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Dr Zhuangkun Wei

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor in the Department of Engineering


Zhuangkun is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Engineering at Durham University, and also an Academic Visiting at the Department of Computing, Imperial College London. His research interests cover machine learning, and signal processing for wireless communications and UAV controls.  He has published over 30 papers in top IEEE, ACM, OSA, and Nature Group Publications (including 8 first-authored IEEE Transactions). The key research of Zhuangkun are:

  • Pointed out a new eavesdropping threat from the malicious usages of the advancing meta-surfaces that are designed for future 6G communications [PaperLink]. Then, an explainable adversarial learning-based physical layer secret key generation framework is proposed to address such eavesdropping [PaperLink]. Leveraging these outcomes, Zhuangkun led the postdoc researchers of Pillar 2 of the CHEDDAR project, collaborating with the groups of Prof. Qammer from Glasgow University, Prof. Ivan from Cranfield University, etc. for 6G demo in communications. 
  • Proposed control layer security: theory [PaperLink] and demos [DemoLink], to generate cipher keys to secure UAV-UAV communications, leveraging the cooperative intents and the common aerodynamics of swarm. 
  • Proposed to inversely infer the intents of a third-party UAV via its trajectory: control-physics informed inverse reinforcement learning (IRL) framework [PaperLink],[PaperLink]
  • Proposed graph sampling methodologies for sampling the nonlinear networked dynamics (e.g., water-pipe contaminant monitoring [PaperLink]) [PaperLink]
  • Another area Zhuangkun worked on is molecular communications, focusing on the computational efficiency algorithms to address inter-symbol interference (ISI) given the propagation of molecules [PaperLink][PaperLink].


Conference Paper

Journal Article

Supervision students