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Postgraduate Study

We are living through a time of unprecedented change on the Earth. Scientific understanding of hazards, sustainability, infrastructure, climate change, energy, natural resources and anthropogenic influence on our planet have never been so important.

We aspire to help shape and improve the future by training the next generation of Earth Scientists through provision of high quality postgraduate training and research opportunities.
Explore our research degrees
Person excavating rocks

Postgraduate students are at the heart of the Department's research activities. Our community has >60 students from countries around the world. All students are supervised by at least two members of academic staff and encouraged to present and promote their research at international conferences and by publication in leading scientific journals.

We currently offer the following degree programmes:

  • PhD in Geology, Geophysics, or Geological Sciences (3-4 years full-time study)
  • MPhil by Research (2 year full time study)
  • MSc by Research (1-year full-time study)
  • Taught MSc Courses (1-year full-time study)

Part-time degree programmes are normally twice the length of the equivalent full-time programme.

Each postgraduate must have a member of staff willing to supervise their research. Therefore, prospective students are strongly encouraged to contact individual members of staff or research groups to develop their ideas and enquire about available projects.

Information about PhD projects can be found on the following page

A list of MSc projects can be found on the following pages

Information about taught MSc courses can be found here.

The department participates in nationally funded doctoral training programs:

Alongside these programmes we welcome industry; self funded students; and students from across the globe.

Stephen Mills Scholarships.

Two scholarships available for UK students to undertake MSc by research projects in Durham Earth Sciences. List of MSc by research projects can be found at: MSc in Earth Sciences - Durham University. For further details of the scholarship contact:


Student stands in front of Durham Cathedral laughing with others at congregation ceremony

Achieve the outstanding with our Inspiring Excellence Scholarship

International students apply now for £5,000 or £10,000 towards postgraduate programme fees.

Find out more
Energy and Society field trip 2015 to Ravenscar


We welcome all general enquiries via address

Contact the Department

Training and research environment

Postgraduate students are at the heart of the Department's research activities. All students are encouraged to present and promote their research at international conferences and by publication in leading scientific journals.

Students are supervised by at least two members of academic staff and receive specialised research training from their supervisors and other members of the Department. Postgraduate research is commonly embedded in our world-leading research groups and facilities.
Find out more about our research groups
People sat near a cliff
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Broaden your horizons with our Postgraduate Support Scholarships

We've announced 100 scholarships to support eligible UK students from low and middle income households who apply for postgraduate study in September 2025. The scholarships will consist of £3,000 per year for taught programmes or £2,000 per year for MRes programmes.

Find out more about eligibility and how to apply