Durham Arctic Research Centre for Training and Interdisciplinary Collaboration (DurhamARCTIC)
About DurhamARCTIC
We present an ideal environment for interdisciplinary research and training on Arctic topics. Regularly ranked among the top 100 universities in the world and among the top 10 in the United Kingdom, Durham University is committed to Arctic studies.
As the charter English member of the University of the Arctic (UArctic) network, we have made a concerted investment in its Arctic profile, developing inter-university Arctic research and training initiatives. In a typical year, our staff manage between £1-2 million in live grants focused on Arctic research and training. Over 40 staff across our four faculties have expertise in Arctic research and at any given time over 20 PhD students are pursuing Arctic topics.
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Supporting innovative training
In addition to supporting interdisciplinary research initiatives, DurhamARCTIC hosted the Leverhulme Trust-funded ‘Interdisciplinary Understanding for a Changing Arctic’ doctoral training programme, which supported innovative training for students pursuing PhDs in Anthropology, Archaeology, Biosciences, Geography, History, Law, and Psychology.
In the top 10
of universities in the UK
Charter English member
of the University of the Arctic (UArctic) network
Over 20 PhD students
pursuing Arctic topics at any time
Over 40 staff
across the University's four faculties with expertise in Arctic research