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125th Anniversary Weekend of Celebration

On Saturday 22 March and Sunday 23 March, we welcomed over 70 St Mary’s alumni to celebrate 125 years of Marys with a dinner, a celebration of life and a play.
Joan Kenworthy Painting

125th Anniversary Play

Foot of the Hill Theatre Company has assembled a group of student writers to delve into the rich and empowering history of our beloved college from past to present.
125th Anniversary Play

St Mary's Alumni: Write for Mary's Magazine

Every academic year, St Mary’s staff, students and alumni come together to produce the Mary’s Magazine.
Marys Mag front cover

Continuing the anniversary celebrations throughout the 2024-2025 academic year

At St Mary’s College, we are continuing our 125th Anniversary celebrations throughout the 2024-2025 academic year, with a host of events to celebrate Mary’s as it was, as it is and at it will be in the future.
St Mary's Anniversary 125th anniversary logo

First home of St Mary's honoured with a blue plaque

On 22 November 2024, the original home of St Mary’s was honoured with a heritage blue plaque from the City of Durham Parish Council to mark the college’s 125th anniversary.
from Left, Anne Elliott, volunteer archivist at St. Mary’s College and alumna, Councillor Susan Walker, Chair of the City of Durham Parish Council and Councillor Carole Lattin, Chair of the City of Durham Parish Council’s Environment Committee and St Mary's alumna and College Principal Adrian Simpson

Margaret Bloomfield Scholarships

We are delighted to announce the launch of our Margaret Bloomfield Scholarships. Margaret Bloomfield (English Literature, St Mary’s College, 1944-47) left a generous gift to St Mary’s College that will prove transformational for a number of students and for the College.
Blac and white photo of young Margaret

St Mary's Alumni Society news

On September 14th, St Mary’s College Society (SMCS) hosted their AGM during the reunion weekend.
St Marys Fergusson building

St Mary's 125th anniversary gala dinner

On Wednesday 6 November, St Mary’s College hosted a gala dinner to celebrate our 125th anniversary.
Adrian Simpson with the Chancellor and Vice Chancellor

St Mary's alumni at matriculation

To celebrate the 125th Anniversary of St Mary's College, Principal Adrian Simpson invited our alumni to take part in University's annual matriculation ceremony. The ceremony officially welcomes the new intake of students as they begin their University journey.
St Mary's Alumnae on Prebends Bridge with Alumni Officer, Kellie Horrocks

Blue Plaque - Professor Dame Rosemary Cramp

On Friday 4th October 2024 a blue plaque was unveiled at 12, Church Street, Durham to recognise Professor Dame Rosemary Cramp.
Rosemary Cramp Blue Plaque

St Mary's Alumni Society Reunion 2024

News from the St Mary's Reunion Weekend 2024
Alumni at St Mary's College reunion 2024

St Mary's London After Hours

On May 8th, 2024, St Mary's hosted an alumni event at The Counting House in London.
Adrian Simpson with St Mary's Alumni in London