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Welcome to our UK General Election 2024 Hub

A UK General Election provides an opportunity to talk about the most important issues facing society today. As a global university, our research informs and shapes policy, transforming lives for the better, locally, nationally and globally.

Durham University has experts in a wide range of topic areas, covering politics, energy and environment, education, international affairs, law, economy, and social policy.
Academic Commentary and Expertise
Person walking past polling station sign
People in smart clothing sitting in a circle on chairs

Voting as a student

You probably know that a general election has been called for Thursday 4 July 2024, so are you ready to have your say and cast your vote? Your vote matters.

Learn more about voting Visit the Electoral Commission website

Latest news and thought leadership

Labour’s plan to tax private school fees has drawbacks – but it could be better for society

The Labour party has confirmed its intention to end this VAT exemption for private schools if elected to government. Professor Stephen Gorard, from our School of Education, has assessed the pros and cons of what this would mean for the British public if implemented.
Empty classroom desks and chairs in front of a notice board

Durham Law expert joins call to change law on image-based abuse

Professor Clare McGlynn in Durham Law School is playing a key role in a new national campaign to demand a change in the law surrounding image-based abuse.
Close up of a woman's hand operating a mobile phone

A Russell Group Manifesto

As a Russell Group university, we are ready to work with the next Government to strive for an innovation-led economy – to build prosperity, support families, reduce inequality and secure the UK's position on the world stage.

A wish for the next government - Vice-Chancellor Karen O'Brien

Professor Karen O'Brien - landscape style - books - smiling“I am always so concerned that young people today face disadvantages and challenges that are far greater than my generation, and that they are outnumbered by us older folks. As the 4th July approaches, I have been recalling the words of Thomas Jefferson, the leading author of the American Declaration of Independence: ‘I am increasingly persuaded that the earth belongs exclusively to the living and that one generation has no more right to bind another to its laws and judgments than one independent nation has the right to command another.’

"I worry that we have become a backwards-looking country. We are right to pride ourselves on what we can build on from the past, but we cannot dwell on our past. We need to focus on the needs of this generation and future generations as they face an economically and geopolitically uncertain future in a context of climate crisis.

"My wish is that the incoming government looks to the future through the eyes of our students and young people. They should re-read the 1997 UNESCO Declaration of the responsibilities of the present generations towards future generations.  I hope we can all put the rights, education and needs of children and young adults first, and do everything we can to give them an earth that is in a fit state to belong to them.”

Professor Karen O’Brien

Vice-Chancellor, Durham University

In response to The QT’s interview question ‘one wish that the next government could make come true’. Link to article:


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