Welcome to our new Deputy Vice-Chancellor

We’re pleased to announce Professor Mike Shipman as our new Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Provost.
Introducing Mike…
Mike is currently Vice-President and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (International) and Professor in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Warwick, UK.
He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry and won its Meldola Medal.
Mike is responsible for Warwick’s international strategy and is their executive sponsor for race equality.
About his new role…
Mike will join us on 1 August 2023, succeeding Professor Richard Crisp, who has been Interim Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Provost since Professor Antony Long retired in December 2022.
He will lead on University-level resource planning and infrastructure and will have an active role in the delivery of our refreshed University Strategy, in ensuring that we integrate equality, diversity and inclusion into all of our strategic planning.
‘Formidable experience’
Professor Karen O’Brien, our Vice-Chancellor and Warden, said: “Mike brings formidable experience and will be critical in ensuring that we become even more globally competitive, through driving our ambitions in research and education, addressing issues of financial planning, and attracting and retaining high-calibre staff and students.
“We greatly look forward to supporting his successful transition from Warwick to Durham.”
Related links:
Meet our Senior Leadership Team
Find out more about the Provost’s Office