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St Mary's Alumnae on Prebends Bridge with Alumni Officer, Kellie Horrocks

To celebrate the 125th Anniversary of St Mary's College, Principal Adrian Simpson invited our alumni to take part in University's annual matriculation ceremony. The ceremony officially welcomes the new intake of students as they begin their University journey.

It was a pleasure to welcome the 13 St Mary’s graduates from 1966-1987 to participate in the ceremony. The weather was perfect for such a special event, which is not always guaranteed in North East England.

Revisiting College

The day began at St Mary’s College where we welcomed our guests in the Senior Common Room.

Lunch was served at high table in the dining room with the Principal, Vice-Principal Kate Morrey and Alumni Officer Kellie Horrocks. Our visitors enjoyed watching this year's incoming undergraduate and postgraduate students having their group photo taken outside Fergusson building, as this is something they also will have done when they first arrived to begin their studies.

The walk to the Cathedral

After lunch, the group appreciated the familiar procession from St Mary’s College, over Prebends Bridge to Durham Cathedral’s Chapter House. The alumni joined the staff procession and were seated in the Cathedral alongside the Mayor of Durham, Liz Brown. After speeches from our Vice-Chancellor, Professor Karen O'Brien and Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Colleges and Student Experience, Jeremy Cook OBE, our guests greeted the new students by shaking hands and welcoming them to Durham University.

After the service, we made our way back to College with our new students across Prebends Bridge. In a St Mary’s tradition, student freps (freshers reps) welcomed the new cohort by playing music and banging pots and pans.

Happy memories

The day ended with refreshments in the Senior Common Room where there was plenty of time for for catching with old friends, reminiscing and looking forward to the 125th Anniversary and plans for the college's future with the Principal. 

We would like to thank those who joined us for the ceremony, we look forward to welcoming you to St Mary’s again soon.

What our guests said:

“Being invited to join the 2024 Matriculation for St Mary’s new undergraduates was very special.  It was wonderful to be back in College and then to process over Prebends Bridge to the Cathedral. Meeting an old friend and hearing other alumni talk about their days at Mary’s just added to the experience.  I now have another lovely memory of Mary’s to add to those of 40 years ago.”
Janet Bellwood

“It was a privilege to be present at the matriculation ceremony in the Cathedral, sharing with the new students the start of their Durham journey. The speeches, and the whole event, were very uplifting”
Suzanne Orian

“It was such a joy and privilege to join the principal, members of College, the university and the cathedral to see the new Mary’s students matriculate. I was overjoyed to meet a college friend I had lost touch with and catch up on 40 years of news. It brought back the joy of being part of the St Mary’s community. A bond which lasted all these years. A highlight on a day of highlights”
Jessica Giles nee Kill

'It was a privilege to return to Mary's and join in the matriculation ceremony 61 years after my own matriculation.  Such a happy occasion. I particularly enjoyed shaking hands with so many of the Freshers filling the Cathedral.'
Carole Lattin nee Millington

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