Staff profile
Dr Mahdiyar Nouri Rezaie
Post Doctoral Research Associate
Affiliation | Telephone |
Post Doctoral Research Associate in the Department of Engineering |
Mahdiyar received his M.Sc. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering with a major in Semiconductor Device Fabrication from Khajeh Nasir Toosi University of Technology (KNTU), Tehran, Iran in 2014. He obtained his Ph.D. in Electronics Engineering - Semiconductor Device Fabrication from Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Tehran, Iran in 2021. He joined Durham University, Durham, UK as Post-doctoral Research Associate in the Organic Optoelectronics field in 2023. He has a research background in conducting experimental works on organic electronics, hybrid inorganic-organic light-emitting devices, synthesis of various nanostructures, device fabrication, working with nano lab facilities in a cleanroom, and also theoretical device simulations using Silvaco TCAD, Lumerical FDTD solution and COMSOL Multiphysics as well as Ab-initio simulations based on density functional theory (DFT) by means of SIESTA, Quantum ESPRESSO and Gaussian packages.
His project in Durham University is mainly focused on organic optoelectronics, organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs) and transistors (OLETs) and organic lasers under the supervision of Dr. Mujeeb U. Chaudhry.
Research interests
- Organic Optoelectronics
- Hybrid Inorganic-Organic Devices
- Quantum dots and Nanowires
- Perovskite LED
- Biosensors
Conference Paper
- Mohammadnejad, S., & Rezaie, M. N. (2017, December). Analysis and atomic simulation of electron structures and defects in ZnO nano-crystal for its optimal doping with Al. Presented at 2017 IEEE 4th International Conference on Knowledge-Based Engineering and Innovation (KBEI), Tehran, Iran
- Rezaie, M. N., Massah Bidgoli, M., Manavizadeh, N., Nadimi, E., & Boroumand, F. A. (2015, August). Influence of ZnO nanorods on the performance of MEH-PPV based OLED in near UV range. Presented at 3rd International Conference on Nanotechnology (ICN2015), Istanbul, Turkey
- Rezaie, M. N. (2014, April). SRPioneers Ab initio study of electrical and optical properties of PEDOT:PSS, PPP and PPV for organic photovoltaics (OPVs). Presented at 2nd International Conference on Nanotechnology (ICN 2014), Istanbul, Turkey
Journal Article
- Mohammadnejad, S., Tahi, I., & Nouri Rezaie, M. (2022). Design and simulation of InP and silicon nanowires with different channel characteristic as biosensors to improve output sensitivity. Optical and Quantum Electronics, 54(2),
- Rezaie, M. N., Mohammadnejad, S., & Ahadzadeh, S. (2022). The impact of ZnO nanotube on the performance of hybrid inorganic/organic light-emitting diode as a single-mode ring-core UV waveguide. Surfaces and Interfaces, 28, Article 101666.
- Mohammadnejad, S., Ahadzadeh, S., & Rezaie, M. N. (2021). Tunable band gap energy of single-walled zigzag ZnO nanotubes as a potential application in photodetection. Current Applied Physics, 29, 138-147.
- Mohammadnejad, S., Ahadzadeh, S., & Nouri Rezaie, M. (2021). Effect of ZnO nanorods and nanotubes on the electrical and optical characteristics of organic and perovskite light-emitting diodes. Nanotechnology, 32(24), Article 245204.
- Rezaie, M. N., Mohammadnejad, S., & Ahadzadeh, S. (2021). Hybrid inorganic-organic light-emitting heterostructure devices based on ZnO. Optics and Laser Technology, 138, Article 106896.
- Rezaie, M. N., & Mohammadnejad, S. (2020). Effect of the PEDOT:PSS buffer layer on the performance of hybrid ZnO nanorods/polymer electroluminescent diode. Optical and Quantum Electronics, 52(2), Article 115.
- Rezaie, M. N., Manavizadeh, N., Nayeri, F. D., Bidgoli, M. M., Nadimi, E., & Boroumand, F. A. (2018). Effect of seed layers on low-temperature, chemical bath deposited ZnO nanorods-based near UV-OLED performance. Ceramics International, 44(5), 4937-4945.
- Rezaie, M. N., Manavizadeh, N., Nadimi, E., & Boroumand, F. A. (2017). Quality enhancement of AZO thin films at various thicknesses by introducing ITO buffer layer. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 28(13), 9328-9337.
- Rezaie, M. N., Manavizadeh, N., Abadi, E. M. N., Nadimi, E., & Boroumand, F. A. (2017). Comparison study of transparent RF-sputtered ITO/AZO and ITO/ZnO bilayers for near UV-OLED applications. Applied Surface Science, 392, 549-556.