018). A Meeting In The Forest: Hunters And Farmers At The Coneybury ‘Anomaly’, Wiltshire. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 84, 111-144.
- Kancle, L., Montgomery, J., Gröcke, D. R., & Caffell, A. (2018). From Field to Fish: Tracking Changes in Diet on Entry to Two Medieval Friaries in Northern England. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 22, 264-284.
- Beaumont, J., Craig Atkins, E., Buckberry, J., Haydock, H., Horne, P., Howcroft, R., MacKenzie, K., & Montgomery, J. (2018). Comparing apples and oranges: why infant bone collagen may not reflect dietary intake in the same way as dentine collagen. American journal of physical anthropology, 167(3), 524-540.
- Panagiotopoulou, E., Montgomery, J., Nowell, G., Peterkin, J., Doulgeri-Intzesiloglou, A., Arachoviti, P., Katakouta, S., & Tsiouka, F. (2018). Detecting Mobility in Early Iron Age Thessaly by Strontium Isotope Analysis. European Journal of Archaeology, 21(4), 590-611.
- Al-Mosawi, M., Davis, G. R., Bushby, A., Montgomery, J., Beaumont, J., & Al-Jawad, M. (2018). Crystallographic texture and mineral concentration quantification of developing and mature human incisal enamel. Scientific Reports, 8, Article 14449.
- Gan, Y. M., Towers, J., Bradley, R. A., Pearson, E., Nowell, G., Peterkin, J., & Montgomery, J. (2018). Multi-isotope evidence for cattle droving at Roman Worcester. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 20, 6-17.
- Redfern, R., DeWitte, S., Montgomery, J., & Gowland, R. (2018). A Novel Investigation into Migrant and Local Health-Statuses in the Past: A Case Study from Roman Britain. Bioarchaeology international, 2(1), 20-43.
- Petersone-Gordina, P., Roberts, C., Millard, A., Montgomery, J., & Gerhards, G. (2018). Dental disease and dietary isotopes of individuals from St Gertrude Church cemetery, Riga, Latvia. PLoS ONE, 13(1), Article e0191757.
- Andre Stewart, N., Fernanda Gerlach, R., Gowland, R. L., Gron, K., & Montgomery, J. (2017). Sex determination of human remains from peptides in tooth enamel. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114(52), 13649-13654.
- Pettitt, P., Rowley-Conwy, P., Montgomery, J., & Richards, M. (2017). A cold case closed. New light on the life and death of the Lateglacial elk from Poulton-le-Fylde (Lancashire, UK).
- Towers, J., Bond, J., Evans, J., Mainland, I., & Montgomery, J. (2017). An isotopic investigation into the origins and husbandry of Mid-Late Bronze Age cattle from Grimes Graves, Norfolk. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 15, 59-72.
- Neil, S., Montgomery, J., Evans, J., Cook, G. T., & Scarre, C. (2017). Land use and mobility during the Neolithic in Wales explored using isotope analysis of tooth enamel. American journal of physical anthropology, 164(2), 371-393.
- Harris, O. J., Cobb, H., Batey, C. E., Montgomery, J., Beaumont, J., Gray, H., Murtagh, P., & Richardson, P. (2017). Assembling places and persons: a tenth-century Viking boat burial from Swordle Bay on the Ardnamurchan peninsula, western Scotland. Antiquity, 91(355), 191-206.
- Roffey, S., Tucker, K., Filipek-Ogden, K., Montgomery, J., Cameron, J., O’Connell, T., Evans, J., Marter, P., & Taylor, G. M. (2017). Investigation of a Medieval Pilgrim Burial Excavated from the Leprosarium of St Mary Magdalen Winchester, UK. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 11(1), Article e0005186.
- Waddington, C., & Montgomery, J. (2017). Further excavations at Fin Cop hillfort and stable isotope analysis of the skeletons
- Needham, S., Kenny, J., Cole, G., Montgomery, J., Jay, M., and, M. D., & Marshall, P. (2017). Death by combat at the dawn of the Bronze Age? Profiling the dagger-accompanied burial from Racton, West Sussex
- Beaumont, J., & Montgomery, J. (2016). The Great Irish Famine: identifying starvation in the tissues of victims using stable isotope analysis of bone and incremental dentine collagen. PLoS ONE, 11(8), Article e0160065.
- Melton, N., Montgomery, J., Roberts, B., Cook, G., & Harris, S. (2016). On the curious date of the Rylstone log-coffin burial. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 82, 383-392.
- Stewart, N. A., Molina, G. F., Issa, J. P. M., Yates, N. A., Sosovicka, M., Vieira, A. R., Line, S. R. P., Montgomery, J., & Gerlach, R. F. (2016). The identification of peptides by nanoLC-MS/MS from human surface tooth enamel following a simple acid etch extraction. RSC Advances, 6(66), 61673-61679.
- Parker Pearson, M., Chamberlain, A., Jay, M., Richards, M., Sheridan, A., Curtis, N., Evans, J., Gibson, A., Hutchison, M., Mahoney, P., Marshall, P., Montgomery, J., Needham, S., O’Mahoney, S., Pellegrini, M., & Wilkin, N. (2016). Bell Beaker people in Britain: migration, mobility and diet. Antiquity, 90(351), 620-637.
- Gron, K., Montgomery, J., Otto Nielsen, P., Nowell, G., Peterkin, J. L., Sørensen, L., & Rowley-Conwy, P. (2016). Strontium isotope evidence of early Funnel Beaker Culture movement of cattle. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 6, 248-251.
- Killgrove, K., & Montgomery, J. (2016). All Roads Lead to Rome: Exploring Human Migration to the Eternal City through Biochemistry of Skeletons from Two Imperial-Era Cemeteries (1st-3rd c AD). PLoS ONE, 11(2), Article e0147585.
- Shaw, H., Montgomery, J., Redfern, R., Gowland, R., & Evans, J. (2016). Identifying migrants in Roman London using lead and strontium stable isotopes. Journal of Archaeological Science, 66, 57-68.
- Neil, S., Evans, J., Montgomery, J., & Scarre, C. (2016). Isotopic evidence for residential mobility of farming communities during the transition to agriculture in Britain. Royal Society Open Science, 3(1),
- Martiniano, R., Caffell, A., Holst, M., Hunter-Mann, K., Montgomery, J., Müldner, G., McLaughlin, R. L., Teasdale, M. D., van Rheenen, W., Veldink, J. H., van den Berg, L. H., Hardiman, O., Carroll, M., Roskams, S., Oxley, J., Morgan, C., Thomas, M. G., Barnes, I., McDonnell, C., Collins, M. J., & Bradley, D. G. (2016). Genomic signals of migration and continuity in Britain before the Anglo-Saxons. Nature Communications, 7, Article 10326.
- Towers, J., Mainland, I., Montgomery, J., & Bond, J. (2016). Calving seasonality at Pool, Orkney during the first millennium AD: an investigation using intra-tooth isotope ratio analysis of cattle molar enamel. Environmental Archaeology, 22(1), 40-55.
- Mainland, I., Towers, J., Ewens, V., Davis, G., Montgomery, J., Batey, C., Card, N., & Downes, J. (2016). Toiling with teeth: An integrated dental analysis of sheep and cattle dentition in Iron Age and Viking–Late Norse Orkney. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 6, 837-855.
- Filipek-Ogden, K. L., Roberts, C., Montgomery, J., Evans, J., Gowland, R., & Tucker, K. (2016). Keeping up with the kids: mobility patterns of young individuals from the St. Mary Magdalen Leprosy Hospital (Winchester). American journal of physical anthropology, 159(s62),
- Armit, I., Shapland, F., Montgomery, J., & Beaumont, J. (2015). Difference in Death? A Lost Neolithic Inhumation Cemetery with Britain’s Earliest Case of Rickets, at Balevullin, Western Scotland. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 81, 199-214.
- Beaumont, J., & Montgomery, J. (2015). Oral Histories: a simple method of assigning chronological age to isotopic values from human dentine collagen. Annals of Human Biology, 42(4), 407-414.
- Beaumont, J., Montgomery, J., Buckberry, J., & Jay, M. (2015). Infant mortality and isotopic complexity: new approaches to stress, maternal health, and weaning. American journal of physical anthropology, 157(3), 441-457.
- Gron, K., Montgomery, J., & Rowley-Conwy, P. (2015). Cattle Management for Dairying in Scandinavia’s earliest Neolithic. PLoS ONE, 10(7), Article e0131267.
- Towers, J., Gledhill, A., Bond, J., & Montgomery, J. (2014). An investigation of cattle birth seasonality using δ13C and δ18O profiles within first molar enamel. Archaeometry, 56(S1), 208-236.
- Beaumont, J., Gledhill, A., & Montgomery, J. (2014). Isotope analysis of incremental human dentine: towards higher temporal resolution. Bulletin of the International association for paleodontology, 8(2), 212-223
- Montgomery, J., Grimes, V., Buckberry, J., Evans, J., Richards, M., & Barrett, J. (2014). Finding Vikings with Isotope Analysis: The View from Wet and Windy Islands. Journal of the North Atlantic, Special Volume 7, 54-70
- Curtis-Summers, S., Montgomery, J., & Carver, M. (2014). Stable isotope analysis for dietary contrast between Pictish and Medieval populations at Portmahomack, Scotland. Medieval Archaeology, 58(1), 21-43.
- Mccarthy, M., Archibald, M., Batey, C., Batt, C., Brooks, C., Buckberry, J., Cherry, J., Evans, A., Gaunt, G., Keevill, G., Lerwick, C., Montgomery, J., Ottaway, P., Paterson, C., Pirie, E., Rogers, P. W., Shotter, D., Towers, J., & Tweddle, D. (2014). A Post-Roman Sequence at Carlisle Cathedral. Archaeological Journal, 171(1), 185-257.
- Buckberry, J., Montgomery, J., Towers, J., Müldner, G., Holst, M., Evans, J., Gledhill, A., Neale, N., & Lee-Thorp, J. (2014). Finding Vikings in the Danelaw. Oxford Journal of Archaeology, 33(4), 413-434.
- Montgomery, J., Beaumont, J., Jay, A., Keefe, K., Gledhill, A., Cook, G., Dockrill, S. J., & Melton, N. (2013). Strategic and sporadic marine consumption at the onset of the Neolithic: increasing temporal resolution in the isotope evidence. Antiquity, 87(338), 1060-1072.
- Jay, M., Montgomery, J., Nehlich, O., Towers, J., & Evans, J. (2013). British Iron Age chariot burials of the Arras culture: a multi-isotope approach to investigating mobility levels and subsistence practices. World Archaeology, 45(3), 473-491.
- McManus, E., Montgomery, J., Evans, J., Lamb, A., Brettell, R., & Jelsma, J. (2013). ‘To the land or to the sea' : diet and mobility in early medieval Frisia. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, 8(2), 255-277.
- Beaumont, J., Gledhill, A., Lee-Thorp, J., & Montgomery, J. (2013). Childhood diet: a closer examination of the evidence from dental tissues using stable isotope analysis of incremental human dentine. Archaeometry, 55(2), 277-295.
- Kendall, E., Montgomery, J., Evans, J., Stantis, C., & Mueller, V. (2013). Mobility, Mortality, and the Middle Ages: Identification of Migrant Individuals in a 14th Century Black Death Cemetery Population. American journal of physical anthropology, 150(2), 210-222.
- Simmons, L. M., Montgomery, J., Beaumont, J., Davis, G. R., & Al-Jawad, M. (2013). Mapping the spatial and temporal progression of human dental enamel biomineralization using synchrotron X-ray diffraction. Archives of Oral Biology, 58(11), 1726-1734.
- Beaumont, J., Geber, J., Powers, N., Wilson, A., Lee-Thorp, J., & Montgomery, J. (2013). Victims and survivors: stable isotopes used to identify migrants from the Great Irish Famine to 19th Century London. American journal of physical anthropology, 150, 87-98.
- Buckley, M., Melton, N., & Montgomery, J. (2013). Proteomics analysis of ancient food vessel stitching reveals >4,000 year old milk protein. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 27, 531-538.
- Brettell, R., Montgomery, J., & Evans, J. (2012). Brewing and stewing: the effect of culturally mediated behaviour on the oxygen isotope composition of ingested fluids and the implications for human provenance studies. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 27(5), 778-785.
- Evans, J., Chenery, C., & Montgomery, J. (2012). A summary of strontium and oxygen isotope variation in archaeological human tooth enamel excavated from Britain. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 27(5), 754-764.
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