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Male and female student emerging from the Disability Support centre in the Palatine buildingPurple Line Separator

How do I set up support?

It’s important to note if you’ve previously had academic adjustments at school or college support doesn’t automatically roll over to university. Similarly, disclosing a disability on your university application form isn’t enough by itself to get the support you need in place. Thankfully, setting up support at Durham can be done by following the simple steps below.


Step 1: Complete our ‘Tell us More Form.

If you disclose a disability on your university application, we will contact you and ask you to complete our Tell Us More Form. This form gives you the opportunity to: tell us about your condition; the support you think you’ll need, and any support you’ve had in place before.

Step 2: Send us medical evidence of your condition.

We’ll need you to provide a medical letter or psychological diagnostic assessment report detailing your diagnosis and the impact your condition has on your ability to study. We’ve provided guidance on acceptable medical evidence but encourage you to contact us if you’re not sure about anything. You can upload your documents when you complete the Tell Us More Form or email it to us.

Step 3: Set up an appointment with an Adviser

When you arrive in Durham, you’ll need to contact us, to request an appointment with a Disability Adviser. We’ll have a chat about your condition and the impact on your studies. We’ll then look at the most appropriate academic adjustments to support you throughout your course and draw up your Disability Support Plan (DSP).

So, if you’re preparing to come to Durham and want to set up support, remember support doesn’t automatically roll over from school/college. You need to:

  1. Complete our Tell Us More Form 
  2. Organise your medical evidence  
  3. Email us to set up an appointment with a Disability Adviser on your arrival.

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