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Postgraduate programmes

Our postgraduate programmes are very international in focus and more than half of our postgraduate students are from overseas. The international outlook of the department is a vital element of our work and success. As well as increasingly recruiting international staff, our academics are members of global networks, regularly participate at international conferences and many are instantly recognised throughout the world for their publications and academic leadership.

Doctoral studies here are not purely centred on the writing of the thesis but include practical preparation for the academic job market, providing students with access to world-class study facilities and to a range of training and professional-development opportunities. This may include work as a teaching assistant or research assistant, or participation in the exchange or study abroad schemes.

Entry into a research course normally requires the completion of a taught MA, during which a proposal for independent research can be developed and refined. Examples of possible research areas can be found by browsing a list of current postgraduates.

Taught Courses

Explore our taught MA courses
Students sitting in the library, listening to a talk

Research Degrees

Want to undertake a PhD?
Dr Jonathan Miles-Watson during fieldwork in Shimla, India, 2009

Postgraduate Study

We house strong teams of scholars in Old Testament and Related Studies, Ancient Judaism, New Testament and Related Studies, Historical Theology (from late antiquity to the modern period), Systematic and Philosophical Theology, the Study of Religion, Religion and the Arts, Theology and Ethics, Theology and Science, Catholic Studies, Anglican Studies and Spirituality, Theology and Health. Our range of research seminars (to which all postgraduates are invited) testifies to our intellectual breadth.
Research Seminars
Shelf of books
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From North America to the UK: A Theology student talks about studying at Durham

Postgraduate student Haley talks about her experiences of studying in Durham, it’s historic setting, the friendly and supportive environment and the year she will never forget.

Discover our postgraduate programmes
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Discover Durham Virtually: Join our online PG Open Day

During March, we will be hosting sessions to share everything you need to know about postgraduate life at Durham University. Find out why you should choose Durham as your next study destination, how to apply and hear about our collegiate system. Where will a PG qualification take you?

Virtual PG Online Open Days at Durham University
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Look Closer at our Department of Theology and Religion

Discover the big picture and the little details of our Department of Theology and Religion.

More about our taught postgraduate courses