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About Us

Mathematical Sciences is a thriving, friendly department of around 100 permanent staff with an annual intake of about 300 Single Honours undergraduates plus many Joint Honours students.
Read the Department's latest news
Students sitting in class while the tutor points to the blackboard.

High-quality research and teaching

We set the highest standards in research-led education, linking research and education in distinctive and creative ways.  The Complete University Guide and Guides published by The Guardian, the Times and rank Durham in the UK’s top 10 both as a University and for Mathematics.

Undergraduate and postgraduate programmes

We offer a balanced honours degree programme which allows choice from a wide spectrum of pure mathematics, applied mathematics (including mathematical physics) and statistics. Our courses can also be taken in combination with other subjects through the Natural Sciences programme, a route followed by around 180 students per year.

The overall aim of our honours mathematics programmes is to train our students as members of the community of professional mathematicians. Our programmes aim to develop students' capacity for critical thinking, problem-solving and independent learning, which will enable our students to meet a variety of challenges. We seek to develop both the generic and subject-specific skills required to equip our students to pursue a range of careers.

Opportunities for students to develop their understanding of mathematics as a professional practice and to prepare for work are not only provided by the formal degree programme. The Department works closely with its students through the undergraduate MathSoc to attract exciting external speakers for its undergraduate colloquium programme.


Department of Mathematical Studies Virtual Tour

Have a look around our new, purpose built home. Take advantage of our self-guided virtual tour below, where you can digitally explore the Department building.


Our vision

During the 10 years to 2027 the Department aims to have doubled its permanent staff and UG numbers without compromising on the quality of student entry tariffs or the high calibre of the researchers we recruit. We will have the ability, time and infrastructural support to enable the delivery of world-leading research across the breadth of the mathematical sciences in conjunction with the provision of a top quality student learning experience.

Our address

Department of Mathematical Sciences

Mathematical Sciences & Computer Science Building

Durham University

Upper Mountjoy Campus

Stockton Road

Durham  DH1 3LE

Get in touch
Estates projects Maths building

Location of the Department of Mathematical Sciences

The Department is situated on the Science Site to the south of the city centre, within easy reach of all Durham colleges and close to the University Library.

Discover more

Learn more about our members of staff, job opportunities, our research and research areas and seminars and events. 


Find out more about the members of staff at the Department of Mathematical Sciences.
Diversity amongst staff in Mathematical Sciences

Research Areas

Find out about our research groups, their research interests and members of staff.
Equations on blackboard

Open Positions

Find out more about current open positions at the Department of Mathematical Sciences.
A lecturer speaking to a room full of mature students


Find out more about all available fellowships, their deadlines and who to contact.
limestone quarry, a wall of stones

Seminars and Events

Find out more about our seminars, colloquia, and other upcoming events.
Image of a calendar