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Traded species have distinctive life histories with extended reproductive lifecycles

A new study has revealed that vertebrate species involved in the live wildlife trade have distinctive life history traits that determine the frequency and timing of reproduction.

Professor Jas Pal Badyal FRS has been appointed Wales Chief Scientific Adviser

Our very own Professor Jas Pal Badyal from our top-rated Chemistry Department has been appointed as the new Chief Scientific Adviser for Wales Government.
Jas Pal Badyal

Durham University receives prestigious Leverhulme International Professorship award

Professor Jonathan Heddle is set to join Durham University thanks to a £4.8million Leverhulme International Professorship award.
Professor Jonathan Heddle

Unravelling the mystery of the Milky Way’s satellite galaxies

Our astronomers have solved an outstanding problem that challenged our understanding of how the Universe evolved.
High-resolution simulations of the dark matter enveloping the Milky Way and its neighbour, the Andromeda galaxy.

Durham University Chancellor to deliver prestigious BBC Reith Lecture

Our new Chancellor Fiona Hill is among four leading thinkers chosen to deliver a prestigious BBC Reith Lecture this December.
Fiona Hill giving a speech

Durham climate expert chosen for prestigious panel

A Durham University expert on climate change has been appointed to the governing body of the European Research Council (ERC).
Professor Harriet Bulkeley in front of trees, looking off-camera

Durham joins Nature Positive Universities Alliance

We are delighted to join the Nature Positive Universities Alliance as a founding member.
Nature positive

Congratulations to all our graduating students

We are looking forward to an exciting two days of Winter Congregation ceremonies in Durham Cathedral for our graduates. A total of six ceremonies will take place on Thursday 5 and Friday 6 January 2023. Students from 120 countries will graduate in the magnificent setting of Durham Cathedral, in the company of their families and friends. 

Shipping must accelerate its decarbonisation efforts – and now it has the opportunity to do so

Dr Christiaan De Beukelaer, a visiting fellow at our Institute of Advanced Study, describes how shipping must reach zero carbon emissions.
A shipping boat.

Scientists decrypt the ‘mechanical code’ of DNA

Our highly-rated Department of Biosciences has helped to decipher the mechanical code of DNA.
DNA code

Professor Sue Black named on new Diversity Power List

We’re thrilled to announce that Professor Sue Black OBE has been recognised in a brand-new Diversity Power List, honouring 50 of the UK’s most inclusive and inspirational people.
Image of female with red hair and black glasses with title Power Diversity list