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Undergraduate courses

We offer a balanced honours degree programme which allows choice from a wide spectrum of pure mathematics, applied mathematics (including mathematical physics) and statistics. There are four degree programmes you can apply to directly in the Department of Mathematical Sciences: two mathematics programmes (3 year BSc (G100) and four year MMath (G103)) as well as two mathematics and statistics programmes (3 year BSc (G111) and the four year MMath (G114)).

BSc Mathematics

The BSc Mathematics offers the opportunity to study a broad range of topics in pure and applied mathematics and statistics.
Algebra on the page

MMath Mathematics

The MMath in Mathematics is ideal preparation for a career involving research or high-level mathematical skills.
Algebra on the page

BSc Mathematics and Statistics

Combining the study of statistical principles with real-world application, this degree prepares you for a career in an increasingly data-driven world.
Differential and integral calculus on a blackboard

MMath Mathematics and Statistics

Take your knowledge of mathematical techniques and statistical principles to a higher level.
Digital statistics graphics



University student
Studying Maths at Durham was a great privilege. I had access to some of the greatest academics in their respective fields who always made time for my questions and prioritised my understanding above all. Having a brand new, modern facility during my studies was extremely helpful also. The skills I learned across my 3 years enabled me to secure a graduate role at a big-4 company.

Eamonn Dineen
Business Modelling and Analytics Associate, Deloitte.



University student
I really enjoyed the project in my third year. It’s a unique opportunity to work with the academics in the department and take the course in a direction no other student is. My supervisor took a real interest in my future after the course and was a valuable source of advice.

Chris Long
Mathematics graduate, Durham University

Overview courses

Please click on the boxes above to find out more about each course.Overview UG courses

Success in the first year examinations qualifies you for admission to year 2; your final degree classification is then based on your results from year 2 onwards.  For most modules, assessment is based primarily on end of year examinations. Exceptions include Mathematical Modelling II, Project III, Mathematics Teaching III and Project IV which are assessed via written reports, student presentations & posters.

Note that the application for the four courses is identical and we recommend you take the Test of Mathematics for University Admission, see How to Apply for more details.


Programmes with a year away

In addition there are a number of programmes involving a year away from Durham. You do not apply directly to these but transfer on to them during your second year. They include:

  • MMath (European Studies)
  • BSc Mathematics with Year Abroad                                                                
  • BSc Mathematics with Placement
  • MMath with Placement
  • MMath with Year Abroad

Joint Mathematics Programmes

There is also the opportunity to study mathematics as part of a three or four year Natural Sciences degree programme. This includes specific Joint Honours programmes.  On the 3 year, BSc, course Joint Honours programmes are offered which combine Mathematics with any 1 of: Chemistry, Computer Science, Economics, Philosophy, Physics, Psychology or Biology.  The 4 year, MSci, course options are Chemistry, Computer Science and Physics.

Admission to these programmes is via Natural Sciences


Discover more

  • How to apply

    Find out more about how to apply to our undergraduate courses.

    Two students working together on laptop
  • About us

    Find out more about the Department of Mathematical Sciences.

    Lecturer writing on a blackboard

How to apply

Find out more about how to apply to our undergraduate courses.

Two students working together on laptop

About us

Find out more about the Department of Mathematical Sciences.

Lecturer writing on a blackboard


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Graduates standing in line

Postgraduate study

Find out more about our postgraduate programmes.