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Professor in the Department of Biosciences+44 (0) 191 33 43215


Research Interests

If you look around you on a winter’s morning you will see clearly that some plants are equipped to survive frost events and others are not, appearing blackened and lacking turgor after freezing. Many plants, including important crops, do not recover from the experience.  My research group is interested in the genetic basis of this variation in resilience and our research involves identifying freezing tolerance genes in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana and elucidating mechanistically how they bring about freezing resistance. Some of these genes confer basal or innate tolerance of freezing conditions. Others, however, are involved in bringing about cellular and molecular changes during cold acclimation (known as cold hardening by gardeners), that build up tolerance gradually during the cooler days of autumn prior to winter. Amongst the genes we are currently studying, the gene SFR8 (SENSITIVE-TO-FREEZING8) contributes to freezing tolerance by influencing plant cell wall structure. This has led us to look in more depth at the role of cell wall pectin in defending plants against sub-zero temperature assaults and to examine how the cell wall alters in composition and structure during cold acclimation, allowing it to better defend the cell contents against freezing. Using a combination of state-of the-art ice imaging techniques and molecular dynamics modelling (in collaboration with Dr Gabriele Sosso at Warwick University) we are unravelling the complex role of the cell wall in regulating the propagation of ice through tissues. 

Research interests

  • Plant freezing tolerance
  • Plant stress responses
  • Transcriptional regulation
  • Plant Cell wall
  • Mechanical properties of plant cells

Esteem Indicators

  • 2018: Invited lecture in Beijing: Invited to give a lecture at China Agriculture University in Beijing.
  • 2018: Invited speaker UNAM, Mexico: Invited to present a seminar at Dept of Biochemistry, UNAM, Mexico City
  • 2017: Appointed as external Examiner, Salford: External Examiner for Masters in Biotechnology, University of Salford
  • 2012: Elected member of GARNet advisory Committee (2012-2015): Elected to serve on the GARNet Committee to represent the interests of the Araidopsis research community.

    Invited (With Dr Kerry Franklin of Bristol University) by the Society for Experimental Biology to run a session entitled “Plant temperature responses: shaping development and enhancing survival?” at the SEB’s Annual meeting in Florence, July 2018.


Chapter in book

Journal Article

Supervision students