Staff profile

Affiliation | Telephone |
Professor in the Department of English Studies | +44 (0) 191 33 42568 |
Professor Sarah Wootton joined the English Department at Durham University in 2002. Her research and teaching interests are in the Romantic and Victorian periods, with a particular focus on the afterlives of nineteenth-century writers in fiction and the visual arts.
Sarah's first book, Consuming Keats: Nineteenth-Century Representations in Art and Literature (2006), examines the creative legacy of Keats's poetry in the literary and visual arts of the Victorian period and beyond. She won the Keats-Shelley Memorial Prize for research on this topic. Her second monograph, Byronic Heroes in Nineteenth-Century Women's Writing and Screen Adaptation (2016), explores the legacy of a unique cultural phenomenon in the fiction of Jane Austen, Elizabeth Gaskell, and George Eliot, together with screen versions of their novels. This book won the 2016 Elma Dangerfield Prize, awarded by the International Association of Byron Societies. Sarah is co-editor of the following books, Venice and the Cultural Imagination (2012) and The Persistence of Beauty: Victorians to Moderns (2015); co-editor of special issues of the journals Romanticism and Victorianism on the Net (2008) and Women's Writing (2018); and editor of two special issues of the journal Romanticism (2016, 2022), the most recent of these, 'Keats in 1819, Essays in Honour of Michael O'Neill'.
Sarah is a Trustee of the Keats Foundation. She is an academic organiser of the Keats Foundation International Conference, a series of bicentennial events, started in 2014, to mark the life, work, and afterlives of this Romantic poet. Conference venues include the Keats House in Hampstead and Guy's Hospital. She has been a Co-Director of the Romantic Dialogues and Legacies Research Group at Durham University since 2005. In 2016, Sarah organised a special event, 'Celebrating the Brontës', to commemorate the bicentenary of Charlotte Brontë's birth and to mark International Women's Day. Sarah served as a member of the Steering Group for the Centre for Visual Arts and Culture (CVAC) from 2015 to 2019.
Sarah has given public lectures at the National Portrait Gallery in London and the Keats-Shelley Memorial House in Rome. She has given plenaries and invited talks at a range of venues, including the Universities of Cambridge, Oxford, and St Andrews. In addition, she has given keynote lectures at the Wordsworth Summer Conference (2015) and the Brontë Society Conference (2017), as well as the Annual Lucy Edwards Lecture (2015) and the inaugural Cross Street Lecture in Manchester (2018).
Sarah welcomes PhD applications in the areas of nineteenth-century literature and the visual arts, the cultural legacies of Romantic and Victorian writers, and nineteenth-century women's writing. She has supervised students on screen adaptations of the nineteenth-century novel and on various aspects of the Brontës' fiction and their cultural afterlives.
Research interests
- Cultural Afterlives of Nineteenth-Century Writers
- Nineteenth-Century Literature and the Visual Arts
- Nineteenth-Century Women's Writing
- John Keats, Lord Byron, Jane Austen, the Brontes, George Eliot, Elizabeth Gaskell
Authored book
- Wootton, S. (2016). Byronic Heroes in Nineteenth-Century Women's Writing and Screen Adaptation. Palgrave Macmillan
- Wootton, S. (2006). Consuming Keats: Nineteenth-Century Representations in Art and Literature. Palgrave Macmillan
Chapter in book
- Wootton, S. (2024). Byron and the Victorians. In J. Shears, & A. Rawes (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Lord Byron (461-475). Oxford University Press.
- Wootton, S. (2022). John Keats and Scottish Artists. In K. Garner, & N. Roe (Eds.), John Keats and Romantic Scotland (188-210). Oxford University Press.
- Wootton, S. (2021). In-Between Byrons: Byronic Legacies in Women’s Poetry of the Late Romantic to Mid-Victorian Era. In C. Bucknell, & M. Ward (Eds.), Byron Among the English Poets: Literary Tradition and Poetic Legacy (235-250). Cambridge University Press.
- Wootton, S. (2017). Biographies and Film. In M. O'Neill (Ed.), John Keats in Context (9-18). Cambridge University Press.
- Wootton, S. (2015). Female Beauty and Portraits of Self-Effacement in Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre. In M. O'Neill, M. Sandy, & S. Wootton (Eds.), The persistence of beauty : Victorians to moderns (15-30). Pickering & Chatto
- Wootton, S. (2015). Keats's Visual Legacy in Book Illustration at the Turn of the Century. In K. Boyiopoulos, & M. Sandy (Eds.), Decadent Romanticism: 1780-1914 (75-87). Ashgate Publishing
- Wootton, S. (2013). Shelley, the Visual Arts, and Cinema. In M. O'Neill, & A. Howe (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Percy Bysshe Shelley (561-576). Oxford University Press
- Wootton, S. (2012). Here then is a maze to begin, be in': Michael Ondaatje's Byronic inheritance. In M. Sandy (Ed.), Romantic Presences in the Twentieth Century (163-174). Ashgate Publishing
- Wootton, S. (2012). Henry James's Venice and the Visual Arts. In M. O'Neill, M. Sandy, & S. Wootton (Eds.), Venice and the Cultural Imagination (127-140). Pickering & Chatto
- Wootton, S. (2010). Close Reading Romanticism. In D. Higgins, & S. Ruston (Eds.), Teaching Romanticism (134-145). Palgrave Macmillan
- Wootton, S. (2008). ''The wind blows cold out of the inner shrine of fear': Rossetti's Romantic Keats'. In M. Sandy, & A. Radford (Eds.), Romantic Echoes in the Victorian Era (51-66). Ashgate Publishing
- Wootton, S. (2007). ''Picturing in me a hero of romance': The Legacy of Jane Eyre's Byronic Hero'. In M. Rubik, & E. Mettinger-Schartmann (Eds.), A breath of fresh Eyre : intertextual and intermedial reworkings of Jane Eyre (229-242). Rodopi
- Wootton, S. (2005). Keats’s Poetry as a Common Thread in English and American Pre-Raphaelitism. In T. J. Tobin (Ed.), Worldwide Pre-Raphaelitism (279-301). SUNY Press
- Wootton, S. (1999). Ghastly Visualities: Keats and Victorian Art. In S. Ruston (Ed.), The Influence and Anxiety of the British Romantics: Spectres of Romanticism (159-180). Edwin Mellen Press
- Wootton, S. (1999). Reinventing Keats: The Late Victorian Letters of Dante Gabriel Rossetti and Thomas Hall Caine. In M. Hewitt (Ed.), Representing Victorian Lives (113-126). Trinity and All Saints
Edited book
- Wootton, S. (Ed.). (2022). Keats in 1819, Essays in Honour of Michael O’Neill. Edinburgh University Press
- Bautz, A., & Wootton, S. (Eds.). (2019). Bicentennial Essays on Jane Austen's Afterlives. Routledge
- Bautz, A., & Wootton, S. (Eds.). (2018). Bicentennial Essays on Jane Austen’s Afterlives. Special Issue of Women’s Writing. Taylor and Francis
- Wootton, S. (Ed.). (2016). Light. Special Issue of Romanticism. Edinburgh University Press
- O'Neill, M., Sandy, M., & Wootton, S. (Eds.). (2015). The Persistence of Beauty: Victorians to Moderns. Pickering & Chatto
- O'Neill, M., Sandy, M., & Wootton, S. (Eds.). (2012). Venice and the Cultural Imagination: 'This Strange Dream upon the Water'. Pickering & Chatto
- Sandy, M., & Wootton, S. (Eds.). (2008). Modelling the Self. Special issue of Romanticism and Victorianism on the Net. Consortium Erudit
Journal Article
- Wootton, S. (online). William Maw Egley's 'The Lady of Shalott'
- Wootton, S. (2024). Post-Romantic Relations: Percy Bysshe Shelley and Emily Brontё. The Wordsworth Circle, 55(1), 67-88.
- Wootton, S. (2022). Introduction: Keats in 1819, Essays in Honour of Michael O'Neill. Romanticism, 28(2), 113-117.
- Wootton, S. (2019). Obituary: Professor Michael O'Neill (1953-2018), The Byron Journal. The Byron Journal, 47(1), 1-3.
- Wootton, S. (2018). Revisiting Jane Austen as a Romantic Author in Literary Biopics. Women's Writing, 25(4), 536-548.
- Wootton, S. (2016). Emily Brontë's Darkling Tales. Romanticism, 22(3), 299-311.
- Wootton, S. (2008). 'The Changing Faces of the Byronic Hero in Middlemarch and North and South'. Romanticism, 14(1), 25-35.
- Wootton, S. (2008). "Into her Dream he Melted": Women Artists Remodelling Keats. Romanticism and Victorianism on the Net, 51,
- Wootton, S. (2007). The Byronic in Austen's 'Persuasion' and 'Pride and prejudice'. Modern Language Review, 102(1), 26-39
- Wootton, S. (2004). XII The Nineteenth Century: The Romantic Period. The Year's Work in English Studies, 83(1), 580-593.
- Wootton, S. (2001). ‘Thomas Hardy, King Albert’s Book and Poems of War and Patriotism’. Thomas Hardy journal, 17(2), pp. 70-75
Other (Print)